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File: 20151209_181411.jpg (2 MB, 3264x1836) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3264x1836
Post your room and be judged, pic related is mine
Too much light for my taste.Was never a fan of leaving the food on the floor.The bed looks cozy,and that's all that matters
File: Untitled.png (2 MB, 1152x835) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1152x835
Cleaned it a little bit since I took the picture
File: Screenshot_2.png (2 MB, 887x663) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 887x663
Need to take a bunch and put them in a collage sometime
File: IMG_20151017_114414.jpg (832 KB, 3064x1224) Image search: [Google]
832 KB, 3064x1224
I like the flag. I ordinarily have a New York flag in mine but haven't put it up since moving back home.
>sleeping right next to your dog

god thats sad
post your room, jlh

im curious
That's not sad; it's beautiful.
its a fuckign mess right now.

im honestly too embarrased to post

its worse then whats already been posted
Nice desk. I wish I had a solid desk like this.
I saddled myself with an awful tension headache by trying to move it in there and I still hardly even spend anytime in my room anyway. I've had better ideas.
can i have some of that pizza familia i'm starving
File: DSCN1693.jpg (2 MB, 3686x2074) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3686x2074
What about my living room? It's probably more interesting.
Thread replies: 13
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