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How uncommon is pedophilia? Being a pedo myself, I have this
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How uncommon is pedophilia?

Being a pedo myself, I have this suspicion that probably all males have at least some pedo thoughts. As in, I grew with them from puberty, like a normal kid develops their sexuality. It's just natural to me.

But then I get worried that I might be too casual about it and accidentally get outed.

So am I right? feel as if most guys kind of act the pedo hating stuff, and at least occasionally have sexual thoughts about children.

Have you?

Do you really think it's that rare? How uncommon is it really?

Basically half the time I'm thinking ok this is pretty normal but as a society we keep this under wraps. Then the other half of me is thinking that actually this is really rare and I'm one of a select few.

>inb4 hate etc. By pedophilia I mean just the attraction not child abuse

Is it really THAT uncommon to find (the hot ones at least) pre-pubescent girls sexually attractive?
Tbh, I don't think it is that common.

But being sexually attracted to 12-16 year olds?
EXTREMELY COMMON! (yes even 12 year olds)
>Is it really THAT uncommon to find (the hot ones at least) pre-pubescent girls sexually attractive?
I've heard up to a fifth of people have pedo thoughts to some extent
I'm a pedo, so I dunno how normies think.
Why the fuck would you like little girls. They don't have boobs,ass,feet,thighs,curves,armpits.

They have literally nothing.

You faggots have shit taste.
for 14 and above, yea, probably all guys, for 12-13 probably between 1/4 and 1/2 of guys and below that it's probably pretty rare.
You choose to be a pedophile and a potential menace to society.

I know this because I'm not a pedophile. Although a really well developed 16 year old makes sense but that's because she doesn't look her age
so when you guys say uncommon

that means you've never thought that way?

like with me, I'm not attracted to males so I can't really tell which males females would find attractive (unless they are rich, muscular, chisseled face). I have no real way of judging which of my friends are the more attractive ones

so what I am saying is that, for you guys when you see young girls, you can't tell which are the hot ones in the same way?

like on /b/ they have those photos of women and you have to order them 12345. if I gave you a picture of young girls, you would struggle to order them?

because I know for sure if you got a whole bunch of people like me together, the orderings would be pretty similar. like, pedos know which girls are the hottest and which are u-g-l-y

and I was thinking about this the other day. for normies having sex with real life human bean female must probably be the same thing as for me having sex with a loli, which is why they rate it so high?

so, if it actually happened for me, I would be like "holy shit this is actually happening omg this is so hot she's so beautiful this is the greatest moment of my life etc". so I am thinking normies must feel this way about sex with adult women right? like it's special and amazing

because I had sex with a few women but it kind of sucked and was gross and I didn't like it. and then by analogy I though "this is what sex is like what is the big deal". but now I'm thinking actually for normies it has all these connotations of "holy shit this is special this is actually happening omg", which would make it a lot better

am I right? normies think sex with adult women is really significant and "omg holy shit so hot this is actually happening"

and another thing. I could hardly keep my erection but then I think, well if this was with a girl I am attracted to I'd blow my load just her getting close to me. but for normies, that's what they mean by virgin mean cumming too quickly? it's due to them being too excited?
>you choose to be a pedophile
*tips fedora*
>*tips fedora*
*tips fedora*
friendly reminder this isn't op but some annoying tripfag
>so when you guys say uncommon
>that means you've never thought that way?

>I'm not attracted to males so I can't really tell which males females would find attractive (unless they are rich, muscular, chisseled face)
So, what you're saying is that you can tell what females find attractive.

> if I gave you a picture of young girls, you would struggle to order them?

>that's what they mean by virgin mean cumming too quickly? it's due to them being too excited?
strange because for me the older they get the less likely my attraction is. it's lie the reverse of normies

no I didn't choose. I distincly remember having pedo thoughts just as I entered puberty and basically fell in love with this 6 year old girl. and then as I got older my attraction stayed the same age. just always felt normal to me.

pedo is not just about sex either, it's a proper sexuality at least to me. I get crushes and basically fell in love a couple of times, and also it's not just some blanket attraction to all girls that age, only the ones I find attractive which is probably the same proportion of adult women you find attractive

like people get all worried about their daughter but then you see her and you're like lol you have no need to worry lady nobody is gonna touch that troglodyte

they have all that except for boobs and curves. to touch an adult females foot would just be gross, but a loli that would be cool. so I'm thinking actually it's in reverse for normies, which is why they find sex so speshul. they get that extra "this is amazing" feeling accompanying it in the same way I would if I was with a girl I found attractive
>Is it really THAT uncommon to find (the hot ones at least) pre-pubescent girls sexually attractive?

Yes, and if you ever mention to this anyone you're a dead man.

If you were someone I knew, and you said this kind of shit, you'd be dead within a few minutes. Crowbar, bottle, doorframe, whatever it takes. Pulverised skull. Dead.

Pedophiles are an automatic free kill. Nobody convicts people who murder pedos.

