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>red flags names for boys
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Red flags name for boys. Ladies post 'em up!

>Satou Hideki
Bryan or brian
>having a name too uncommon to ever show up here

feels good man
I agree, Jonathan is straight red flag shit.
Kyle, Trevor, Jim, Chris/Christian
None of these are my name but I agree.
all of 'em
Another red flag for girls
My name is Drew (technically Andrew but I go by Drew) is that red flag tier?

Jakes are cool tho
>tfw jonathan
Just fuck my shit up senpai
Why is my name a red flag.
What do you think of the name Philip?

It just kind of makes me think of a rather sheltered, quiet, meek, generally submissive and passive beta nerd which is basically me in a nutshell
Makes me think of a qt dota player

spotted the mad Jonathan


I've known some pretty bro-tier Drews
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>my name

is blake a good name

that is the most Chad fucking name possible
more chad than Chad
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>mfw my name has never been summoned in one of these threads
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It's the name of a lawfag
Why is OP so obsessed with Jonathan?
Britney, all Britney's and Rachels's are batshit crazy
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>tfw never any germanic names in here so im ok

It's stupid because it is the #1 most common name. Unless it's not.
josh, what about josh. every other josh I've met has been weird as fuck. but I'm definitely no chad so
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>tfw my name is generic but never mentioned in a negative way
I fucking second this

Sorry if your parents named you this, but if they did, and you're not a cunt, please just live up to your name, make them miserable and never reproduce
Hello Mike.
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>my name is an extremely popular dog name
I-its not Spike is it?

That is my name and i never heard of anyone else with it
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no, that's a pretty cool name though
Who the fuck names their kid Rex?
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>fairly common name
>never gets posted

I'm single and ready to mingle ladies.
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you'll never get it familia, I'm indifferent about my name but I'm glad it's not Chad
My name is the name of a popular DC Comics character
w-what's wrong with nick?
fuck u, i go by both that's confusing as hell idk what to think
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The trifecta of putrid shit names/dudes

Sick reference, bro!
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I think we can all agree that the absolute worst name is Matt
I've never dated a Matt who wasn't an autist
Barry, Bruce, Clark, Arthur, Hal, John, Vic?
>tfw David
Analyze, fembots!
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Is it Max?
>my name not mentioned

Also girls named Sam can be a bitch.
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i've been found out
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>thinking you could guess it
Rex is kind of a Chad name, to be honest.
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>mfw we have the same name
Close, here's a hint:

>It's also a girl's name
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Nobody will EVER mention my name in one of these threads. It's not totally wacky or unheard of, it's just not a name anyone ever thinks of.
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>nobody ever posts "Patrick"

Feels good to be king.
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Is your name Taylor?
It's not so bad, people always played with different nicknames for me, like maximillion, maximus, maxipad

nice 1
My chad friend is named David, he is nice to everyone because nobody is even competition to him.

>tfw he took me with him on a vacation to america
>tfw we get high and discuss our different views on life

He is one of the better persons I know
Literally anything with an unnessesary "y". Goes for girls too.
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>tfw Unisexual name
Get @ me bitches
Last hint:

>This name has been passed down in the Batman Universe.
Especially fucking Zayne. There were 3 of those in my high school of less than 400 people, and they were all assholes to everyone.
Jonathan is a fine, every Jonathan I've known has been intelligent, rich, and good looking.


You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
Fuck off Terry
The Jonathan I know suffers from extreme depression and has a lazy eye
Your parents actually named you Spike?
How could I have been this retarded
he probably got picked on by a nick
I used to be referred to with a nickname like those, but due to me being a massive faggot in the 8th grade, my nickname is Fag Master.
Nick is too common to generalize.
What about Jefferston?

Not Jefferson. Jefferston
>ctrl + f my name
>0 results
I-I think I'm gonna make it!
Black people could pull it off though.
Ashley? Sam?
Huh. I thought we're all irritable high-functioning autists.
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>tfw when your name literally never gets said in name threads
How is Ashley a guys name. I'd kill myself if I had that name
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Well shit... I still wanted to give one more clue before I gave it away. Please don't mute me senpai I'll try and be original next time.
There's a girl in my class named Payton.

