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A lot of you anons played it, so why not? Morrowind thread.
I have spent some time with Ken Rolston.
Love this game it's real nice and cozy. You know what? I'm going to go download this now.

Thanks OP
That world is so sketchy yet comfy, I love it.
Project Aedra when?
I can't wait to VR goggles that shit on every drug.
I used to sit and talk about Oblivion on gamefaqs for hours.
I downloaded this a few months ago. Played it a lot at first then my interest just dwindled off. I get really depressed playing video games end up forcing myself to keep using them because there is nothing else I can do with my time and crave some sort of stimulus.
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Just beat Morrowind for the first time a week ago. I played it for a while when I was kid but never got anywhere.

Pretty unsatisfied with that Dagoth Ur fight but I can see why people have special feelings for this game. The alien fantasy feel is very unique.

Playing Oblivion now for the first time and I understand Skyrim is even simpler in design. So I'm starting to understand the hate that Skyrim gets on /v/.
Skyrim isn't bad desu. The writing and the voice acting is the worst part though
Skyrim wasn't bad like the shouts were sort of cool in a way. It kind of felt like an inferior Fable game. Fable was probably better though people living in their world and your character changing. First two Fables on xbox and Fable 2 at least didn't play the ones after.
I played the shit out of Morrowind. Beat the main game and expansions with multiple characters. Built outposts for all 3 major houses to their final level. Explored every last inch of the game.

I followed all the press and lead up to Oblivion and couldn't wait to play it.

But it was shit.

The interface is a disaster, the character models are notoriously awful, the setting, while pretty, feels plastic and empty. Quests are uninspired, exploration just yields more empty forest and meadow. The dungeons are decently sized and varied in layout, but pretty uninteresting otherwise.

Skyrim has its problems, but at least it's immersive. Oblivion feels like a sword and sorcery version of It's A Small World.
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hahaha good luck, worm
I was trying to think of what game to play and this was on the first page of /robot/ thanks anon

and to think i was going to start up on star trek online. It just seems silly now
No fucking way I've done almost everything in Morrowind, and did EVERYTHING in Oblivion.
The art in Oblivion was just flat out better all the characters. There were all kinds of interesting quests they had funny shit and throw backs, the cthulu cults were hilarious loved that kind of stuff for the old ones like the entire town of hackdirt. There were way more areas to explore it's just morrowind it was super easy to get lost trying to get around certain areas and there was huge variations between swamp/grazelands/ashlands except oblivion just looked better not to mention there were way more dungeons and they were much bigger in size compared to the little tombs dotted all over Morrowind.
Skyrim was big and almost kind of pretty but the art was really kind of inferior to Fable, like the ES series tries to make it sort of natural with fantasy elements looking where Fable just went full out fantasy and just made it more scenic and moody. Fable didn't compared to mind blowing stuff in Morrowind like stilt striders and giant mushrooms or the mushroom towers that required magic to navigate.
Oblivion really only had the white gold tower going on for scenic views aside from all the trees in the background.
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Katya please go.
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Have a screenshot/wallpaper from the last time I was playing
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Wow I love Morrowind, one of the best games. However it has its flaws, and bethesda will never make a game of its kind again, only casualized garbage

Anyway if I just play morrowind I get too strong and too rich from playing most effficient way, so here is how I play
>Smoke alot of dank
>Develope a character with background and personality
>Play realistic = Steal? No reload
>End up getting high, roleplay as a girl using super sexy lingerie mod, steal 1-3 books and sell them eventually run out of money in the oppressive harsh world of morrowind, end up as skooma addicted prostitute in Suran getting fucked by abusive Dark elves, after graduating from stripper aka "its only temporary, I'm just making enough money to get my means to graduate from the mage guild academy, I will be successfull and famous one day"
>Roll new character after "sex scene" which revolves around getting 0 stamina, and punched to death by dark elves symbolizing rape

Morrowind is great
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Posting dank morrowind memes for future shitposting purposes.
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more dank memes because the jew-bot is trying to silence me
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Got some general TES ones if anyone wants em.
It takes a while to get into but the story is fantastic and the lore is amazing, once you play it for a while you really get the feeling that you're just another person in this huge alien world, unlike other elder scrolls games where the world seems to revolve around you and you're immediately the chosen one. Download some mods and try sticking with it for a while and you won't regret it. It's my favorite game of all time and I still play it today.
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Getting hard to come up with original comments here.
keep em coming m8y
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I wish /tes/ on infinity chan was more active.
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You got it bb
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Anyone know what's going on with Project Skywind? You can't even download it these days.
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It's almost like it fell off the face of the earth after they moved sites.

I'm really keen to play Morrowind with nice graphics. It'll be my 7th or 8th playthrough of that game.
Last one for now, if anyone else has any good ones be sure to post them.
the problem with other elder scrolls games is their insistence on trying to make everything "epic"

>how can we make the player feel super powerful
>how can we make the player go "woah" as much as possible
and so on

morrowind was much more subtle and will outlast the others because of it
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Fuck me, image didn't attach for some reason.
I loved how in Morrowind you were generally hated by the public for a good poriton of the game, until you actually got around to saving the world you were a 2nd rate foreign prisoner running around getting buttfucked by cliff-racers.
talking to him and learning about events from his perspective is the best and most interesting part of that boss battle tbhfam
Would you guys be interested in a Morrowind'esque game, where you start as a poverty ridden farmer, earn a few coppers each day, which can only afford a piece of rotten bread, and forced to sleep in a wet leaky hut?

