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Let's do this. Choose a team, tripcode, colour and starting location
>OP rolling for myself
norweigan masterrace
Tripcode and colour
Forgot tripcode.
No probs
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>OP rolling for me
Rolling towards the South of Germany.
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Anyone who wants to join just provide the required info
>OP rolls for meinself
Roll towards Western Germany.

>the Kaiser is pleased with the conquest in the South
So close to trips, famalam. That's what a 0 gets yah.
OP will be back soon.
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>tfw muted
>OP rolling
Rolling to the North-West.
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>tfw chink moot did this
OP rolls
How did you get the Spain territory?

The German war machine begins it's conquest. North, into Denmark.
Can I be France please? Blue.
Forgot to mention that you can start a single colony abroad.
Sure thing. Add a tripcode though famalam.
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Forgot pic
>OP rolling

Forgot my roll m8

The German's sail to the North to take the Nordic isle of Iceland.
I'll take Light Green and start at Istanbul / European Turkey, thanks.
Ok, so how does this work? Do I roll and then what?
Tell me what you want to do and i'll expand in that way or attack that person.
Sorry, lad. Added both turns.
Alrighty then, I'll start with the area around paris and expand towards Brittany.
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>allahu akbar! filthy turks in europa!
>filthy turks in Europe
nah, just going to make a space-filling empire taking the parts of the world no one wants
>Expand East into Turkey
>OP rolls for Portugal and Brittany
The Reich encounters the English, a respectable people.

Will you accept my offer of alliance?
Roll for Normandy and Alsace Lorraine region, also small expansion in the south.

W-what if France wants Brittany, do we have to have a war?
>I will make it clear, I will not ally with the British if he allies with the French.
Of course, let the world tremble before the Anglo-Aryan union!
Willing to negotiate Normandy for Brittany?
What should I use your dubs for?
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Dubs to be used on the homeland of vermin...

N-no, all French speaking regions must be united under French Empire!

In return, I will give you a free hand in all of Iberian peninsula and will not meddle in North Africa, if you would agree to stay out of metropolitan France
Persian Empire
Light Green

Rolling, bitches.
>light green
Is Ataturk gonna have to slap a bitch?
A nice change of pace from spanking your monkey, wouldn't it?
>OP rolls
Agreed, for now
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>tfw forgot map twice in a row
The war machine continues its march into Poland.
The Ottoman Empire will finish [hopefully] taking Turkey. Drive into Syria if there's anything left.
expand into Anatolia and north into the Caucuses and into Russia.
France seizes the rest of Brittany and expands eastward to Germanys doorstep. France would also take lands to the south.

How much do I get to claim a turn btw? Germany gets a shit ton of Poland last turn, I got dubs too.
So are we going to kill each other while Europe laughs, or can we make a deal?
You didn't get dubs with your first roll though senpai.
Ok then I understand. Are my demands reasonable this time for singles then?
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>added a new faction which will just expand around its territory by 5 each turn

>OP rolls
You got a 0, which is 25 territories. You basically doubled in size m8
Can I join still? Western Ukraine, Cyan
Germany begins the genocide of the Polish.

Move South into Switzerland.
1. Finish taking Syria
2. Defend against Persia
3. Expand into Northern Iraq
Germany France would like to trade Alsace Lorraine with you in exchange for a guarantee that the southern half of Switzerland and further south will be untouched by the German Reich.
France would take the remainder of the Netherlands and expand to the south.
>persia skips a go

>OP rolls
A message to the French.

Germany would like you to dissolve into it's Reich, on the condition that we will not destroy your entire nation.
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>3 times in a row
[this isn't a roll post since the map isn't up]
Damn, when the update came, I was about to write that I'd use the remainder after taking Iraq and Syria to push the Persians out of Turkey.
Let us make a deal.

Everything south of Iraq's bunny ears is yours.

You may have Palestine, but you may NOT enslave the Jews and all peoples of all religions must be allowed to practice their faiths freely.

Leave the Armenians alone, and for that matter, leave all the Caucasian and Balkans peoples alone. Don't genocide and do not kidnap babies to turn into janissaries.

If this is all understood, we may sign a Non-Aggression-Pact.

