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Comfy childhood feels
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Can we have a comfy/nostalgic/childhood thread? Post songs or talk about memories from your childhood that make you feel warm inside and happy. Let's all be kids for a bit. Please keep the posts positive.

It's raining outside and I'm listening to this in my bed under the covers I miss this game have some good memories with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7J910J9vk0 Feels good senpai
>ruby version

Sorry pal, you must be 18+ to view these boards.
I liked Butterfly by Crazy Town when I was a kid.
that video is weird as fck tho
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=292ni0Qrum0 anyone?
ruby/saphire was the best out of all the games fight me
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>be me
>4th grade
>steal some of that delicious chocolate milk they used to give away at school every day during lunch time
>go home with milk in my backpack
>spend the rest of the evening playing vidya at my house with my best buddy at the time and drinking that awesome chocolate milk

miss that shit
mein neger

/thread desu
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fuck that's the wrong one

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>I will never be age 5-9 again when me and my dad would hang out together and build legos and bionicles on the floor of my room near our comfy space heater while I was wrapped in a blanket
>I will never again go to parks or inna woods with my dad to hunt bugs and look for cool mushrooms
>I will never go back to the time before my parents divorced when I was like 10 when I had normal happy family meals
>I will never get to experience the joy of getting a dog for the first time again
>I will never wake up early and have my dad or mom bring me chocolate milk while I watched Saturday morning cartoons
>I will never have an aquarium full of rad fish I caught at the nearby swamp with my dad ever again
I should be happy I had these good memories, but I feel a deep sadness instead
>have my dad or mom bring me chocolate milk while I watched Saturday morning cartoons
lazy fuck
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLhDvStKqzw had the vhs of this episode and went nuts for this moment every time
I was like five or six you fucking faggot and it was like a once a week special
sounds like you had a good childhood my friend. no reason to be sad those moments should be cherished by you in your mind and you should just look forward to having more moments that you will remember in the future even if it's just little things. When I miss my childhood I always find that watching shows I used to watch or listen to songs I used to listen to makes me feel a lot better as if I will always feel that magic whenever I go back to those things and I look back. I also hope I can have kids and introduce them to it some day and watch them enjoy those things as much as I did
whatever, it just bugs the shit out of me when I hear people talk about yelling at their parents to get them something. seems shitty to me, and maybe that's just because my parents never put up with that shit
how do you know they even asked for the milk anon their parents might just be caring and sweet enough to bring that to him and even if he asked for it it's no big deal really chill
what the fuck nigger who said I yelled at my parents
They would wake me up and ask if I wanted the "Saturday classic" and then if I said yes they would bring me some chocolate milk
well my dad was morbidly obese so he couldn't really walk and my mom was crazy so... guess I don't know what it's like to have parents that care in that way
When I visited my grandmother, I used to sit by the bonfire with her cat. He'd let me pet him thoroughly and groom himself afterwards, then get petted some more. We'd do that routine until one of us had to leave. To this day, the smell of cat saliva makes me comfy as fuck.

That same cat once killed a rat that had bitten me (my fault, I was "helping" him on his hunt and got bit like a retard). He left the corpse in plain sight near the place I was bitten too. I knew then and there he was my best friend.
nice story anon even though I hate cats that does sound nice desu
Don't h8 m8s
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I make it a point to replay Ocarina of Time once a year. When I see this title screen, and the accompanying music, I can't help but feel a profound sadness. It brings my mind far back to 1998, when there was still a sense of innocence, when there was still a sense of hope for the future. To me, it resembles a period of my life where things were more peaceful, more optimistic.
Many people say this game is overrated, but I think it deserves its praise. The soundtrack alone evokes all sorts of emotion. Every single track in this game brings me back to that time so long ago, when I wasn't so alone and when I wasn't so sad.
I haven't felt any sort of happiness since 2001. All I have left are the memories.
>Wish I had never thrown out my gamecube
>Remember I'd have no one to play with anyway
Hearing this at first brought feelings of nostalgia, but that quickly turned to sadness and despair
Thanks for trying anyway anon
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That song always makes the nostalgia heart-wrenching
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>wake up
>sprinting down stairs to my gamecube
>play pokemon before school
>mum chose the clothes i wear
>mum makes breakfast
>Go to school
>the whole Day living in my pokemon fantasy
>Trade cookies during timeout.
>12:00 o clock go to house have my mid Day dinner
>1:00 o clock go back to school
Waiting till 3 o clock
>3 o clock running to home play pokemon
>dont know anything about the problems in the world
>Only pokemon
This for 4 years long best time of my life.
When I was around six years my mother divorced my father since he was cheating on her and drinking a lot. He often phoned 100 times a night and threatened to come over and kick the door in. Sometimes I had to leave the house at night to stay at a relatives. Then she kicked my brother out since he turned aggressive and hostile (understandably I guess) and punched holes in his bedroom walls and bullied my sister. After the divorce my mother sold our house and we lived with my grandmother in her council house. We shared the same single bed my grandfather had died in a few weeks before. We eventually moved into a tiny house that had to have a lot of work done to it, which my uncle helped with. We didn't have too much money but one time my mother booked a holiday for me and her to visit Disneyland Paris. We caught a bus there and when we got there it was already dark, it must have been around winter time. My mother looked so old and depressed, she usually kept her blonde hair in a sort of bob with the bottom curled up a little. But her roots were dark and she had it worn up and she was wearing an over-sized fleece. When we approached the gates and entered Disneyland the song "Downtown" by Petula Clark was playing on the speakers inside the bus and I could see all the lights of the rides and attractions beginning to appear. I felt so excited but now the memory is a little depressing since I realize how unhappy my mother must have been and how she must have struggled to make the money to book our holiday.