And all big headed casual players who say "Haha I'm special! I'm a bad motherfucker!" who leaves the farmfield and goes into first bandit dungeon, gets their shit pushed in completly and die?

A game where you have to be atleast level 30 before you even consider killing another human being, where a swamprat will slay you easily, and money/economy being extremely hard to get by, where owning a bow or a sword is a MAJOR accomplishment, something to be proud of, and owning 13 gold coins makes you a wealthy proud man?

Also commit a crime and you will litterly have to wait 20 real minutes before you can get out, to discourage player from taking such reckless chances, and ofcourse avoiding conflict and battle to enormous extent?
this really helped immerse me into the game and feel like I earned my respect from npcs whereas in skyrim an hour into the game im the dragonborn aka the savior of tamriel and the boss battle was easy as shit
some sperg made a long video on youtube explaining how every game today props ou up to be a badass guy, feeding normies ego. yeah you are the dragon born, you are a demi-god, you are unique and powerful
that would require too much patience for almost anyone to play it. Also why would you have to wait 20 minutes before you can leave a building you steal things from, if you are going for realistic game mechanics then you shouldn't include that since it's entirely possible to go into a wooden hut steal some shit and be out in >20 minutes. I kind of like the concept though but maybe no to that extent.
exactly why I hate most games that come out these days including every capeshit film that comes out, nothing but power fantasies for "nerds"
Wooden huts dont have anything of value and no guards nearby.

But if you steal/caught trespassing from a royal house, or attack npc, and guards arrest you, and you get sent to slave-mine, forced to mine x-ammount before released, which will take time.

And no, you are wrong. The game should be about starting of as a poor peasant, and if you die, you dont respawn, saves only exist to prevent crashes. When you are high level you have earned it through enormous trials, and you will take pride in working as a low level army guy earning 25 silver each day.

Also game should have taxing mechanism so you pay taxes, but if you play long enough you can become lord of the region and they pay taxes to you.
>want to play shivering isles again, GOAT tes experience
>remember the hideous potato faces
mods help make the potato faces look better
the problem with having perma death in a game like that is that you would die a lot or be forced to essentially stay in your castle\manor and barely take any risks when you've become rich and while this is more realistic its also rather unexciting I think that your idea could possibly work as a game i know that i would play it but perma death would be too harsh
shivering isles was the best dlc ever for any game period it will always have a special place in my heart
No, you get married in the game, and your child inherits 50% off all your experience and skills, when you die, you select which child to play as.

The more generations you play, the stronger your character will be, eventually you will be a real walking demi-god.

Lets be honest, my 10 year old niece easily beating le epin dwagon, as much as I like her, complete bs.

Dragons are suppose to be extremely unique hard to reach enemies, which will make a level 75 fearful of his life.

And if he defeats the dragon he should get extremely rare loot which makes him orgasm from joy after the intense battle.

A game where killing a simple wolf is the most adrenaline-filled, juicy experience, as you later harvest the wolf for its extremely valuable fur.
the idea of playing as your children is actually really original and well thought out, you would still have a very serious penalty for dying but your accumulated wealth and some of your skills are passed on which makes sense, after all in medieval times your children were brought up to do what you did. If you die and your kid is young but inexperienced it works I think it would be better if you add a mechanic where if you die and your kid if say 5 the game skips ahead until they're a young adult but doesn't change too much about the game world. After all it would be awkward dying and then having to play as a kid for x amount of time. I think I really like the idea of trying to accumulate as many skills/money as you can and surviving while knowing that you're doing it for your next several characters until you make it.
another interesting thing to add would implementing a caste system where in order to marry certain people you would have to have accomplished a certain amount of things relative to what their family values. for example if you're playing as a magic user and want to eventually have one of your kids be extremely powerful you would have to have x level in certain magic skills or have done x many quests for a mages guild. the incentive to marry someone higher up in the caste system wouldn't only be increased wealth but you could make it so that your childs skills would be influenced by not only your stats but the npc you married meaning that if you want your kid to be the ultimate mage you would have to gain a reputation as an accomplished wizard in order to marry someone whos skilled in magic so your kid is more powerful than if you married some random farmer this would also add a sort of random skill bonus or certain stats or penalties for some skills (if your stealth stats suck and your wifes stealth stats are even worse your kid would get an even lower stealth skill to start out than if you had kids with someone else) depending on who you married.
Yes, wealth, estate, skills and even reputation gets inherited altough not 100% except for the estate and money, a genetical implementation, genetic lineage. If the mother is accustomed to magic and dark spells, kids inherit a percentage of that skill-tree.

And true, kids should start of as babies, and when they are young shitheads, you can hire cheap/expensive butler who increases their intelligence or specific skill, and if you dont, there is a small dialogue mini-game

Your kid at age 13
>1.You stay home and do chores (+Craftmanship)
>2.Find resources and sell (+Merchant)
>3.Go out and do whatever you want aka hanging with bad kids (+Fighting)

Also damage implementation, with slow bleeding, risk of losing limb or atleast suffer some healthproblem you will need to heal away.

Morrowind had blights and diseases which could have been interesting.

Thank you for liking my idea, I'm currently sitting on 5 notepads with ideas, one music guy, and my tattoo artist friends who draws concept art.

I'm saving up to around 8k-12k euro so I can finally get a reliable dev/programmer to help with the project. But still in planning stage. I have worked in mapmaking, source engine etc only.
Yes very good idea. The secret of the game, is that you are always a pawn. As you start of as peasant, you are a worker for the boss. Your boss works for the farm owner. The farm owner either works for the company of several farms, or, if independant, still pays the Lord. The lord owns the city and all nearby shitty fishing/farm/mine villages, and lord pays taxes to the Count, who ownes the whole county + 4-5 lords.