Rolling to expand towards Ukraine. If overflow, expand towards India.
Germany awaits an answer from the French "Empire"

For now, it continues it's march into the East.
Absolutely NOT. France has its own plans for an atheistic continental European system.
Expand into northeastern russia. Hey Germany, How's a non aggression pact sound? plsdonthurtme
I already have Iraq. I'm not planning on enslaving any non-muslims as long as they agree to pay the jizya. I'll leave the balkans alone until some future time, and I don't care about the Caucasus region. In exchange, you give up your claims in Anatolia and we can have that NAP.
France expands into southern switzerland and the remainder goes to continued expansion in southern France.
Regretfully, the destruction of France is assured. Enjoy life while it lasts, "Emperor" of France.

>no tripcode
*Sighs* more junk mail...
Why me?! ;_;
[roll post]
Expand south into Saudi Arabia.

What are your intentions in Africa, England?
Fuck, sorry. Replying to multiple threads at once and I forgot. Move into northeastern russia.
My offer is final as is. You may take it or leave it.

Sorry, Ukraine. That order was taken before my advisors gave me word of your federation's rise.

Persia promises to respect your land's sovereignty.

Persia sets its sights towards the Greater Iranian plateau, India, Russia, and Bulgaria.
Now that the Reich's position in Europe is assured, it is time to inform you all of my demands and intentions.

1. The Reich does not wish to expand further than Europe, the birthplace of the Aryans. Any nations south of the Med, or South of Russia can consider themselves safe.

2. To the European nations relinquish all your land to the Reich, OR ally yourself with the Reich, and begin the systematic purging of undesirables from your nations.

Failure to meet these demands will lead to your destruction.
This sabre rattling will not end well for the German Reich.

Frances population is exploding as food production soars.

Conscription is in place, and the French Military is to be referred to as the Grand Army of the Republic.
I stand with my Aryan brothers already. I will fight by your side!
Bah a conscription? Pathetic.

Soldiers of the Wehrmacht do not need conscription, they know their duty and will fight willingly.
Ukraine, we should ally to stand against German aggression. The French don't hold grudges against the slavic people, while the Germans want their destruction.
>the birthplace of the Aryans.

I beg your pardon, but I believe you are gravely mistaken, cousin.
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>Vatican City State arises
May our Alliance prosper!

The Reich gifts you the two Northern parts of Iceland, keeping the South-West to itself.

Any help required in the termination of undesirables shall be given willingly.

We may need to deal with the annoying issue of France soon brother.
(This is the first roll)

Roll to the West, the war against France begins now! Join me British brothers, let us crush the cowardly Republic!
Rolling to claim the rest of Greater Iran as rightful clay.

(Greater Iran being Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan.)
>OP rolls
Graciously accepted, brother. Long live the Anglo-Aryan Union!
Agreed. Let us allow them to make the first move, however, so that we appear to be the victims of aggression.
[not a roll post]
I have to wonder about the sanity of the Germans, by not knowing where Caucasians come from and bring willing to start a three front war to take 5 Muslim provinces of Europe. Please clarify your position in regards to the Sublime Porte.
No Anatolia. No deal. Consider us to be at a state of war.
I SAID NORTHEASTERN RUSSIA, GOD DAMMIT. Whatever, take western ukraine and southern belarus.
Roll to counter German agression and repulse the invaders into their industrial heartland, out time is now.
[roll post]
The Ottoman Empire will defend it's lands against Persian aggression and push the Persian invaders out of Eastern Anatolia
DUBS GERMANY BTFO, soon French shops will sell the plundered goods from German homes.
(Not a roll.)

The Caucasian was born in the lands of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The lands of Germany elevated him to so much more, thus the Aryan.
(Not a roll).

In defeat, we only grow stronger...

British brothers, begin your assault!
[not rolling]
But are you willing to open another front just to take five provinces that you will have to liquidate to get any use out of?
(Not a roll).

*Bane voice* OF COURSE
Ukraine, the French Empire extends its offer of friendship once more.

Stand with France against Germany together or we both perish alone.
I accept. Let's screw over Germany.
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>just fuck my germany up family
*Propaganda Intensifies*


Rolls towards the French line
Good, good. Push Germany out of Ukraine and belarus completely. Anything left should be used to expand north.
Conquer the barbarian hordes.

Attack the Ottomans.
The first priority is to retake Normandy from the British and then defend against further British incursions into the Northern coast.

If the Grand Army of the Republic is up to it, seizing Switzerland and moving North into Bavaria is the next move.

Defend against the Persians...if they have anything left after dealing with the barbarians. If I have anything left after defending against the Persian attack, counterattack through Armenia and Azerbaijan to the Caspian Sea.

