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College Roommates
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Hey robots, my roommate is keking me out of my room right now. Hes watching the goddamn notebook with this chick, whats the most alpha move in this situation?
I dunno, go to sleep and hope they're gone when you wake up.

sleep on the couch outside. Be a fucking bro, understand that you have earned a favor by doing so. If he's cool, he'll do you a solid in the future. If he's a faggot, you need to explicitly call in the favor at some point. If he doesn't deliver in the future in a similar situation, then it's mischief time. Hold your fire for now robot
Theyre literally right next to my bed...
Its a dorm, its all the same room :^(
go in, hang out and do whatever you want

if he goes "anon get out!," tell him if he's planning on doing anything, go to a motel or choose a time where you aren't there

If a man can treat another man as his little brother, he is considered beta to him while he is alpha.

Don't establish yourself as the beta
rape her while looking him in the eyes.

Oh, you're in there with him? Is there a common room anywhere or someone else's room you could call up to crash in? Worst case you could just go out for a couple hours, tell him very clearly that you'll be back at a certain time. Make up some bullshit about studying/cramming for something and say you're hitting the library. Leave enough alone time for them to get it over with and go to sleep.

But as I said, if this happens a lot and you never get any return on investment or he's a douche.... M I S C H I E F
Make him ask you nicely to do it and make it clear that you're doing him a favor.
You could suggest money/pizza/beer or something in return.
Is it also like 2:30 where you are? Tell him that's not fucking cool and he needs to give you more warning next time.
But do leave, sleep in a study room or something. He definitely owes you one though.
when you hear them having sex, yell encouragement through the door like
"that's my roomie!"
"You go, man!"
"By the sounds of it, you're doing well!"

Walk in with pizza after you hear him finish and eat it with them.
I've been gone since like 10:50 and I just went back a little bit ago and they were still there. He does this all the time with nothing to return.

You're literally whining to us like a woman to her female support group with no intention of doing anything about it.

Man up, faggot

I found the other non-autist.

Seriously people, friendship 101, it's a give and take. Every once in a while you let one go and do a favor with the reasonable expectation that you'll get the same courtesy in a similar situation. It's only beta if you let yourself get walked on and give a shitton without ever getting anything back

Got it, needed that detail. The easiest direct approach would be to just barge in, not make a big deal about it and go about your routine. If he's taking forever to make a move or it's a long term girl, he's either not getting laid or it's not a big deal that he does. Don't tolerate disrespect
This! ^^^^^^^^
Don't let this douche walk all over you. He is taking advantage of you.
You could also play video games, music, or a movie at the same volume that their movie is playing at.
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