The count pays up to the king, who competes with 2-3 other kings. Heavily focused on economy, where players will be able to buy cheap and sell expensive.

Still thinking out the caste system, since it will probably be simplified once put in game. But if you steal you get reputation of "thief", childkillers obviously get worse stat ever.
i didn't like this game, mainly because whether or not you landed a hit wasn't dependent on whether you actually had the reticule in the right spot at the right time, but on lolnumbers

does that make me a pleb?
This sounds awesome especially if you create a unique game world like morrowind that has its own very distinct feeling. From what you've said it sounds like you're in the very early stages of creating a game have you considered trying to extensively mod an es game and create a single town or city with this concept. Doing that would be a lot easier to do given the cost of making a game that complex and it would also give you chance to get lots of feedback. You could also try doing a kick starter for a full game and use the mod as an example to show people what the game would be like to get more funding.
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One of the idea is signing up for the local millitary in the city, where you enter battlefield like Mount and blade. If you survive and kill many enemies, you reach higher rank, eventually you become general and the battles turn into an RTS, and you decide which units to buy.

After you die, your son (son of a distinguished millitary man) skips 2-3 levels and start of as sargeant immidietly.

All cities will have rich neighbourhood, mid-class neighbourhood, industrial and ghetto with type of thieves guild. Anyone can be a thief but it will barr you from making business with rich people.

If you own a farm, you get everyday, say 25 raw material of cotton/barley/grapes/clay of resources, you sell to these resources to the city. Cities will have industrial areas (which you can own) and thus produce linen/clothes, brewery/beer, winery, brickfactory.

Do you like this idea? Player will be able to own property if they can afford it. Hire and fire their own workers as they choose.

Pretty mighty step from previously being a filthy peasant, but the risks are enormous, who dares to risk their life to one day climb up in society?
Have you not heard of Massive Chalice?
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>Played and modded Oblivion and Skyrim
>Never played Morrowind
>Won't because it looks clunky and shit
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Tfw no pants
there are some overhauls out there that can make it look pretty damn good for a 13 year old game, some of those can make it look a bit better than vanilla skyrim
Yeah, it's going to be similiar to the morrowind feel. I think most players yearn for a real hardcore type game that doesnt wipe their ass, seeing the success of Dark soul, dwarf fortress, etc I think players want the challenge due to disappointment and shallow nature of AAA title games.

I'm not making the mistake of rushing into a project without the proper planning and ground work established beforehand. Also, consider purposely using shitty/old graphics, so the enormous rendering of unique stats of NPC's etc can be loaded since it will be a pretty thick game.
I'm looking at it right now but its not what i'm intending to do.
I like this idea however I think it would be better if you keep it more similar to an eso rpg than an RTS like mount and blade where at times you're disconnected from your character ie controlling forces of troops from a map and traveling the same way.
It might look good but the gameplay would still be shit and dated.
do you have a name for the game yet?
I don't mind the graphics, it's more the swinging and missing
I use the mod accurate attack to fix that there are some other ones for spells so that you have a 100% cast rate but I prefer not to use those. One of them that I tried out in the past did something weird that prevented me from leveling up my magic skills but there's tons of different mods to fix to not hitting someone/failing spell casting problem. Just torrent the game and download some mods from tesnexus
morrowinds combat sucks and while there are mods that make it better it's still pretty shitty but morrowind isn't amazing because of its combat and stealth it's amazing because of the story, interesting characters and guilds, sense of progression, tons of interesting places to explore and the sheer amount of things to do there are. Also the magic system is way more fun than any other es games magic system even if its extremely easy to cheese also morrowind has lots of unique spells like levitation and mark and recall and the potential to make some really interesting custom spells.
if you're going to play as a mage be sure to get a mana regeneration mod that will prevent you from relying too heavily on potions which will make you very op very early on.
not eso rpg eso is shit i meant es rpg fuck im tired
you should make a blog or website about the game and its development to get more publicity to attract people with the kind of skills you need to make this game
The Life We Lead is the working title obviously it might be changed
This is early stages however but I hear you.
I want to avoid flopping like starbound who focused more on showing of stuff and lying and eventually become a disappointment to people.

It's better to have a really solid ground worked out, before releasing few tiny bits instead of spoiling it as well.
It's still being thought out, presumbly a high level sargeant can control each individual group, tell archers, horseman, special unites etc what to do.

But the end game of being a general is rts since they are too important to risk or to waste time in battle. Even mount and blade gets boring when having to attend the battlefield personally, when they should do this for you on your command.
Should I buy TES:Online?
so sort of like an rpg version of the sims?
>Played and modded Oblivion and Skyrim
>Never played Morrowind
>Won't because it looks clunky and shit

You're literal pleb scum and deserve to die.
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Mmm tell me more
>The Life We Lead is the working title

Ha, what a homosex name.
>Should I buy TES:Online?

