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>she jumps over the border >she promises to marry you
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>she jumps over the border
>she promises to marry you
>she promises to have children with you
>she promises to stay with you forever
>she adores you being her man


You must hide and protect her from big fat evil Kek Trump.

Do you be a man, or be a kek for trump, and remain a virgin while she gets thrown back over the wall?
I would send her back to help build the wall.

Fuck off, Paco.
But trump is a big fat and evil brutish man, and she a seriously dependant typical weak woman, who'd caress you every night


Mexiroaches fuck off and die
>dick dies, lonely

>she promises

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King of 5.jpg
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I would grab her and pump her full of all the cum I can to make sure she's serious about her promises
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