Is that a red flag?
Fuck you, Jonathan is a godly name.
I wich my parents had named me Jonathan, but instead they named me Damian like the devil
more like BLEAK
I thought that was only a girl's name in real life.

Were you made fun of for it? Even the Robin from Batman gets made fun of by everyone.
Pierce is utter trash.
Last names as first names are always red flags.
but his demons are a bit different, you filthy faglord
i've known a hannah recently. she was a lesbo with mental problems
see >>24440295

my comment is very original, let me post please
Kek, you just missed out on a wall street banker. Suck it cunts
How about the name Ivan. Pretty russian
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Check yourself and hail to the fucking king.
My name is William.

BONUS: my middle name is Hale
Shit, I go by Chris does that make it better? The only people who call me Christopher are old people.
I never made the connection that Ash was short for Ashley. Im gonna go kill myself cause Ash is actually a badass name
>not an anglo
>name never called
irrelevancy is a blessing
Every Chris I know is a huge faggot
>any four letter name for a name
Its like your parents never cared about you to give you a longer name
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But, but...
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I concur

Kris also tends to be a gaint asshole name
Being Russian is a red flag in and of itself.
>having dated so many people that several of your ex bfs have the same name
Fuck off you whore
What about Johnathan?
Like John and Jonathan but combined
In her defense, Matt is a really common name.
That's infinitely worse. It makes it look like the parents couldn't even spell.
Oh fuck I knew a Johnathan in Elementary school. He tried to get me to have sex with him. Really weird fat kid.
Fuck off Rufus.

Fucking beta name
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>literally all fucking gross
>elementary school

Yeah that is pretty weird.

Clarence isn't a red flag, I'd feel sorry for a Clarence.
Jonathan here why is my name a red flag?
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>No one ever mentions my name in a redflag thread
Damn that's my name , my ex would probably agree with that
I remember it pretty well. Under the slide on our playground he just straight up asks "Do you wanna have sex with me?" I'm a stupid fuckin kid so I have no clue what he's talking about, but luckily some other kid walks up and asks what we're doing so I go off with him. I almost got gay diddled in 2nd grade.
>trips say
>Diddled is confirmed new meme
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>*ctrl f search my name*
>no results
is it aquaman? what the fuck?
Lexington Steele
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>Name is very popular around the world
>Hasn't been posted yet

allahu akbot
It's european
What he said anon, your name is prob Muhammad
now go read your quran
I knew a Hannah once she was a bitch
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Are you Ethan as well?
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>implying muhammad isn't european
It's Alex
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>tfw Rob is the perfect balance between Chad and beta
but Robert and Bob is fucking gay
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>It is very exciting
top laff

Kinda worried since I live in a neighbouring country tho
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>mfw Edward

Who the fuck names a black guy Edward
>Literally robot just without the 2 last letters
>Ctrl + F
>0 Matches

Yes, I will take my free gf now!
Why do my name get used first every single time? I feel like you're one of those girls I didn't like.

My ex gfs name was Stephanie she used to post here sometimes or lurk but she got a hot muscular bf now and a degree and a career and I'm a dropout in the army.
Is it sad that the first thing to pop into people's mind when they hear your name is a crab?
Like I said, perfect balance. and if I decide to go hard labor wageslave I can just be Bob. Robert though sounds too high class douchebag to me.

Anyone names Jeff is instantly awesome
Rob and bob only work if your over 40.
A lot of famous black people have really proper, white sounding names.

OJ Simpson's real name is Orenthal James, and 50 Cent's is Curtis James Jackson III.

Just get a nickname.
inb4 my name is jeff meme
Jonathan detected.

My name is perfectly fine thank god.
Travis=absolute fuccboi
Matt=absolutely autistic
Tyler=theres gotta be something wrong with him.
The Jonathan I knew was an actual sociopath so I guess that's true.
sure buddy, but at least it's semi rare. I've only ever met 2 people in 20 years named Rob. I've met a hundred Johns, Jared, Mike,
Nope, David.
Turn off the computer Stephanie or Natasha or Naomi or Lily or Meghan.
There are worse Sebastiens to be compared to. I have a friend named Timon though and everywhere we go people ask him where Pumba is.
Sounds like the kind of person who defines their own name on Urban Dictionary... cringe
>tfw my common name isn't posted

Feels good
What is his ethnic background?
S-sebby? Is that you?!
Mohammed or any other sandnigger names.
I wish I was the gender where I could be named those names.
Every Sebastien is a Sebby.
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Every Tyler Ive ever known was a treacherous 2 face.

