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How many push ups can you do, anon?
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I'm able to do 30 in one go and more throughout the day, also up to 40-50 squats as well, wby senpaitachi?
gay ass word filter F A M S
>30 push ups
>only 50 squats
Want to know how I know you're a skeleton?
I said in one go, and more after a few minutes break. but yeah I am a skele thanks for noticing :)
>tfw you have <11" arms and >16" calves
I can do 50 pushups straight
I don't do unweighted squats because I have a penis
I can do 100 chest to ground in a minute. not even lying tbqh
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ouch that hurts, anon
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I'm 75kg and I can bench 100kg for 10 and squat 135kg for 10. I can do about 15 pull-ups and overhead press 65kg for 10.

I don't conventional deadlift anymore because mommy doesn't like it when I bang the weights on the floor in the home gym. I listen to mommy because I am a good boy.

Relate ; me
how old are you, non? you look hot af
25 is my highest ever when I was planning to join the Army but now like 15...
28 years young. I've lived the blessed NEET life, it has been good to me.
I'm a skele at 18 but just started doing workouts, i'll be a buff NEETlord someday!
You're getting an early start then. Good luck on your NEET decade
I can do 11 pull ups and 10 push ups on top of that, I've never tried just straight push ups

Well I used to be able to do 20-25 push ups and 10 consecutive pull ups, but now I can barely manage 10 and 5, respectively.

Got sick, quit working out, never picked up the habit again. Oh well
50 easily.

I'm hitting the gym 9 times a week to get ready for summer
I used to be able to do 50+. could probably do 15 or 20 right now.
Push-ups are 90% posture dependent and 75% of people (realistically probably more, much more) don't hold the correct posture.

Is your head up, or facing the ground?
How far apart are your hands?
How straight is your back?
Are you going down far enough?
I can 40 but since I activated my almonds today and last night I can manage 50 easy
>Head down
>when I go down I can achieve a 70 degree angle on my elbow
>very straight (prone hold style)
>about 2 inches above ground
Yeah you're fucking it all up. Those aren't push-ups. That's called a waste of time.
0, I had a heart surgery that fucked up my chest, doing pushups gives me killer pain in my chest
I dunno about squats but today I did 60km in my bike
50 diamond push-ups, chest to the ground and full extension, in one go. I do at least 100 a day. Yields some decent results.
It's been a while, but last I did 100 consecutively.
Any of you guys run?
I'm 83kgs and bigguy4u and can do about 25 push-ups and 30 squats.
I run 5km everyday.
It's very good for depression and anxiety.

And no, 5km isn't a lot.
I just bike. I feel like running makes me look like a faggot, I feel constantly judged. but when I bike, I imagine all the girls are watching me ride by on my emo black/red schwinn and say "look at that qt"
I know thats retarded but its how my mind is.
If you're 75kg and squat 135kg for 10 reps does that mean you can squat a total of 210kg for 10 reps or does that mean you're squatting 60kg (135-75=60) ?
>70 in one go
>Roughly 1100 over the course of the day
>Still no gf
Outside or in a gym? And if the former, how in the winter? I want to run but it's getting cold and treadmills fuck my joints up and make me feel awkward.

That's cool. I used to bike a lot, for rec and general transportation. My anxiety persisted though so I doubt I was as cool as you.
Outside, you won't feel cold when you're running.
If it's really cold then wear something else, it may makes it sweat more but that's good.

One of the most important things is to be hydratated, i'm not talking about drinking a bottle of water just before running, but drinking water during the day.

I also do Yoga, it helps a lot to prevent injuries.
Are you brain dead?
Yea this. Also I bet none of you can do 10 slow push ups.
How slow do you mean?
I'll have you know, I can do 10 whole push ups.
>this whole post
Man this thread is really inspiring me to do more workouts. I just did 90 pushups within an hour, feels good.
2 seconds down (all the way, chest to floor)
2 seconds wait
2 seconds up
immediately start over, no rest
Sounds interesting, I'll have to try it soon after my arms stop burning.
I can do 26271638272 push-ups in one go.
You forgot to breath when you're going up.
I used to do 60 when I weighed 115 lbs
what about now? are you a fatass or something?
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>40 push ups
>60 squats /w 50 pounds
>40 burpees
>5k run in 26 minutes.
>mfw 6'4" skinny fat and people keep asking me why I don't work out.
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