I was willing to stay out of the Caucasus. You brought this on yourself.
Germany, in exchange for ceding Switzerland to France and promising to leave Western Austria for France, we may see a way to cede back the land taken and end this conflict.
The war goes well Ukraine, hopefully your offensive against the German Reichs eastern frontier goes well, once they are out of Ukraine perhaps we will be able to make peace.
We will either take all, or lose everything.

It is your move, French butterfingers.
I too will end hostilities if you pull out of west ukraine.
[not rolling]
Can you say what you want to do when you roll? It's just weird that everyone else's plans are in the open and yours aren't.

Also, I've noticed you're in Yemen, horrible place Yemen. I assume we are at peace, correct?
Then the war will continue, France will split The German Reich between itself and Ukraine. Ukraine may decide what to do with Poland, while Germany will be Frances springboard into Scandinavia.
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welp, we tried
It seems I am being overrun by the vermin...

I propose an alliance between us, you will both have full ownership of the Middle East between you, all I ask is for the help of your great nations in the war against the undesirables.

We respect the Arabs, and will stay out of your land regardless.
Wew lad couldve used that 69 earlier
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>mfw rolled a 69 on a non-roll post and a 4 on my roll post
>Refers to the Ottomans and Persians
>uses word "Arabs"

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>OP expands into Brittany
Yeah brother, we cool. I just need Yemen to get to India, family.
I'm not very historical, apologies.

Regardless, the offer still stands.
The Britons have monopolized slavery and slave trading, and we can now conscript large amounts of nigger onogo bongo warriors into our ranks
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The German war machine smashes into the French line with renewed fury.

It's offer of Alliance still stands with the Ottomans and Persians.

Please Britain, we must defeat them soon...
Finish off the germans in ukraine, begin moving into poland. Stop at Germany so France can take control. As usual, anything left gets put toward moving north.
[not rolling]
These Germans, man.
So peace? I'm not going to repeat the mistakes of the Armenian genocide and kill all those potential big assed cuties. I'd rather just put a few in my harem. Everything to the East of our current line can be yours.
You do understand that to do anything, that we would need to conquer European Romania and Bulgaria? And that afterwards we would hold the Crimea and your proposed Ukrainian lebensraum?
Ok, just making sure.
Whatever it takes to assume command of Europe.
France will use its primary army group to repulse the German advance into Alsace Lorraine and encircle the German army there.

Next priority is the continued defence against Britain.

The remainder of the force will advance along Germanys Northern coast, pushing towards Denmark.
HOLY FUCK that could have been brutal. Thank the gods!
Shit, I hope the Persians stop this war.

We will continue to defend along the current border with Persia, in hope of securing a lesting peace. If anything's left, we will secure the UAE and Oman.
Brother, I propose moving our forces to meet in Northern France, then pushing the French east towards Germany.
Give me the Caucuses and give me Cyprus and you have a deal.

Recognize us Persians as your Aryan equals to the east and you may sign a non-agression pact with us. I have already promised the Ukrainians not to meddle in their affairs so I cannot help you with any plans against their best interests.

Roll to take Greater Iran and the Balkans.
I may not have had a very good roll, but at least I didnt roll a trips when it didnt count.

It is only a matter of time, the Grand Army of the Republic is steamrolling the forces of the Wehrmacht step by step with its Ukrainian allies.
Good plan. For the Germanic Peoples!
I will sign your pact, but only if you agree to break your promise to the Ukrainians.

History will not favour you... But history can be re-written brother.
Well I'm at war right now, we'll see what happens if the Persians come to see reason.
You can have Azerbaijan only, and that's just so you can have a escape route north when the Brits finally decide to come for you. Take the deal, or I'm heading for Shiraz next.
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>for the Germanic peoples
OP rolls for African expansion
Into France... Poland can be lost, and retaken.

BLITZKRIEG! Smash the north of France
I claim Austria as territory.
Name: Habsburg Monarchy
Location: Austria
Color: Brown

Action: In the name of the ancestors, we will restore the Holy Roman Empire! We advance towards czeck republic and annex it into our empire!

The HRE will rise once again!
The habsburg K&K Monarchy will rise!
Push the British out of Brittany and defend against all further incursions first

Next, push the Germans out of the Netherlands and advance along the northern coast towards Denmark.

The Ottoman Empire shall be ours.

Focus all efforts on waging war with Ottomans.

