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Unpopular opunions thread
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post your unpopular opinions

> i fucking hate pluto and i'm glad it's not a planet anymore, fucking useless midget ball of ice
> i cannot wrap my head around the fixation normies have with pluto

> grills with shoulder length hair or waist length hair look better than any other length
>tfw long hair fetish
>You hear about pluto? That's messed up.
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My unpopular opinions are SO unpopular that I can not post them online.
Do it faggot

but seriously, fuck pluto
I dont like spoons so I eat cereal with a fork
I hate soup
The wrong side won WW2.

Most of the USA'S actions in the war on terror including torture and public spying are justified and fucking neet neckbeards and libtards only complain because they have no idea what the fuck would happen if those measures weren't in place. Enjoy the loli porn.
books are an outdated and highly overrated and overestimated form of presenting information and are no more legit than articles on the internet

> read this book, it'll change your life
> useless info you can easily find online presented with 1000% more padding and 1000% less straight and to the point
> literally anyone can write a book, but they are hailed as fail proof sources of information, despite the high chance of everything in it to be straight bullshit
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It seems like you're trying to create a new meme or something. I've never once heard of normies liking Pluto anymore than any other human being out there. In fact I don't think famous astrologists think about Pluto as much as you do.

My unpopular opinions:
>gays are okay because therapy and drugs don't work but tranny are mentally ill, self mutilation is NOT the correct treatment path
>having diversity of ethnicity is okay but multiculturalism is a complete failure (i.e. Muslim culture, black people culture, and so on don't go well with white culture, causes unrest)
>1 in a million women are decent human beings, the rest never grew out of being a child because they receive no consequences for their actions and even the disgusting ones are showered with praise for being "beautiful" and "brave enough to exist"
>men are better off alone but it is necessary they take the risk of getting assfucked by getting married and having children because if things work out it can make a man happier than anything else
-Hitler was right
-niggers stink
-Muslims should be exterminated
Nigga normies love pluto, did you not see how they bitched and moaned when it got BTFO'd?


>American military should only defend America. Other countries' problems are not our problems.
>Gays should have the right to get married, but churches should have the right to refuse to hold their wedding.
>If your gf/bf/wife/husband/whatever refuses to have sex with you, it is OK to cheat.
This is UNpopular opinions
>The holocaust never happend
>American military should only defend America. Other countries' problems are not our problems.

America's prosperity hinges on its ability to back up its diplomatic and commercial interests with its military. Pax-Americana is maintained by both the ability and the willingness to project force globally.

Your opinion is dumb.
>i fucking hate pluto and i'm glad it's not a planet anymore, fucking useless midget ball of ice
> i cannot wrap my head around the fixation normies have with pluto
Is it ice?
I don't love science.
What did you think it was
Anime is overrated, manga is superior.
Here's an unpopular opinion for you faggots:
Asians are superior to whites in every way.

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Where do latinos fit in, masterrace-senpai?
All porn should be banned from this site.
Why the fuck do you hate pluto
like where did you even begin to hate a distant, make believe object?
Only because normies love it to death
blondes will never be as attractive as brunettes, they either look sickly or like a plastic barbie doll. aryan noridc pure white girls are a meme
99% of people are bland interchangable drones.
It's immoral to eat meat under most common circumstances.
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fufufu desu senpai
But not you, of course
Not unpopular here, I don't imagine.
Why is it immoral?
I can't judge myself, only the 1% can tell if I'm one of them or the rest
1% here, you're not one of us.
unless you are in the top 5% of humans (attractiveness, wealth, and intelligence), you are literally worthless and you shouldn't breed.
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>tfw looking at girl's gorgeous flowing hair and delicate frame
>she turns around
>look away before she can see me then look at her casually and then smile
>she immediately gives me look od disgust, walks away and finds her Chad bf
>spends rest of day around him and ignoring me
>just me and my thoughts again

The only enjoyment I get out of life is sucking ash and shitposting here. I'm so afraid to die though, sometimes I get so miserable I feel close to welcoming death, maybe that's why I became depressed, it helps me except death.

>tfw can't even spell right
>except death
You're retarded.
Are you that guy with the weird ears? Or am i confusing yuo?
I have weird ears but I've never posted my picture on /r9k/ so..
Calm down, ayn rand
why not 1%?
>look away before she can see me then look at her casually and then smile
>she immediately gives me look od disgust

LMFAO at this guy giving this much of a fuck what a cumdumpster thinks of him.

PROTIP: less smiling, more smirking
Okay, nevermind.
There is a threefold reason:

1) Most meat today is produced via factory farming, which causes great suffering to a great number of animals.