No, don't support that dogshit. If TES:O is a successful cashcow then Bethesda have no incentive to make TES VI.
I see what you mean about not involving yourself in combat as much when you're high level but part of the fun of having a high level and powerful character is being able to crush weaker enemies and still be challenged by exceptionally powerful ones the bosses or leaders of a large group. Obviously the combat system when you're playing without any followers will be very different then when you're playing with multiple npcs under your command. Maybe you could make the combat system more like mass effect than dragon age where you don't direct orders from a detached perspective. I think that as you become more powerful and gain more troops you should rely more on directing your men but you should still be able to be effective on the battlefield due to being very powerful by the time you have a sizable number of people under your command and the individual members of your army's weakness relative to you. I think that if you try to have 2 vastly different combat systems for when you're playing alone and when you have troops the game will feel inconsistent, instead try to not take away elements from the combat system when you're playing as an individual when you gain more troops (taking away would be not being involved and simply ordering npcs) but instead simply add more options to order different segments of troops while still staying in first person or 3rd person (that's following the player) sort of like a more complex version of the mass effect/dragon age combat wheel where time is slowed down and you have different things you can do.
Literally me af.
I've tried so many times to start morrowind but it's so retarded looking and the combat is so clunky, it's frustrating as shit.
Yeah I got major issues with this, and have thought about it alot, are you reading my mind since you seem to get it? Because I have thought about but cant reach a conclusion.

Say you are going on a journey, and want to attack some bandits in a cave. Call this free roaming, similiar to Tes gameplay.

It doesnt sound reasonable to have 30 units when freely exploring, and I agree, it will be inconsistance, like two different games in one, in a bad way, yet you will be able to have 100+ units when fighting in warfare which is a seperate area since the battle will be taking place in a designated area, rather than happening when travelling.

I consider limiting free roaming to 3 companions which are extra strong, got character traits and skills relative to players, compare to the battlefield where enemies will be generic creatures with basic hp, and you have to report to the army-base and then get deployed to relevant battle (aka teleport into battle-area).

Battle areas will be generic green and lucious, with alot of empty space, and hills, if it's in grassy part of world map. And sandy area if you fighting Moors/nubian race, then you teleport back to base after battle and get promotions.

Player can be issued a warning before willingly get upgraded to a general, you don't have to promote yourself if you don't want to.

Besides, much of the gameplay will be built on same principle, once you own a farm, you will just have to sit in a menu/interface, hire/fire workers, set selling prices and decide which merchants to trade with. Beuracratical type of gameplay, rather than talking to individual npc and telling them to work, or shopkeepers to do business with.

And I want the player to be amazed, once they rack up enough level for skilltrees, when they get skills to stomp the ground and stun a group of enemies.

But also, alot of planning is on the emphasis of losing limbs, and permanent damage unless you are rich or guildmast
Why not implement a system in which when you "lose" theres a chance you don't actually die, but go unconscious and captured/ransomed. It more realistic in terms of history (read:medieval) it which a heavily clad knight/lord/king would be knocked unconscious by attacks rather then straight out dying due to heavy armour vs pleb weapons. It would also make the game more enjoyable, as said anon mentioned before "why would you go out and risk dying with a high level character". Also giving the player a chance to player a random soldier on the battlefield while the commander is knocked out also adds some fun, with some significant morale penalties. Mount & Blade Warbandshave some good mods in relations to this.
Very good idea. Prison/Slave miner is already relevant and on the table, and if your character is wealthy you could just simply pay a fine for release.

And you can flee from battle but you get reputation -Coward
i think that limiting companions and having battles take place in predefined areas is a good idea to fix this problem as far as permanent damage goes if you lose an arm wouldn't you have an extremely high chance of dying also I'd imagine that there are prosthetics that have their owns pros and cons right
this sounds like a great idea to implement
the story and lore more than make up for it though
who do you think is more racist, the Nords, or the Dunmer?
I'm really not sure. Nords have the whole segregation thing going, but Dunmer keep slaves and call even dark elves born in other provinces "outlander" in a very haughty tone
native dunmer are racist as fuck to everyone else
>download a nude mod
>go to that bloodmoon island with werewolves
>get attacked by werewolves with huge dangly cocks
>lose my shit
I just bought it, probably should get the graphics mod for it which lets you have skyrim level graphics on it.
Dunmer are far more racist. The Nords took in refugees and everything, they didn't have to give them any housing at all. The non-humans in Skyrim are just ungreatful, plus you don't see any racist against non-Nord humans, except for Reachmen.
That's what we have books for, anon. Ya know, books? Have you heard of them?
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Bandage would be used for limbs being cut off, but you would only bleed out slowly, 1- hp every minute or so to give the player a chance.

And depending on how poor you are, your options would be akin to this

Shitty pegleg and pegarm (unable to hold sword, 50% loss of walking speed)

Handcrafted prostethic, metal prostetic, sword-hand

Academy of Magic or an offspin of mage guild would give you an Ethereal ghost transparent arm

Best would ofcourse be a foreign remote race who have high tier steampunk technology as these prostethics would even give buff.

I think many players would enjoy fighting certain bandits with peglegs and a big blade for an arm.

Sorry for bringing in adventure time pics, but only ethereal arm I could find on google.

I wish morrowind and Dunmers went further into the whole slave business, apperently they have been doing it for thousands of years, I missed that my first couple of play-throughs, didnt show the brutality of it.

Loved how they complained about the imperial foreigners being insensitive about their rights to keep slaves.
>Played it
For like an hour. The thing is really glitchy on modern winblows and I never really got into it because of the lack of (good) lewd mods. I also wanted to make my stats reflect myself in real life but then found out that doing something like that basically makes the game unplayable. Other then that stuff it was enjoyable I guess.
>story and lore has no place in a video game
gtfo pleb
It's just bantz m8. Now fuck off outlander, we're full.

That water must be cold...
I don't think it's publicly released yet. They post update info, videos, and screenshots constantly on r/morrowind
>doesn't read quality literature and philosophy
>calls someone else a pleb

oh hmm.
I will dump some art now, and if anyone has lore related questions about the game, I would love to answer them.
I'll try to post some rares.
Black marsh

a (you) for this deep player
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not rare but I love this pic
I keep trying to get into it but faltering because there doesn't seem much to do early on. What path should I take that would give me an immediate hook?
Literally walk in any direction and go inside the first cave you see.