You have a deal. OP, make arrangements for a NAP between the Persian Empire and the German Reich.
Focus all efforts on defeating the Persians.
Thank you brother, I ask only that you begin the conquest against the Ukrainians, I cannot hold two lines at once.

God bless your great nations
What do we make of this new player?

Austria, do you think we can work out a deal in which all of Germany is ceded to you in the event of our victory, un exchange for respecting French claims to Northern Italy?
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Dlya vil'noho UKRAYINY
Austria, brother I would rule Europe with you by my side, only help me defeat the dastardly French.

I will grant you all of Switzerland, France and Spain.
Really kid, leaving Germany hanging tbqh

This is even worse than the time Hitler chose to go after the caucasus instead of Moscow
Not Spain, my apologies Britain.
On behalf of the Kaiser, the Habsburg Monarchy offers its assistance in the battle against the islamic hordes of the ottoman empire. In return, we only demand a non-agression-pact.

Our people are of the same blood. We should cooperate and in a common effort, restore the glory of old and also push out the turkroaches
These are the allies you picked, Germany. The Persians aren't following your plans either.
OP, fill in the allies section. sorta confused as to who to i'm friendly with besides france
As Shah of my people, I speak for all of us when we say we would be happy to accept your offer.

May the OP write up an NAP between the Persian Empire and the Habsburg Monarchy.
The Habsburg Empire refuses to participate in any offensive actions towards our brothers in the north. The HRE will rise, however through cooperation and alliances, not through blood and iron.

The Monarchy also expreses its neutral stance towards the french empire and its expansion.
mfw it translates into "france for free"
Is thread still alive?
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Fucking kek, unfortunately Ukraine the British have seized Brittany but next turn we take it back, in the end victory is certain. Perhaps we should begin discussing the long term plans for the division of the Balkans
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>I think these alliances are somewhat correct. pls no bully
>OP does whatever the fuck he wants, m8. Expands and shit into Egypt and then keks the French
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Rolls towards South France for the attack
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The French army centre smashes through German lines and pushes them out of French territory once and for all, remaining troops are used to eradicate the British armies left in Brittany. GO GO GO!!!
OP, be sure to count these:

Should be 40 for both rolls

Also, these trips has to count for something, come on:


So, please, write up that NAP between the Persian Empire and the Habsburg Monarchy.

Rolling to take more Ottoman land.
We may need some direct assistance brother...
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S-southern France, but thats neutral territory you faggot, how does that aid in your war effort whatsoever
Good. Hereby we declare war upon the ottoman empire and promise to assist the persian empire in its endeavors to exterminate the turkic menace.

I propose an official alliance between the German Reich and the Habsburg Empire, however, a war with France is currently not in our interest.
O hell nyet, keep pushing into poland from belarus, put everything else towards pushing south into romania and the balkan states
Rolling to:
1: Defend anatolia at all costs
2: Push the Persians out of Iraq
3: Take at least one Iranian province.
I would be honored to ally with you.

I promise, any aid given to the Reich will be remembered, and you shall be re-payed.
One roll a turn senpai
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>southern part of the French Empire
Get off my back nigga, jheeze
Once I take Poland I'd be happy to ally with you. Sound good?
Action: Habsburg/Austria reclaims its old borders by advancing towards croatia/bosnia.

Diplomatic pacts:

NAP with the Persian Empire.
Proposed Alliance towards the German Reich yet to be answered.
Here is Frances long term vision for Europe: all of western Europe is French-centric.

The balkans is split between Austria, France, and Ukraine, France only requires a colony in Greece and Albania for a naval presence.

France will take control of Norway and Sweden, and Ukraine will Have Finland.
>tfw Turkey is always fucked.
Either we can join the low side of a 2 on 4 war, or try to go it alone against someone getting better rolls until the war in Europe is done and everyone else smashes us
Keeping thread bumped
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>pls put alliances and NAP's in your posts. Saves me a lot of work and things can move quicker. Thanks laddies

>OP rolls
Alliance: Germany
>OP cedes Brittany, Norway and Iceland to Germany, to support their war effort, and then continues into Africa with 8 roll
Rolling to take more Ottoman land.

Don't stop until it's all under own dominion.
Kek the Germans are conpletely encircled, first priority is to destroy the Germans in the south of the French Enpire and the middle, next is to push the germans out of the netherlands and the British out of Brittany once more
Keep taking Poland, as usual. Use the rest to take romania and bulgaria
Let's try this shit again...
Rolling to:
1: Defend anatolia at all costs
2: Push the Persians out of Iraq
3: Take at least one Iranian province.