2) There are a number of adverse environmental consequences of raising livestock, one of the most important being the production of a large amount of greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change.

3) Most factory farmed animals are fed grain, due to aerobic respiration, which is rather inefficient, as well as some other factors, only a small number of the calories in the grain is conserved in animal flesh. This means in principle you could feed more people if we only raised plants. Indeed quite a few more:
>"Traps" are mentally ill faggots. You will never become a girl, no matter what
>Anime is for autistic manchildren
I did smirk, sorry I didn't specify
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>tfw Traps are a meme that only want hot guys with ridiculously big dicks

They're bigger whores then the average roastie, the average roastie hasn't been stretching her shit out with 14 inch horsecock dildos because she can just get laid by a real guy and eventually she becomes a roastie who can't get satisfied with normal guys. A trap is basically like a super roastie, that's why they all have BBC fetishes and like old men and furshit, they're the biggest roasties ever to exist. way worse then any woman for the most part.
>great suffering to a great number of animals
Clearly, you have never spent any appreciable amount of time around cows, chickens, etc. If you had, you would not particularly care because you would know how unbelievably stupid (and annoying) these animals are.

I'd also point out that 'most' is not the same as 'all,' were it not for the fact that /r9k/ is the generalizations board.
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>Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is disgusting
>American/Western European white women are shit tier in just about every way
>Anime is fucking gay holy shit why do you faggots watch that shit? Only anime worth watching is Dragonball
I actually have a friend who keeps some hens, for eggs, I think they're pretty adorable.
>opinions in 'unpopular opinions' threads are not unpopular, just somewhat less popular
>censorship for any reason is inappropriate; shielding children from reality is actually more detrimental to their development
>being transgender is a legitimate medical condition, and hormones and sex reassignment should be made more affordable for trans people
>military conscription should be abolished
>abortion should remain legal
>euthanasia should be a legal option for terminally ill patients
>abolish all drug prohibition*; enforcing it is just a waste of tax dollars
>*lower the legal drinking age to 18, but continue to enforce regulations against drinking and driving
>stricter background checks should be enforced against firearm purchases, and loopholes such as second-hand sales need to be addressed

Come at me.
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supporting-anti-pluto actions

Fucking libtard shill
>>abolish all drug prohibition*; enforcing it is just a waste of tax dollars

yea let's make heroin legal, that's a great idea

if you haven't noticed we've been in an opiate epidemic for the past 8 years.
>end the state
>abortion = killing, but killing can be OK in self defense
>drugs should be legal, but I don't like them myself
>everyone should be able to keep and bear arms, even full autos

I'm a walking, talking libertarian stereotype, and I'm not ashamed of it.

Should we ban the sale of alcohol while we're at it? It's a waste of time trying to enforce all these prohibitions when people are going to do this shit anyway. It's none of my concern if people want to kill themselves.

Anti-abortion is antithetical to libertarianism... or anarchy for that matter. (End the state?)
No it ain't, abortion is aggression against an individual (the unborn child).
stop comparing alcohol to opiates. you don't know what you're talking about. alcohol can be enjoyed in moderation without becoming addicted.

opiates are on a completely different level of potential for abuse

you want to know what the real problem with opiates is? once you get addicted and want to try and quit, the success rate is only like 10% for the first year. the relapse stats for alcohol are nowhere near as bad as that.
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>You must abort a fetus in Self-Defense.

Aggression to a fetus? Fetuses aren't sentient. The only thing you're preserving is the ideology that life begins with conception, which (philosophically) isn't true. Sure, life technically begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg, but there's more to "life" than just being a glob of cells. Terminating a fetus that is incapable of thought, feeling or self-awareness is not tantamount to murder.

No, there's nothing libertarian about it.

>implying there's a difference

Fucking weebshits. Holocaust yourself.
>>military conscription should be abolished
This desu. If there's a war worth fighting, people will sign up voluntarily.
> i fucking hate pluto and i'm glad it's not a planet anymore, fucking useless midget ball of ice
> i cannot wrap my head around the fixation normies have with pluto

You sound like a contrarian normie.
I agree, and I'm in tht bottom 95%.
I'm not religious, so if life technically begins with fertilization, that's when it begins. No ifs and buts about it.

Sure, a fetus might not feel pain or be self aware, at least not in its early stages, but what about people in a coma, can they be aborted too?
And where do you draw your arbitrary line between fetus and human child? At birth? But children can be born premature (really premature these days) and still survive.

There would be no one to outlaw abortion clinics in a stateless society, but it should still be seen as morally wrong.
Maybe that would cause Stacies to not ride the cock carousell and remain pure until marriage.

>suffering of animals

Doesn't matter.

