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When I think of social conservatism, I think ISIS, the KKK, Neo-Nazis,
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When I think of social conservatism, I think ISIS, the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and Donald Trump. Is there such thing as a social conservative who isn't a terrible person? I feel like I might be bigoted, but can you be bigoted towards bigots?

liberalism is a mental disorder, anon.

Both sides are shit. Think for yourselves.
When filling your country with non whites is your idea of something morally good it's difficult not to seem like a terrible person without being a total c,uck beta.
The thing is that Nazis and Isis are murderers. Trump wants to protect America from murderers, whether or not it means offending people in the process.
>can you be bigoted towards bigots?

no because bigoted means power plus prejedice, but since bigoted has the power, if you're bigoted towards bigoted then they still have the power so it's not racist
prove right now that Trump has never killed anyone
Have we gone full tumblr? Holy shit this level autism is unprecedented. Get off my board you literal retard and off yourself
> bigot
> noun
> noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots
> a person who is intolerant toward those
>holding different opinions.
so yes you can but it also makes you a hypocrite
typical bigot, can't even use logic and reason to support their opinions so resorts to name calling.

good thing your father left home because parenting would have been wasted on you anyways.
How does it feel to have your brain blended by media sources?
Prove that he has
This is more easily answered by trying to prove that he has, as with any case of criminality.

Also apparently some liberals want Trump assassinated, they are truly insane...

>anon points out a fact about you that you revealed in the way you wrote your post
>just accuses him of name calling to pretend he doesn't have a valid point
What's wrong with being a bigot or a racist?
>Also apparently some liberals want Trump assassinated
Well what do you expect? Trump's a very extreme conservative + some other stuff lel
so naturally the extreme libreals are going to dislike him more than they would a moderate conservative
Also theres the whole thing that he looks like a valid candidate that might win etc which makes them feel really threatened
you're the one who made the accusation that he'd never killed anyone. so the burden of proof is on you.
>Trump will be POTUS in your lifetime and there's NOTHING lefties can do about it
Wew lads whos ready?
>bigoted means power plus prejedice
links to definition of this pls
Innocent until proven guilty

b L o c k
> implying you being a tripfag doesn't reveal the fact that you're more desperate for attention than the worst femino tumblerina
> implying my original post didn't just point out the scientifically accepted definition for the word bigoted, which both of you have still been unable to provide any evidence or argument against
This, what benefot does muh diversity even bring? In any country that is a democracy by letting in mass immigration you are dilevlberately surrendering your country to said immigrants. There is also no good reason to let in a poisonous religion like islam.
It's funny how you refuted his assumed Ad Hominem attack with an Ad Hominem Attack.
u nigger which im calling you for missing my post and also because I need content which this is :^)
the first guy didnt use ad homs, just insults
but non serious comments dont deserve serious replies anyways
to your Latin I reply
I know you are but what am I
So is his pint discarded? Because i could argue that his point still stands
what point? he just called him a tumblrtard. thats not a point anymore than calling someone a doodoohead is a point
But is it really an insult though?
>bigoted means power plus prejudice.
Isn't that statement Timblr?

Or is it true?
>Isn't that statement Timblr?
>Or is it true?
only a farty pants would say that
The word you're looking for is "a kek."
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