Or do what you were told to do at the Census office, go to Balmora and find Caius.

Steal everything you can get away with, then use the money to train your main weapon or magic skill to the point youre able to survive a real quest
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dunmer shop
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No gods here
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3D art
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Barenziah and Symmachus
Which questline do you find the most engaging? I enjoy working for fighters guild but requires atleast 3 hours of leveling up before I can do their quest.

Do you feel comfy in Morrowind, in that case, where? I felt there wasnt many places that felt like home so I edited Foreign Quarters in vivec, gave myself an apertment, added some psychadelic colourful lights and felt really warm and safe there.

Other house, you kill the man who murdered the seyda neen taxman and take his house. There is also a secret house far away, near the ocean outside Seyda Neen, enjoy the ambient sounds of water reaching land.
Try Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, and I think there's a bunch of unique landscapes mods, dunno if they come packaged nowadays but it's a lot of em.

Oscuro deleted every single item and monster and went through autistically placing shit into the world. Sometimes the good loot is even hiding in the fucking rafters in the dungeons, seriously. He was so good at it that obsidian hired him to do the same thing for new vegas
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That mod made my character stop leveling up pham and everything is a health sponge
>Which questline do you find the most engaging?
Main quest and House Hlaalu. Telvanni quests were fucking pedantic
Truly a robot's dream
>Sperg out on a game
>Get to idiot savant levels of autism by removing everything from the game and placing it in newer, more interesting places
>Get hired by a company working on another version of the game to do the same thing
>Get money
>Still manage to keep virginity
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Favorite location?

Balmora here, I downloaded a mod called Balmora XL and it really fucking gave balmora a more amazing feel, unfortunaly it was a sloppy mod, but it changed the whole feel of the city.
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ending spoiler dont look new players
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lovely khajiit
Fuck. This is like my favorite game, and one of the most complex and immersive I've ever played. It's also fucking weird and scary at times, but that's probably because it's old and the graphics aren't that great--but I like it that way.

Just bought it again for about 6 bucks thanks to the steam sale...Khajiit bard all the way.

I have never completed the main quest. I usually sell the package to Cossades at the beginning and just go from there..
You should really finish it m8, Morrowind has one of the best stories I've ever encountered.

I used to find certain parts scary as fuck as a kid, but as an adult it does nothing for me. I think it's too old to be scary anymore, sadly.
everybody's favorite armor
Holy shit. I did that by accident. I spent about 20 hours trying to figure what to do next only to have a friend tell me that I needed to keep that package to move the main story line onward.

By that time I was way too invested to start over so I just fucked around, doing every other quest I could. I even added the expansions and did those as well.

I still don't know what happens in the main quest.
I gotta go Thieves Guild and Hlaalu. Fighters guild is good too, but I can never bring myself to kill based gentleman jim stacey
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Epic Balmora mod really added flavour.

>Roleplay as thief in night
>Pretend I can only enter houses when guards aren't looking
>Jumping from house to house like ninja
>Make away with loot hiding up the mountains near a abandoned house

Skyrim was such a travesty, lost all its alien elements and became realistic with no fantasy involved. Also sound-dialogues are cancer.
Khajit cant wear boots and fuck up armorrating
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Uncle Crassius
I know...But I like cat people...It doesn't even matter after a certain point.
what's up with those wonky ass buildings?
Oh and also can you imagine the normie screams of rage if they put out a game with no spoken dialog in modern times?
>Put package in that fucking stump by accident in Seyda Neen
>Can't remember what I did with it a few hours later
>Fuck it, I'll join the Legion
>Join up
>Kill old ladies for the Empire
>60+ hours later
>Pissing around Seyda Neen again
>Go to the stump
>See package and pee myself a bit
>Start main story line quest
>Everything is super fucking easy now

I love that game too much.
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Biggest bro incoming

The mod was made sloppy but it doesn't look like this, some houses haven fallen due to age. It just made Balmora seem so much bigger and comfy
If we judge by the progress line, the next installment from Bethesda will feature a facebook Thumbs up only
nix hounds

Well, since nowadays even the most basic RPG's can handle sound dialogue without killing a computer it would be seen as laziness on the developer's part.
Like Zelda?
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I wish I had some good art of him but I do not.

BTW, I highly recommend Tamriel Rebuilt for anyone looking for more land to explore. They've done a really good job so far.
Probably put 300 hours into this game. Never completed the main quest
Haha, that sounds awesome. I remember Fargoth's stump fondly...A friend showed me Morrowind and that whole scenario with Fargoth back in like 2003, when I was 10-11, and I bought the game immediately...Morrowind looked like a special game, and it most definitely was.
I don't play recent Zelda games, which one(s)?
Zelda isn't known for realism which is why they can get away with reverting to cartoony graphics without people bitching. If Elder Scrolls took a "step back" in any way the casual gamer reviewers would bitch.
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I drew this one
Black Marsh during Oblivion
Optional progression speed mods and Deadly Combat are both included in OOO senpai
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Information about Towers
What do you mean by this? Most people can read faster than shitty voice actors can speak, why would anyone want to listen to 20 paragraphs of information and lore when they can read it instead.

Morrowind was goat for dialogue and quests.
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Bitter Coast
I think the saddest part of this thread is that there will probably never be a game like Morrowind again.

