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Daily reminder that feminists would consider this rape
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File: Poketouch.png (311 KB, 499x356) Image search: [Google]
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Daily reminder that feminists would consider this rape

>bitch pops out of the bushes and goes

"eek did you touch me?"
File: ree.jpg (18 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
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fucking stacie reeee
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Everything is just so problematic.
desu even if sex is consensual, it could still be rape

think about it
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>sex is consensual
>still be rape
You know it's terrifying that feminazi actually thinks like that.
your trip opinion doesnt count, get off my board nomrmie ereeee
>Think about it
>Doesn't give an explanation
Do you know how discussions work? I hate to say it but the trip is right.
File: rapeaxis.png (163 KB, 507x414) Image search: [Google]
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>made a whole axis to talk about definitiona and classifications of rape
(The currently tiled section is the modern western definition.)
>nobody likes it and everybody thinks I have autism
this is very autistic

you are an autist
It would help if you labelled the axes with real words.
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