May their god smite them.
Jeff's are always amazing never met one that wasn't awesome
Sebby is a cute name for a girlfriend to say, but for guys it's gay af.
My best friend is a Jonathan and hes less than 2 feet from me right now.

David is decent, had a shitty dad named David but never met a bad David besides lel
a-are there actually grills in this thread
Oh those were the names of the girls I raped.
girls exist, anon. don't be a faggot about it
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That sucks man, guess you'll have to be my bf now.
Oh hell no, I only say those things because I've known at least 3 people who match the descriptions.

Holy fuck I would not want to be a Timon.
Better than being named Pumba though.
Kris master race here
Yes. Out of all the toxic people i left behind i always new Jeff was a homie. Keep it sleazy Jeff.
My name is Gina

What would happen if your name was Enis. Huh?? You'd like being the lord of dicks?
will you date me
I'm a 19 year old male.... so maybe?
Christian reporting in for ratings
Gina is one of my favorite girl names. I never knew a Gina that wasn't a qt or a hotty.
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You have been muted for 2 seconds, because they don't think it be like it is, but it do.
Chris Chan or Christian and Edge

Is all I can think of when I see that name. Kek
lol mr. "I'm named after my religion itself for some reason"
might as well change your name to churchkek
You are the only person who didn't basically insinuate all other Ginas are terrible people

It's a really low stakes situation, I don't care. I'd just prefer the "re" in the front to spite the person I'm named after.
Looks like you have to prove this theory, Gina.
You could embrace it like Gina from The 40 Year Old Virgin.
But I didn't name myself
lol just looked that up
It's not that I think pussy is gross. I just feel bad that there are people who don't cock.

I'm all about those leather jackets though
Rick is a sleazy I've met at least 4 people named Rick who are either alchoholics or heroic addicts.
Just embrace "Chris" then because Christian sounds embarrassing tbphf
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>Mine is the first one

You're absolutely right. Anyone who actually sticks with Christian is some holier-than-thou dickhead. Chris, only Chris with the full name of Christian is cool. Chris who is just Chris is a useless faggot stoner.
I'm not religious. I've just always gone my Christian.
>heroic addicts.

Are they addicted to saving lives and winning wars?
What about Madison? Maddie? Maud?
yes thats exactly what I meant

It's a cute Italian name and most Italian girls look so qt.
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boy,you sure got him good

Michael. Strong alpha name for sure
My name is being Anna. Very happy is not mentioned yet :)
Madison is a last name, dont ever have two last names as your full name.

Maddie, Mandy, Kelsey, Christie, Joey, you're all filthy.

So how long have these strawberry candies been here? What candies? Want one? More for me. God damn.
Ryan detected
Italians are qt as fuck period. You still gotta wear falcon gloves around us as not to catch diabeetus or abacus.
more like borderline psycho pill head desu
Makes me think of Philip of Macedon, who had none of those qualities
Were you named after the character from Frozen?
I get complimented on my name a good bit so I don't mind.

Don't be silly, am not that young! She is very fun character though.
Thank you Italy for Lucio Fulci and Dario Argento. As well as pizza and pasta. And cool sports cars. You are less gay than France too.
>on a name

thats a little silly.
You type like a beautiful Russian girl Anna. Is it so?
I've always like the name Beatrice.
How are you knowing? We have spoken before?
> You are less gay than France too.