Majora's Mask contains a lot of feeling for me, too.
This may be the song I listen to before I finally end it.

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I expected final hours. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fsinc4LAx34
I remember that game was all I did in 3rd grade and the first game I ever 100 percented. If I ever do it I'd imagine I would follow your lead. I just need to be forgotten first. Fitting with the whole accepting death theme, no?
i know that feel bro I wish we were just kids for about 70 years and then died peacefully in our sleep
Yes. Being forgotten, and acceptance, is big part of it for me.
There's also these I've considered.

keep holding on buddy I hope things get better for you and that song is beautiful even though I've never played the game

First Pokemon game for me too, I'm 19, almost 20.

You're old mate.
This. Spent countless hours in that shit.
Forget the edgelords. I'm 23 and this was an essential part of my youth. (Still playing that to this day, the remake was pretty decent by the way, just way too easy [kids these days])
>take it easy during middle school
>everything was free, parent packed you a lunch every day
>classes were piss easy
>come home and play runescape for 4 hours
>do homework during homeroom

Felt good man.
Your grandma is a he?
op here and yup dude's old I'll be 20 in january
it'll be okay anon, I feel ya.
>being 8 years old
>playing with ninja turtle figures

I miss it.

Being elementary school age in the early 90s was objectively superior to being in elementary school in the early-mid 00s in every single possible way
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You didn't get to grow up playing with bionicles though
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Compiled all the stuff I was obsessed with as a kid. Born 89, work as a programmer now.

I know almost everyone feels this way about whatever time period they were born in, but I think the 90s were the best time to be a kid. Especially for someone with my sort of interests. We didn't just have Legos, we had Lego robots. We got to see video games go from 2D to 3D. We got to see the Internet come of age. I made a website with nothing but pictures of my pet lizard.

And compared to kids today, we were given time to just fuck off and be left alone. When I was 10 years old I was out catching bugs. That was my thing -- putting spiders and bees in jars, for hours on end. I never see kids doing that anymore. They're only a couple years old and they already have "schedules."

I know this is repeated all the time, but I really think kids today are missing out. Like they're getting straight gypped and don't even know.
Anybody know / remember these feels?

>tfw whispering about a girl you like to your best buddy during a campout in his back yard
>tfw waiting until 6pm so dial-up internet is free to talk to your qt crush on MSN Messenger
>tfw turning up to school after the summer holidays and seeing how your crush has changed
>tfw she looks at you and smiles across the classroom
>tfw you see her on parent's evening and it feels silly to be with your parents
>tfw sitting on the school bus waiting to go home and seeing her sitting on her bus
>tfw sitting in assembly and having her registration class sit next to yours
>tfw you're about to masturbate to the 11pm freeview on TV but stop because you feel you're betraying her somehow
>tfw she appears in your dream despite the fact you haven't talked in almost a decade and haven't seen or spoken to her in over 7 years
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>be me
>9 years old
>cousin lives close to me
>go to each other's houses all the time
>play wwe games all day
>create the stupidest looking wrestlers just so we could laugh our asses off when playing with them

Literally best years of my life desu didn't have a single care in this world at the time
what game is that next to pokemon blue??
>you will never grow up in the 90's
1997 fag here, everything in the 00's felt so gray and dull compared the the crazy wacky styles of the 90's
It hasn't gotten any better either.
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That is Active Worlds, one of the earlier versions.

It was kind of like a primitive version of Second Life, but the focus was more on building, I think.

You could also program your own bots.

