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>girl come talks to me >she invites me to church >got
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>girl come talks to me
>she invites me to church
>got her number to text her if i'm interested

What do bros?
If you're interested, text her.
Make sure you give her the dick inside the good ol' confession box
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>get girl's number
>didn't save it on my phone and just swiped it away
>hours later realize what I've done
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She's interested right?
Send her a dick pic, of course
>got a christian girls number
>she just keeps shilling her youth group

kek good luck op
>girl gives you her number
>without even trying

man, I can't date religious girls
the fedora inside me is too strong. whenever she starts talking about going to church or religion in general, I just want to unleash my pent up autistic existential angst and despair and shout at her for being such a fucking pleb.
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this thread is relevant to my interest, im in the exact same situation, and I don't know what to do :/
She's just inviting you to join some youth group thing. I know how convincing and friendly they can be. But I guess it's kind of sweet when young people want to get other young people involved in religion.
Now I feel like shit. I'm not joining that youth group bullshit.
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