War: Persia, Hapsburg
Alliances: N/A
NAP: N/A, Interested

Well that's over. gg m8
Alliances: British, Hadsburg Monarchy.
NAP: Persians

Rolling: Continue the war against the French. I am growing tired of this prolonged warfare... Rolls against the southern portion of the French empire as a priority, if a higher roll, continue West.

Thank you brother! We can win this war yet.
It's been a pleasure, Sultan-san.

How about you roll for me, now? I'll make you a satrap.
Oh I have to put alliances now okay: still just Ukraine
Alliances: French Empire
NAP: Requesting NAP between Ukraine and Ottomans
The war is not going well enough...

It's all or nothing.

The Reich regrettably instates Marshall law, perhaps this will ensure victory.
Also requesting NAP with Austria and Ottomans.
If you're leaving, then I'll roll for you if that's what you're asking.
Hey OP, what are you using to edit the map? Just curious
Paint, lad. I'm literally picking colours in paint and using the fill option.
Oh, no, I'm not leaving. I'm guessing we're not allowed to have multiple rollers then, eh?
Hadsburg, I must stress, if a NAP is established between you and the French I will have no choice but to break our pact.

I will not ask you to attack the French, but please, defend against them.
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THE BRITONS tire of this war, and ask France for a ceasefire, with the clause that I can continue to support Germany by ceding territory in the future...
On the other hand, if you continue your support of the reich, the Federation will see you as a hostile nation and will not hesitate to take military action.
No idea. OP? What are the rules on subordinate nations?
>The balkans is split between Austria, France, and Ukraine, France only requires a colony in Greece and Albania for a naval presence.

Austria urgently advocates France to reconsider its plans of expansion towards the Balkans. Such an intrusion towards Austrias southern flank will be viewed as an act of encirclement, and therefore an act of aggression.

NAP: Persian Empire
Alliances: German Reich
War: Ottomans

Habsburg / Austria is the same btw OP.

Action: Austria continues its expansion in the Balkans towards Croatia/Bosnia/Albania (along the coast lines)

Furthermore, the Habsburg house looks catious at french and ukranian ambitions, especially France expansion policy towards the balkans, and ukranians dilomacy of a possibly alliance with the ottomans.

I hereby urge the leaders of Germany and Persia to officially create a fraction with Austria to defend our common interests.
Keep rolling to absorb the rest of Ottoman land. Spill over goes west towards Balkans and east towards India.

Alliances: N/A
NAP: German Reich, Habsburg Monarchy
The French Empires armys move to crush the Germans in Brittany and remove them from the region near Paris

All remaining troops recover the Netherlands and advance along the North coast towards Denmark
Rolling: I embrace my Icelandic lover in my arms, and give the command.

Wipe out all of France, with no delay.
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Just to check,

22 Dubs does mean I get 44 territories from France yes?
The alliance between Germany and Austria is unbreakable.

Let me stress it:
We are currently neutral. We want to remain neutral. However, we will NOT HESITATE to participate in total war, that will end in complete eradication of our enemies.

Such threats will not be tolerated by the proud Austrian people.
No it means you get 10 faggit, 2 x 5 = 10
well fuck, I guess that settles that question. I told you Britain was coming for you.
Panic abounds as the Ottomans move their capital to Mecca. Do not defend Turkey anymore, put everything into attacking Iraq from Saudi Arabia
Allies: 0
NAP: [price is right loser horn]
>implying britkeks won't bend the rules to support their ally
Alright Austria, The French Empire will respect your desires, France will focus on expanding into Spain and North Aftica instead now that the British have gone to war with us.
Why the fuck don't you play Warlight? It pretty much has the same concept as risk, but you can play it with anyone online and it's fucking awesome! www.warlight.net
No chat in warlight, i'm pretty sure. And I suspect that the rolls are rigged.
You can have chat on or off if you want and how are rolls rigged?
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>JUST fuck my Persian Empire up senpai
>JUST fuck my france up family

>OP rolls for Turkey to be honest family
The map looks way shitty compared to this one tbqh, anyways ill probably get the app thanks for the tip m8
Not a roll
In my experience, I lost massive amounts of battles in a row, but i dunno. maybe I'm just batshit insane.
Full counter offensive against the German presence in Northwest France, all remaining troops reclaim the netherlands and push into munich!
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Rolling: I continue railing my Icelandic lover, imagining the dead bodies of millions of undesirables.