Back in the mid to late 90s that was mindblowing and I spent hours building houses and looking at what other people had built and so forth.
No, but her cat is.
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>Had one friend in daycare, we stopped being friends when I started getting
>bullied, and got completely ostracized in elementary,
>I would have become clinically depressed if I hadn't changed schools in 3rd grade.
>Between 3rd and 5th grade I had another friend, then he moved to Detroit and haven't heard from him since.
>Come 7th Grade, was still a Sperg.
>Slowly got more friends, got semi-bullied by some of the older kids.
>Learned to be a normal fag.
>Wasn't until 8th grade I made the friends I still have today.
>I tortured a few animals during the worst parts of my childhood.
>Still today I've noticed I have 50% of the empathy my colleges just, have

I look back at my childhood and see loneliness and mistreatment. You others on r9k should be grateful.

At least where I am now in my life looks brighter than my childhood. My future will always be brighter than my childhood.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVv8LOb96Mc Who /LittleBigPlanet/ here? Anyone? This game has gave some absolutely amazing memories when it came out me and my little brother would play it non stop... I was like 13 years old

>6th grade
>get home from school
>don't really have homework or anything because it's the fucking 6th grade
>just hop on my computer and start playing runescape
>no stress, no worries, not a care in the fucking world

I wish life was /comfy/ like it used to be
how is everyone doing now anon? did things change?
>super Mario 64
Fuggg that one gets me.
It also makes me think of when I used to play Mario party with my sister
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I know that feel all too well anon. Killing farmers and getting lost around the Draynor-Lumbridge border will never happen again. That and being attacked by the Draynor prison guards or getting stuck inside the manor with a bunch of noobs and eventually getting killed in a stupid way.
>going home for lunch
what country do you live in?
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My brother and our neighbors used to always be outside. We had so many games we'd play, especially in the summer, and I remember going to one neighbor's house to watch the new AFV episodes or to play video games.

In the summer, we used to play a game called "Man-Hunt," almost every night. Its basically hide-and-seek or jailbreak and we'd play it at night and cover the entire neighborhood. It was so much fun.

But now everyone is away at college or have jobs. There is no more fun. I sometime still stare out the window and look at the cul-de-sac where all this took place. It always makes me sad.

There are these tall trees behind one of my neighbor's house. At night, you can only see their black silhouettes. For some reason this view makes me the most nostalgic. I guess those tall, dark l trees have some mystery in them. I'd love to climb them, even though they are probably 30+ feet high.
Crash was my shit
back when I was like... 6
So Crash 3 = Warped?
This has always confused me.
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>that music
I wasn't ready for those feels anon...
I love nostalgic threads cause they have all these sweet stories and make me look back on my own childhood which was great but then I see so many people sad I just wanna hug all my fellow robots please try to get by y'all there are more good moments to be experienced
Having breakfast in the summer in my Grandma's garden while playing pokemon yellow is one of the best memories of my life.
I just want things to be that way again.
>tfw dad died when young
>tfw experienced so much death very young
>I missed out on adolescence with dad, and the rest of my life

I'm a disappointment
I'm 19 and played red first, but ruby was definitely the only one i really got into and played all day
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Ouch. My sympathies.

o shit
my sympathies too buddy plz don't lose hope and try to be as positive as you can and you're not a disappointment

I miss the 80s. :\
>all these nintendo related feelings

Were you guys rich? I always relate to being at a friends house because I was always to poor to own anything nintendo related. I just played outside.
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>tfw only child
>tfw all the neighborhoods I lived in as a kid had 0 other kids
>tfw years and years of being alone besides school where I was bullied until I reached 8th grade
is it really any surprise I'm a robot now

also fuck you robot
Me and my brother got our SNES from a mutual friend.
His parents were divorced and both got him an SNES for christmas without knowing it so he just gave one to me and my brother

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>being old enough to play Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire as a kid

I played Pokemon LeafGreen since it came out in 2004. I was born in 1997.

It was a good remake plus it had this:
Im born in 96 and played Yellow and Silver the most, LeafGreen was excellent though
I just wish I had the opportunity to be a kid
Always just quiet, reading or listening to music.
It feels like I had the mind of a 40 year old at age 10
Nobody ever really got me, I got popular in HS because without a dad and no real foundation I have a near sociopathic level of social learning and camouflage at the detriment of not having a real opinion on anything
Feels like I have two personalities , one that is a total jokester Chad and the other which I think is the real me is a shy loser who just wants to go inside and never come out
I feel like I drown the extroverted personality out by listening to music all the time to the point where music is a borderline addiction

Hell there's no way to say this without sounding special snowflake
I don't even know who I'm talking to
you're talking to some guy desu but that some guy really feels for you and thinks that you sound like a nice person you just had some shitty things happen to you. Sending much love to you and hoping you can cope there are better days ahead
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Fucking loved that song. I actually used to fall asleep to it
Mmm yes leaf green, beautiful game. For some reason I have fire red now. Although I was born in '97 as well, I vaguely remember most of the things in this nostalgia thread, especially the vidya music (I played the remakes).