>all that other shit

More wild animals would be killed by raising a wide variety of plants. Except these would be wild animals, not animals bred to be food. In fact, more animal die as a result farming now than what we kill for food.

Wheat is murder
>censorship for any reason is inappropriate

Honest question. Did you ever try to educate people on something that's being censored? It's not as rosy as you think. You're going to get slandered.
I care about fellow humans more than animals.

Can we actually be certain that climate change is taking place, though?
>Sure, a fetus might not feel pain or be self aware, at least not in its early stages, but what about people in a coma, can they be aborted too?


>And where do you draw your arbitrary line between fetus and human child?

Late-term abortions are already illegal, unless the mother's life is in danger or there's a significant risk of the child having serious genetic defects.
>Did you ever try to educate people on something that's being censored?

All the time. Probably the only reason to bother with social media.

>It's not as rosy as you think. You're going to get slandered.

I'm well aware.


If I were concerned about being mislabeled or having people dismiss my views, I don't think I'd be posting on 4chan of all places. There isn't a single opinionated discussion on this site that doesn't discourse into an SJW witch hunt.
>> grills with shoulder length hair or waist length hair look better than any other length

This isn't so unpopular, if not for "progressive" and "gender barriers dying" shit, it would still be a standard opinion.

Your face is a strawman. That was a question.

>Late-term abortions are already illegal, unless the mother's life is in danger or there's a significant risk of the child having serious genetic defects.

And where do you draw your arbitrary line between late-term and a non-sentient fetus?
I fully support destroying ISIS with any method available, I am fucking sick of these hypocrites who wanted revenge for Parisians but draw the line at possible collateral damage when we decide to fuck these terrorists where they live.

Unnatural hair colors are my complete anti-boner. Everytime I see some edgy girl with purple hair I temporarily earn a vagina as my dick goes inwards from disgust.

I believe 4chan needs to learn to make proper debate. Many board's have shitposters which make actual discussion impossible. Literally everyone on /v/ is baiting eachother.
All of those are shit opinions you were right not to share.
>i like sleeping with my feet hanging off the bed
>Horseradish is fucking disgusting meme food
>It's actually better to be a Jew than a fucking Christfag or Muslim, they were right the whole time
>I hate the obvious commercial overtones of Christmas but still participate because it's not fair to recieve and not give (And people know I have money)
>No one needs to respect the input of trannies, pedoes, christians, muslims
>Australians need to stfu about anything related to murrika, they sound like edgy 5th graders and their opinions are barely relevant
>Dogs are just okay pets, any dog or cat is a 10/10 pet if they have a good personality to start with but most dogs are retarded and annoying and smell
>Animals will like you and follow you around if you're on molly, that's not so much as an opinion but I've seen it several times
>I wish gay people would make nu-male shit stop. It's the most disgusting thing i've ever seen, watching a 20something year old man with a full beard in a beanie and women's jeans walking like he got fistfucked by popeye.
-The holocaust happened
-asians are worse than blacks, because they threaten whites the most, and are the smartest of the minorities
-sandnigger food is good
-mexican food is disgusting, and it made me lose respect for any and every race that speaks spanish, even if they aren't mexican
-whites are destined to be breeded out, and there's nothing we can do
Ebin retort
>arbitrary line

It depends where you are but some places won't do it as early as 12 weeks. Calm down pastor kucklord.
Same fampai, ass length hair just looks so nice
I don't think being called racist or hipocrite is a big deal.
Just be yourself isn't really bad advice

I can honestly see why people think anime is weird. They have if shit, weird fanservicing ones that suck almighty balls. But there are a few that are really good. So good most people would enjoy them. A few of my favorites:

>Cowboy Bebop
>Space Dandy
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Ice and rock.
not sure if its an opinion but i like black hair on grills more than blonde. red hair gives me a headache and brown hair looks plain as hell.
also prefer black or brown eyes over gray or blue.
I agree with this. You'll never be happy if you have to pretend to be something you're not at all times.
I think humans of different ethnicities have different intelligence quotients
>really long hair looks better than short hair on literally everyone
>no haircut you can possibly get comes close to waist length hair
>even with guys
I should have the right to be racist desu. I fucking hate pakis
Now that's something I can get behind f-a-m
Well I personally think animal suffering does matter, due to its similarity to human suffering, and pretty much every contemporary ethicist does too. As for the second point, you are aware that we actually end up growing more plant by raising livestock right? Most livestock is factory farmed, factory farmed animals are fed grain, and due to trophic inefficiencies, you need a lot of calories of grain to get a little calories of meat. This means you need to grow an awful lot of plants, much more than if you only grew plants for human consumption.
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>meth is not half as bad as it is made out to be
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