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File: khan.png (13 KB, 274x196) Image search: [Google]
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It's easier than ever to become super fucking educated, they've turned learning into a game. It's pretty legit. If you want to empower yourselves, there's hope for some of you, at least try b4 giving up!
File: 1447266435793.jpg (107 KB, 399x482) Image search: [Google]
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Khan academy is great for introducing new ideas to you, but it won't make you 'super funking educated', you need books for that
Thank god for based Khan, I think he is one of the most incredible people to ever live. He could be making hundreds of thousands or millions working for some jew on Wall Street, but instead he is educating and giving hope to people all over the world. The guy deserves the Nobel to be honest ;_;
fuck that shit, i'll just keep browsing 4chan
>at least try b4 giving up!

I have a personal rule.

I will never try things at which I know I am going to fail.

It is perfectly possible to tell beforehand, and I am doing this.

I am not going to be caught embarrassing myself by trying to understand something that is not for me.
the knowledge you gain isn't worth much though, because employers don't believe you when you then claim you have it. If they don't see a college degree and personal references they assume you're lying and don't bother getting any idea of what you do or don't know.
>tfw heard about the fizzbuzz programming mini-test used in recruiting
>tfw in an hour, come up a version that's the shortest known one in the language you used all by yourself
>tfw you're a multiple school drop-out that will never have a non-janitorial job, if even that

I'm literally retarded, too. It's just that I have tons upon tons on my hands.
True. But this kind of stuff might be useful for people who want to learn strictly for the sake of knowledge itself, or maybe to help them in their hobbies and whatnot.
>gaining knowledge to impress an employer

How about just gaining knowledge because you need it, and because you want to do something interesting with it?
Agreed... but there are fields like computer science where if you can get a phone interview, you can use what you were self taught to go get a real interview.

Regardless though, keeping your brain sharp until you figure out something is important, at least if you like the sciences.

Perhaps there's websites for other fields like music or art. I dunno. But if you're interested in science, khan can be a good start.
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It has been a while since I used it last. Would be quite daunting to go back in again.
is anyone else doing the SAT this december
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