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So how many of these do you use? All of them.
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So how many of these do you use?

All of them.
All of them.

original comment doughnut steel
>Used here and there - typically when ranting about thug culture

>Used Sparingly - typically in jest, only on 4chan, and in a light-hearted, derogatory fashion

>Used Sparingly - when ranting about ex who was disloyal
Bitch, Slut
I use pretty much all of them besides whore/slut believe it or not
All of them except "illegal alien," I just say "economic migrant." Mainly because there aren't illegal Mexicans in my country, but there are "refugees."

>Minimizes experiences of sexual assault survivors

kek, what does this even fucking mean? Are they saying you can't talk about rape because that makes the girl who "only got groped" feel bad? fucking lel
Everything except third world. Nobody takes you seriously unless you say LDC
None of them desu senpai
>the word 'trash' is offensive
Just fuck my western civilization up
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