..y-you're welcome

Can you post a picture please
It happens more than you think desu senpai

I think no. Am not happy with pictures of me on here.
Patterns in typing. Plus Russian girls are the most beautiful in the world, so it must be true for you. Don't post any pictures of yourself, we can appreciate your beauty without it.
Other Christian reporting in, thoughts on 50 shades? Kinda glad it happened, I think it distracted from the obvious fact that I grew up with heavy religious indoctrination
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I prefer Bellatrix myself.
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i never get compliments on my shitty name.
Alright. Well I hope you have a good day.
>falling for the bait, hook line and sinker
What is your name friend?
for you senpai>>24442015

Haha you are too kind! Very obvious with typing yes? Am not very good with English yet, but learning is good! But maybe I am just having mental deficient North Amerioan, you would not know.

You have one too :)
Never really paid attention to it. I guess it helps but I usually make it clear somehow that I'm not religious pretty fast when I get to know someone so it doesn't affect me much.
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Red flag names for boys, greatest to least:
Bill (not william)

Red flag names for females, greatest to least:
Mikayla (or michaela, Makayla)
What brings you to /r9k/? Doesn't really seem like a place where girls would hang out.
as long as ive been on this site ive never once seen it in a name thread and id like to keep it that way.

Hint: its less the 6 letters and has been said on king of the hill in only 1 episode.
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Get a room you normie cunts
Opinions on Adam?
I mean, you're a lot better at English than I am at Russian so you've got me there.

I'm just glad no one has said anything about my name, Aidan.
I'm just being friendly.
Why are names red flags? It's just a name you can't control it. Unless it's some ghetto street trash one like lafondra.

I always like this website, come on years and years ago , very much fun. I am usually just going to other boards but I always like stories that are being posted here. But much sadness as well.
Anyone I've ever known named Tyler was a total douche
My name is Al. Is Al a bad name?
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>that feel when red flagged
Well that's cool uncommon names are for rare people. You could still be the best whatever your name is,

Am I making you mad. Sorry, I is not meaning to do this.
The first thing that popped into my head was an Italian mob boss, so it's not too bad.
Yeah, it can get a little depressing. But I guess it helps reading posts when you're reading English.
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look at this funny man over here. a real jokester
second thought is Big Gay Al so....

Is very hard language I think. Grammar and commas and of different spelling of same words. But I try, is my dream to learn proper.

Very much. Is many words I am not understanding but talking to and reading English is helping.
I am using google for help haha

But I still get sad when I am seeing anger and sadness.
i actually hate it. it does not roll off the tongue like most names. It feels like an "in the way" sort of name.

also nice quad-trip
I think I'd feel weird as a girl reading comments about how much some robots hate women.
Fucking Dean. Don't fuck Deans.

Or Jasons, usually.
gives them perspective on men and the possible vitriol they could feel towards women.

same thing happens when we get curious about girls, except we can't just go to a lady-bitching forum board and listen to them all moan about tampon shortages, cramps, delusional fantasies about chad, or other gross things of that nature.

Is no weird at all. Peoples just get lonely and get angry when alone. Understand more than they would be thinking I would.

I move to Canada all alone, I have not family anywhere. Is hard at first but get use to it. These sad peoples need showing of kindness.
connor diemart
That's a good way of looking at it. I think it's easy to write a lot of people on here at woman-haters but I think a lot of robots have gotten hurt. You're not still all alone in Canada, are ya? I moved to Orlando for 6 months and let me say, those were 6 lonely months.

Yes, is unfair to them, like I say, show kindness. I am thinking they also should do same, maybe go out to hospital or old people home to help. Is wonderful to do so. Also they use place to vent anger, not always like how they act, like punching pillow just in that moment.

I am not completely alone. I have no close friends yet, but I have met peoples. One Russian but he move away so I miss speaking normal language some times. But oh well, I wanted new country. Is small price I think. But still some times hard with accent and language wall. I do not get many jobs because is too hard for us to understand other person some times.

You have friend now though yes?
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>tfw you've never seen your name in one of these threads
My name won't be in this thread.
Brandon, Kevin.
It can be tough not to be surrounded by people that don't speak your native language or act the same way you do. My mom moved to the US and had a really tough time at the beginning too.

Haha well I'm on here so that might give you an idea of what the answer to that is. I got depressed and kind of shut myself away from the world for 4 years. I'm alright now but I don't really have anyone because of that.
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>tfw your name is so dank it will never appear in any of these threads
Is your name Wonko?
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 61

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