For me I likes wind wakers sea theme, it made me feel like I was free on an adventure, not in some rigged game. https://youtu.be/5J_bL2bjQ-k
HD soundtrack is cleaner, but had less doors imho
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Saw we shut someone else posted pokemon reorchestrated
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>>24457 meant to say aww shit
Fuckin aurocorrect
windwaker had such a great soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRWq53IFXVQ
bionicles were shit from a shit decade
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Take that back
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>tfw everyone ITT says they were born in 97
>probably actually born in like 99
>tfw born in 84
>That adrenaline rush after buying a new video and on the way back just basking in its glory and looking at the back of the box ripping off the plastic as soon as you get home and pop that bitch right in system and play for hours
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>ughh okay Grandpa I'll go to bed, just don't tell me another one of your old stories about "Chad" alright?

I got Ruby the christmas it came out.

I'm 21.
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>Waking up
>radio disney
>Toaster strudels
>Bob evan's sausages
>Cini mini's french toast

>Actually anticipating a good day at elementary school
>Maybe get in some Sherwood Dungeon in the morning before I leave and get a ride in my mother's old saturn
>Play RS all day when I get back

>enjoy life
1978 here. Get off my board kid.
You radio disney too?
Can anyone tell me how the fuck could you be excited for school?
sitting for 5 hours staring and copying bullshit from a wall isn't fun.
inb4 friends
>implying its still not shit
All i ever wanted was to be comfy playing vydia all by myself in my house.
I agree, most of elementary/middle school was total boring trash.
Senior year of high school though was fantastic. I'd much prefer being at school than at home.
Even in the case of wanting to play vidya I had Dragon Quest on my phone and Pokemon on my calculator that I played all day and the teachers didn't care.
Well, I used to have sleepovers with like 7-10 friends. We'd ride our bikes across town to go to the movies and then we'd come home and have Mario Party and Super Smash Brothers tournaments. But as we got older we all started to hate each other and the gang dispersed.
I miss the times when I would go to my grandma house and just talk with her, draw and read books.

It's a sad thing that I remember being so happy when I was little kid and now I'm just so sad
Oh god the fucking Active Worlds. We had a world based on the works of some russian sci-fi author with around 20 regulars always online. Shit was cash. I remember building some weird ass glass maze there.
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>It will never be 2004 again
>I will never again be at a sleepover on Friday night at my friend's house
>We will never again spend the late afternoon after school looking up Flash animations on Newgrounds, Albinoblacksheep and Flashplayer
>My friend's parents will never come home in the evening with pizza, chips and soda for us
>We will never take all our junk food and go down to his basement and play Halo 2 co-op on Legendary mode, staying all the way up until sunrise to beat it

Thanks for being my friend, Mark. You were the only one in the whole school who was my friend. I'll always remember the fun times we had.
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>come home from school
>sad cause no friends
>play banjo & kazooie to feel better
>drunk dad beats the shit out of me
ah, how i miss being a child
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tfw it will never be 2001-2005 again
I was never allowed to have sleepovers as a kid, not really sure the reason why my parents just never allowed it.

I feel like I missed out on some sweet shit, even though I never really had any friends that would invite me to a sleepover.

God, I wish I had friends. Close friends.
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adulthood sucks
i feel ya anon
my childhood was pretty sheltered, never got to go any sleepovers and shit cause my parents did not trust anybody outside the family
older sister was a wild child in high school so she made my parents more over protective
never got to do any cool teenage shenanigans
>I was never allowed to have sleepovers as a kid, not really sure the reason why my parents just never allowed it.
They were probably afraid you'd experiment with each other.
Yo my brother was fucking addicted to sherwood, joined a xat chat and I got hooked on xat because of that. Never played, but remembered him playing it daily and watching him while waiting for my turn on our huge 10 year old pc. Good times.
plus I live in a very large suburban town, going anywhere requires a car.

If I wouldn't to go anywhere I had to convince my parents to drop me off and pick me up, and that required a list of who was going, where it was, what we were doing, etc. etc.
>the days when dad forgot to beat you
this, me too
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>hour long bus rides home because for some reason they scheduled to drop off the kids that lived farther away first
>not allowed to play games on the bus or else the bus aid rotund old lady from Figi would write us pink slips/take our shit away
>tfw you get the seat in the back corner, take off your coat, use it as a blanket with sleeves and sleep
>listening to veggietunes on cassette
not him, but I had sleepovers all the time as a kid and I never 'experimented' with him. But I only had the one friend so ..
I just tried my damnedest to find the log in music theme. The old school theme, that was just a grungly loop of deep horns. And I can't find it anywhere.
I didn't want this anger.
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I was never that into halo but my only friend loved it so I played through all the games with him. We fell out 2 years ago and don't talk anymore.

Make it stop /r9k/ ..
getting lost in morrowind for the first time.
always making a beeline for that mercentile ring which is worth like 8k
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