I kind of lost interest in most video games after the 360/ps3/wii generation, but from having played Oblivion (and to a certain extent fallout 3), and from what I've heard of Skyrim, it just seems like RPGs (at least "western rpgs") will never be as deep as Morrowind again. And that sucks...

If they are, you will have to buy lots of DLC.
Someone else just chiming in: but I agree with you. Not just because the voice acting in oblivion was shitty, but in general watching cutscenes in modern video games replete with voice acting is just like watching a shitty movie, I find.
I always imagine Todd and his crew being so beta during the making of Oblivion, that they asked their mothers, aunts and uncles to do the voice acting. Sounds like it atleast.

Wish they would have kept that dunmer who sounds like he smoked 20 packs of cigarettes since he was 11, and fed whiskey as a baby
There will never be an Elder Scrolls game that's as good as Morrowind again. Bethesda is sticking in the knife and twisting. I think indie developers have a chance of making something comparably good, but it won't have the same lore and mythos, which makes me very sad as well.

I spend a lot of time RPing Morrowind because it's the only way to stay in the world, as the game itself has gotten boring for me after 12 years of playing.
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What are the chances of a Morrowind reboot with slightly better graphics and combat system, but everything else the same? Is anything possible with crowdfunding? I'm sure there are loads of nerds in their 20s like us who adore this game and would love to make that happen...
Age of Decadence is a good RPG. Lots of stats and lots of ways to use those stats.

The story progress can be a bit weak. There's nowhere near the amount of freedom like what you get in TES games, unfortunately.
That kind of freedom is how Bethesda is getting away with their shit. No-one else does it on that scale.
It's already in the works, google Skywind.

Because of constraints with Skyrim's combat system, it probably won't have as good of a magic system though.
Yes, indie devs could possibly do something. But I feel like these great games from indie developers are usually smaller in scale than a Morrowind-type game, which would require a lot of people and money to make...But I'll remain hopeful.
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Gothic 1, 2, and 3 are also extremely good RPGs. They are hard as shit and can be frustrating. But if you like Morrowind you'd probably like it, although it doesn't have the attention to detail Morrowind does.

That's another series that suffered from turning to shit because of pandering to casual. (Risen series from the same developers is a continuation of Gothic, the new name is because they lost their trademark.)
in what way was Skyrim's magic system worse? press c to make spell wasn't as immersive or adaptable and the spells and enchantments themselves have already been readded by modders where they were missing.

What I wouldn't give to have a Dark Brotherhood stand alone game.
I remember when Morroblivion was a thing. That was never finished. Then Skyrim came out and plans were made to do Skywind.

It'll never be finished. Ever. It will be dropped. It's a nice idea but it takes more time and effort than anyone can put in, without being paid.
Ha, yes I remember Gothic 2. I bought it around the time I got Morrowind thanks to coverage on...


I did love that game too. But it was extremely difficult and buggy, and I never beat it. I remember you could play as NPCs by walking up to them and doing something simple by pressing "O" or something.
I just mean the complexity of the magic, the ability to make your own spells, and things like levitation which I think Skywind isn't going to be able to include. But I could be wrong.
All the Zelda games
>why would anyone want to listen to 20 paragraphs of information
Except they don't do that, they just dumb everything down
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The mainquest has already been finished in Skywind, and so are a lot of other quests. It's playable now, they are just trying to get it at 100% before release. Even if they abandon it, we'd still have something to play. Tamriel Rebuilt, which has been going on for 13 years now, is not finished but they do release files regularly which at least gives you something to do.
Oh my god this game defined my childhood, I poured so many hours into it.
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Looks nice.
Never played it.Reluctant to try it because I read a lot of bad things about combat system
Part legitmate, part idiots who dont pick a weapon to specialize in and actually use it.

It angers me that Bethesda must see this level of dedication to morrowind but don't take it as evidence that they're fucking up hard
The combat is not that good (I would say it's comparable to other games of that era, though) but the game is worth playing for every other reason.
No, none of the newer ones do. The characters make noises, but none of the dialogue is spoken
they obviously did considering they made Dragonborn just for nostalgia
Well, if you just play games for the combat then don't bother. Your loss
I'm sure that some of the developers know.
But the guys calling the shots do not care. They want money. A game that looks pretty but is shit is going to make more sales than a game that doesn't look as good.
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I realized that after I posted. It's not considered a step back if it never had it to begin with.
It's not really that many people. They can have this small amount of dedicated fans or they can have millions of casual fans. You know where they money is. And they're chasing the money.

It's business. The days of people making games because they like to, is over.
Modders are all that remains of the great days.
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>Mead Empire
Fucking Nords.
Can someone make a quick summery what the differences between Telvanni, Morag Tong, and Hlaalu is?
Funny thing is I think morro with a texture pack looks better than any of the newer games
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That stupid fucking compass triggers me
Openmw is worth looking into, more interesting than Skywind in my opinion. If it's ever finished that is
>finally sat down a few years ago to beat Morrowind after finally giving up on Oblivion because of the retarded scaling system
>world at least feels large, atmosphere and environments are pretty crazy
>towns are all unique with their own art style, including the inside of homes
>quest is "go see Kaloth Oad-Ur in the Orc canton in Vivec"
>have to actually go around asking people where the fuck Kaloth Oad-Ur is

>tfw a Nord lost me because of the stupid non-z depth pathfinding

>absolute ass
>enemies scale hyper fast or weapons don't, not sure which
>dungeons all samey
>30 markers on your compass at any point
>try to get into Quest
>it's shit because enemies are broken as fuck
>decide to try and NOT level up, putting all real stats off in the shit bin
>game won't let you find good shit because "lolyou'renotplayingitthewaywewantyouto"
>quest is still boring as fuck
I fucking hate modern games. Oblivion was like ten years ago and it still pisses me off.
I don't want to believe desu
Are there any that are working on multiplayer support? Bethesda games do look kinda fun, but because you can't play them co-op it limits their playability for me.
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I agree

Telvanni and Hlaalu are both Great Houses. Morag Tong is an organization of assassins. Assassination is condoned in Morrowind under certain circumstances, so they are legally permitted as long as they have writs of execution.