Onwards! Finish the French once and for all!
You know the drill by now, OP. Keep pushing into Poland.
I dunno, crap. Attack through Kuwait into Iran.
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Nice m8, we rollin hard now

P-pic related, German mascot?

French mascot in pic
The House of Habsburg is pleased with this. However, for our nations to remain at neutral terms, we propose France distances itself from Ukraine, after Ukraine straightout insulted and threated Austria in this depeche: >>24866451

We demand an apology from Ukraine. Such diplomatic insults will not be tolerated.

We hereby express our absolute support towards the German People. We will not participate in offensive actions towards France.

However, as a response to the ukrainian insults, we promise to temporarily give Germany the territory of Bohemia, in case the odds of war will turn against germany.
Brothers Austria and Britain, the time to strike is now! Imagine it, a Europe ruled by the three of us! Attack the French!
fucking wasted 9. At least it wasn't trip sevens...
>Attack through Kuwait into Iran
Take all Ottoman land and fight British out of Middle East.

My pic related is my irl gf. Icelandic.

Hench why I colonized Iceland teehee
You forgot to include Austrias roll!

Action: Continue expansion in the balkans, especially towards greece/Albania.

Make sure not to violate any territories belonging to other nations.
A-are those cut marks on her arm?
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So all this time, weve been fighting a normie Ukraine

Im disappointed Germany
I think, its a girl from soc who says shes 20

We apologize and hope Ukraine will also apologize Austria, its is not our intention to have offended you
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Get fucked maggots. Enjoy death
If your definition of an insult is notifying you of the possible consequences of your actions, then I'm afraid you will receive no apology.
However, we do not wish to engage in combat with your nation, so please, I would like for you to know we only want you to see both sides of the fence. Please, understand we meant not to insult you.
The Grand Army of the Republic will be resorting to mercenary use for this upcoming offensive, this is the change of the tide we are looking at, soon Germans will have nowhere to turn
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Gotta go cook. Give everything I've got to the Persians.
Protect Mecca with all your strength, brother.
>Take all Ottoman land and fight British out of Middle East.

Alliance: N/A

NAP: German Reich, Habsburg Monarchy

War: Ottoman Empire, Union of Britons
Rolling: I am afraid, for my family, for my country and for my people.

First priority is to advance along the northern german coast to denmark, second is a push into the heart of germany from Belgium, if possible, a third army will capture the remainder of Bavaria.

Soon all of the West will be dominated by the French Empire
>Protect Mecca with all your strength, brother.

I give you my word.
kek at that roll
Britain. Redirect your efforts to the war along my borders, the French will not stop.

If I die, they will come for you.
Ok i feel kinda bad now
Remember that they started this war, plunged Europe into chaos
I cede territory to Germany, for her continued survival.
Who are you mate
It is apparent now that the French Empire is in the position to decide the future of Europe.

The lands listed belong to the French Empire and its sphere of influence: Core France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden. The UK may surrender if it is willing to cede all territory to the French Empire, but only then.
Oh whoops, I'm OP. My laptop died.
What lands are you ceding?
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>territory ceded to Germany by Britons
>Briton now called Anglo-African Union

>OP rolls for Greece and defense from Persia
>a lot
Thats it. We officially intervene. Austria officially goes to war with Ukraine and France. Our only demand is, after the successful war, to recieve swiss territories, as well as Netherlands and Belgium.

ACTION: Austrias elite soldiers, trained in the austrian alps, prepared for mountain warfare, thrust into Swiss territory, liberating german territory and thrusting even deeper into french mainland.
Uhh hello OP what happened I rolled a zero sir, did you not count me??
Brilliant! Thank you brother, once this war is over your lands shall be returned.

The love between our great nations burns strong. May we battle side by side to victory!

Germany attacks with renewed fury, with these 3 priorities.
1. Take Holland
2. Take Belgium
3. Take Northern France
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My bad. Corrected now
Roll to claim all Middle Eastern Land from Britons.

Spillover goes into Balkans.

Alliance: N/A

NAP: German Reich, Habsburg Monarchy

War: Union of Britons
Anybody still here after the site took a shit?
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Hell yes Ukraine were on a roll!
Hope everybody's still here, I don't want this thread to die ;_;
Shit, I hope Germanies Chancellor didnt off himself yet.
Yea this was fun hopefully OP is still around, probably will come back, austria is here
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