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can someone help me understand s4s, its totally incomprehensible to me and good luck asking them directly

idk if their all autist, underage, crazy, or if it's just a deep culture
s4s was born a meme and had an amazing golden era of its first 6 months or so there, it was like one non stop rolling joke where you couldnt catch enough air to breathe. it has gone down in its original greatness since then, i believe but still has its novelty though

the levels of irony and autism and memeing are very high. its like the finest most luxurious impecable wine of distilled autism and memes. if youre a beer drinker, or dont like alcohol, or only drink 2buck chuck wine then you might hate it because its not you or you might like it, love it but you wont be able to appreciate why it tastes good like a true connoisseur of memes and autistic humour would.

its my guess that s4s IS on the autistic wavelength of humour, and to understand it you have to be somewhat autistic yourself

here are some videos if you wish to further your research into the shits and giggles genuine blissful humor of the mind of autism


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It takes bits and pieces of English language and today's culture that only english speaking first world country citizens that have browsed 4chan for a long time and have observed alot of mainstream and cult following media, and be able to understand what the fuck they're talking about when they spell shit wrong.

If you can understand what someone is trying to meme in /s4s/ when they spell shit weird and use a weird name and crazy grammar, you are one of a group of people that will die out and only them will be able to decipher /s4s/.

think about it, people who dont speak english can generally google translate stuff on here and get at least the jist of what we're saying.

/s4s/ is heiroglyphics of a generation of english speaking internet using autists.

For example, someone will go back and read this post some time, and think my filename is mevsu, not me vs you.
Fucked up my sentence structure in that first sentence but you know what the fuck i mean
Pure memery senpai, pure memery
I've been posting since it was made on the first of april I couldn't really explain it but it's just memes on top of memes on top of memes etc
they're all nice people
It was moot's concession to the redditors, catering to their unoriginality and their manchildish need to repost recycled variations of the same overused and unfunny forced memes over and over again while embracing the life of an emotionally and intellectually shallow beta male.
wew led little bit mad there aren't we?
It used to be totally random garbage and 'Kek'. Just went there now and there were at least 3 trap/porn/sissy threads. Wtf. What a letdown.
2deep4u ironic shitposting

there are so many levels of irony you don't know what the fuck to think sometimes, but on the other hand you look at the posts and they're just a steaming pile of shit

It's a pretty interesting place
>that autismal cover story

obviously it's just 2deep4u
>It was moot's concession to the redditors, catering to their unoriginality and their manchildish need to repost recycled

not it was a gift he bestowed on the autists while also jabbing at the reddit culture

its an ironic shit reddit says board that was never meant to stay until it was proved to be top kek and took on its own identity from there
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