Hlaalu are traders and they are friendly with the Empire.

Telvanni are wizards. They are very xenophobic. Strong supporters of slavery and do not like the Empire.

Attached is more info about the Great Houses.
I bought it on the steam sale a few days ago and I'm having a blast.
The only other TES game I've played was Oblivion, and Morrowind is everything I wanted Oblivion to be.
My only regret is picking spears as a main skill.
I agree with all of this and all of the disappointment with modern games (kind of feels funny to say that as all video games are pretty "modern").

But if there's one thing that made Oblivion good it's the archery. I did enjoy having a stealthy archer-assassin type character. Snipin' people was pretty satisfying.
I'm not the only one who read the Lusty Argonian Maid before it was a meme right?

>My only regret is picking spears as a main skill

made me lol
I think some guys on there forum are working on something like that, and even a android release of the game. I think the focus is a stable release of OpenMW first and there pretty close, most of the engine is stable and its down to bug fixing now.
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no brother

I remember there being a really good nude texture pack for the argonian and the khajit. I totally fapped to khajit pussy
I love khajiits
Khajiit poo in loo
Despite not being a furry a khajit waifu would be the best, since they are still cuddly cats after all.
This thread has gotten me wanting to start a weird character class.

I came up with this: http://morrowind.inventivegamer.com/tools/chargen/?character=2,9,12,3,4,5,27,18,20,21,9,16,26,19,12,22

Going for a stealthy boxer-type character here. Probably too much magic going on in the minor skills, but I wanted to go full-on hand to hand, and a hand-to-hand fighter could probably stand to be able to heal himself and unlock doors and shit .

Was unsure about the sign to put him under. I like Tower too as it's pretty useful, but I do have security as a minor skill.

>Year of our Lord 1997
I normally ran dagger, unarmored, hand-to-hand, archery and thief stuff. I abused the shit out of the alchemy system though, for money and potions. To be honest, I ran unarmored and dagger/bow because armor was heavy as fuck and I was having enough of an issue with encumberance already. Yes I was the guy who stole nearly everything and thought about collecting every outfit set in the game.

P.s. if you go to Caldera, there's a gremlin that has 5000 gold/day. I think he's second only to le secret rubbing claws merchant who is a lot less convenient to get to/from.
But levitation is literally required for some quests
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Here is the original.
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made this a while back while i was bored
This image kinda makes me think, if STALKER SoC and Morrowind had a sort of blended game it would probably be really nice. They both had beautiful environments and pretty smooth gameplay, the looty mechanics were mostly the same. SoC got ass if you pushed up the difficulty (bullet sponges) but in general they have certain similarities that would be really nice to see in more games.
Very funny desu
Go away, underage.
For maximum autism and immersive gameplay

Set_____ [Value]

>Set alchemy 10

Go to Balmora and talk to Caius. Then join the fighters guild and walk into random caves.
Also, you can rob the treasury in Vivec, which can get you some pretty high level stuff early on. I do it every time I start a new character. You can get glass armor and shit from there.

Let this faggot show you how to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjRi-02ylm0

I've played over 2000 hours of Morrowind, still haven't finished Tribunal or even started Bloodmoon. I love it so much.

Recently I moved to Puget Sound and I'd love to see the geography here translated into a game.
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get a load of this fgt
Note for you hackers out there: there is a command fixme which shuffles you a random direction a few feet. It's useful if you get stuck somewhere i.e. you're dicking around on rocks or whatever. It can also be used to teleport through doors. You just keep using it, and eventually, as long as the other side of the door is in your present environment, you'll teleporter past it.

Another useful thing is a telekinetic enchantment. You put 15-25 feet or so on a pair of clothes for 2-3 seconds and you can steal shit from far away. One second is not long enough. Exploiting Chameleon works too of course.
Can you steal things from shops and homes and sell them?
>2000 hours

I got about 5000 hours in terraria. I must ask, how do you do it?

The game is great, no doubt about it, but somewhere between abusing alchemy money, and training, reaching lvl 30, the game gets boring, endless money, smack any monster to death easily.

Even without abusing it, game gets to easy when you master longsword and armor, and I lose interest.
I just learned of fixme last time I was playing. So helpful.

Also in regards to stealing stuff, if you hold the change perspective button and pivot the camera, you can open your inventory and then manually pick up objects and place them in your inventory from around corners, down flights of stairs, etc.
of course

Yes but dont steal from a person, then sell back to that person. They kill you.

You just described why I have a hard time going back to oblivion
Also in regards to stealing stuff, if you hold the change perspective button and pivot the camera, you can open your inventory and then manually pick up objects and place them in your inventory from around corners, down flights of stairs, etc.

It's less that it's clunky, and more that everything is based off dice rolls. You'll get so proficient in your weapons though to the point where dice rolls won't even matter.
Just do quests. The quests are a great way to get started and to ease you in, and typically have you do stuff that helps you level up.
I think between 25-35 the dice rolls stop happening. A little annoying to get used to if you're not used to click spamming.

Something fun, is if you line up the persuasions menu with the okay button, you can click spam until your persuasion skill goes up and eventually the person will like you (just use it out on something easier first, of course). Something like joytokey can let you bind a turbo button.
>play Dragonborn
>get nostalgia for a game I just started playing
What is this?!
You totally don't have to. Don't take quests from that fuck face horsemouth or whatever he's called (the nord in vivec).
Play for 100-200 hours, get bored. Rediscover the game down the road, put in another 100-200 hours. Repeat for a decade+
I should be laughing because it's your loss, m8
I remember I used to hate Morrowind because it was so complicated.

It wasn't until I made a Breton Battlmage that I loved it.

I spent hours researching shit, and just got way more into it.

House Telvanni was the absolute best. Just loved it.

Fun times. One of my favorite, yet annoying, thing was the directions.

Having to follow descriptions of places and navigate the map on your own had a certain charm to it, especially when you finally found the place.

By far, my favorite story line of all time.

Why can't bethesda make games like this anymore?
Am I a pleb for preferring the xbox version to the PC?

I mean, I own both versions, but I always found morrowind way more comfy to play on a console, despite worse graphics and longer load times.
Streamlining to attract more customers, especially since morrowind for it's time of release was niche and is now getting more love.

The other games aren't full on casual yet, but it may get there soon.
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I love morrowind
I like playing on a console but it's definitely worse. The archery is so clunky and you can't get mods. I also don't think you can use the console so if an NPC disappears or you get stuck in a tree you're just fucked.

I did play Skyrim on the console though.
>SoC got ass if you pushed up the difficulty (bullet sponges)
You mean the other way around? The higher the difficultly, the higher damage everything deals, so lower difficulties were bullet sponge hells
Where were you when you found out that Imperials are literal jews?
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Don't steal my jokes
skyrim is maximum casual, not saying I don't like it, but it's casual as fuck
No, they definitely went bullet sponge on higher difficulties. The most painfully obvious was how ass shotgun is, and when you have the final or close to final round in the arena, you can shoot the guy like 5 times in the chest and he won't flinch, but if he catches you once you're dead. Accuracy was literally everything in SoC and basically you had to have the most accurate gun you could get and only go for headshots.

That sort of combat behavior, combined with the omniscient AI in Clear Skies turned me off to the games. I should try it again.
>pitch black
>shoot one silenced pistol
>every guy stands up and starts shooting or running right at you, they never become un-hostile
How the FUCK do I install this shit

I mean in hte nexus you have one link to 1.36 bthat says FOR THE FULL MANUAL VERSION GO HERE and a link to 1.36
And then the installation guide says "INSTALL OBMM (instructions) MANUAL INSTALL (instructions) BAIN INSTALL (instructions) What the fuck is all that shit
And then the comments say I CAN'T INSTALL BECAUSE I NEED THE BASE 1.3 WHERE THE FUCK IS IT. So do I need that shit? Where do I get it? And what fuckign version of this shit should I get. I HATE complicated faggots like these
Are we sure we played the same game? Not once have I had a bullet sponge incident when playing on stalker difficulty. When the difficultly is lowered, all damage from both sides is reduced, and vice versa for higher difficulties. Seriously, where are you getting this from?

Never used a shotgun though so I can't deny what you're saying about them.
It's easy to become overpowered, sure, but I don't think it's "OMEGA CASUAL" like I hear most people saying. I think if you play with builds though, it does give more fun since you won't be a walking God of destruction at level 10
I can't really take playing vanilla morrowind. I crank up the character's speed to 200 points. The original walk speed is insufferable
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. . .

Really, guys? Seriously?
>Using a weapon you're not proficient in makes you miss a lot
What's your point?
Fatigue is empty.
Should've noticed it
That webm is old bait, don't reply
I'm not going to tell you the combat in Morrowind is great. It's not. But getting hung up on the clunky combat is missing the point of why people love the game.
>alien fantasy
good term to describe it.

No Fatigue=Low chance to hit enemies and lowered stats.
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Fatigue for fucking DAYS and still can't hit.
Morrowind, everyone.
>Fatigue for days
>Bar clearly shows little fatigue
I'm bitin' this bait
This goes away pretty quickly. Once you're even slightly proficient with a weapon you don't miss that much. You just have to grind a little. to be honest though, this never ever bothered me while playing morro. I don't understand people who are bothered by it.
If you picked a weapon you have as a major skill you should be pretty good right away. Wood elves start with 50 marksman if it's a major skill.
The highest difficulty for SoC is master isn't it? And there is no possible way they did LESS damage at higher difficulties. Even with the best bullet-resistant armor I couldn't get shot for more than a second without pumping medkits and slapping in anti-bleed artifacts.
Fantastic game. It's in my top two favourite games, but I will admit nostalgia plays a big role.

The game has a few glaring problems.
Attacks like that deal 1 damage with a warhammer. Did you expect to just walk out with next to no armor, weapon skills or knowing what you're doing and be entitled to win your fights anyway?
Take tower, drink alchemized restore fatigue potions or just be patient for more than 5 seconds when you're running around. Restore fatigue pots are made from like any ingredients and usually are beastly. It can be difficult finding the initial alchemist equipment, I admit.

Guess how good you would be in a knife or sword fight right now. Shoulda practiced on mudkips.
>And there is no possible way they did LESS damage at higher difficulties
I'm saying EVERYONE did higher damage in higher difficulties, including you. In lower difficulties, all damage for EVERYONE is lowered.
What is your other favorite game?
>Boots of blinding speed
>Race has inherit magic resistance

Feels good man
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