If i see a pretty kid my only thought is "cute" and nothing happens below the waist.

Older teens might cause a stirring but thats easily put off with "she will be pretty when she grows up"

I think the urge is probably common, but the taboo keeps that under wraps.
>So, what you're saying is that you can tell what females find attractive.

No I am saying I can order young girls easy. It's not even conscious really. And I am saying the same way normies feel about males like them (as in, they don't find them attractive), is the same way they feel about young girls?

As in, to a normie a young girl is a non-sexual thing, in the same way a person from their own gender is.
lol ok bro

hmm this seems to be the general theme. so for me, it appears my sexuality is basically the same as normie sexuality, except it's directed at lower ages

so what I am geting at is that for normies, they would feel all the same things I would feel with a girl, but with an adult girl.

hard to explain. so the thought of being with an adult women for a normie, gives them the same sort of rush or excitement that I would feel but with a child.

if true, then it would appear there is nothing actually beatuiful aout neither adult women or children. the only thing that matters is whether you feel the accompanying "omg holy shit spechul significant etc" feeling. must be the same for fags.
You have a mental disorder that pushes you to breed with things that can't get pregnant. It's basically like you want to fuck goats. Not too far off from mudslimes, desu.
girls can get pregnant as early as 8
You like prepubescent girls. Girls cannot get pregnant prior to puberty.
there's really nothing you could say that could hurt my feelings lol

also are people who marry barren women mentally ill?

are men who have sex with their 60 year old wives mentally ill?
actually I don't, I won't go lower than 15 or 16, I was just pointing it out.
>I won't go lower than 15 or 16
That's not pedophilia then, fucking retard.

>Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger.
He was saying he's not a pedophile and he was just pointing it out >>24418686
even though he was wrong in his clarification
I think about it 24/7
cute little 9-14 yos
sexy fuckable 15-19 yos
doing lewd things...
and it's ruined my life desu senpai
I'm op and it doesn't bother me and I'm full pedo like 5-9

why did it ruin your life?

only problem I have is my parents and family think I'm either gay in the closet or asexual

just the other day my mom asked me if I even 'masturbated' fuck it was so awkward

there's no shame dude it's not like yo chose it and also young girls are hot as fuck it's not your fault

unless you're bi-pedo, then you deserve your pain, fuckin bi-pedos are such scum
body fat is undesireable
most lolis have low bodyfat and a cute face
I find petite women attractive. big boobs is a turn off for some people. My theory is people who don't look boobs are easily aroused by children
no I've never sexed a girl and am still a virgin
It's just a mental anguish, a growing paranoia and knowing that you can't express yourself, even for the 19yos for fear of being judged. im 26yo now and never experienced young love. Self loathing and feelings of inadequacy, the only dopamine release I get is from jacking to a qt, but it just makes me feel miserable. I feel like if the attraction were just removed I could love children without the sexual aspect and be happy in life.

Just glad I don't like toddlers. Sorry anon, but I think that would suck even more.
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pedophiles are physiologically different


these differences make it difficult for you to control your fetish, instead of spamming /r9k/ with your rubbish you should seek help with your mental illness before you ruin your only life over something so petty


also be sure to snitch on your pedophile ring, this will work in your favor if they are caught and evidence is found linking you to them

'child' isn't really a sex though.
>potential menace to society.
Always gets me.
>ruining the lives of children and fucking them up mentally isn't a menace to society
>ruining the lives of children
Your assumption.

>fucking them up mentally
Your assumption again.

If anything, little girls getting married fall under the 'submissive' or 'everything for my husband' category later on, but they're far from being "mentally fucked up".

Oh right, not being an empowered no need a man woman is being mentally fucked up by your standards, I forgot. Sorry.
What the fuck are you even talking about you pedo scum.

Kill yourself.
Except you're robbing them of their personal responsibility and right to make decisions w/r/t their own life. Well done.

>men who demonstrated illegal..

stopped reading there. of course if you test prison inmates it's going to seem like they have difficulty controlling themselves duuh

it's impossible to do an unbiased study like this because no non-outed pedo is going to volunteer
well then in the same way "women" must also not be a sex

because it's not just all women normies are attracted to is it. it's a specific type - young, late-pubescent early adult

just look at the porn normies watch, you need to go to fetish sections if you want to see anything other than 18-25 year old non pregnant non mensturating girl
Its a mental illness, like being a tranny. If you can't express your sexuality in a healthy consensual way with another person then you are mentally ill.

That said there is a ton of unwarranted hysteria and fear surrounding the subject. Every parent seems to think that their own shitty little crotch-fruit is so beautiful and special that pedos will be clawing over each other to get at them, when the truth is its extremely unlikely they'll be molested, and even if are its extremely likely to be a family member.

So I think its a mental illness but it doesn't think its a serious one. Its manageable. Plenty of heteros and fags manage to live lives with no sex without going on a rape rampage, so pedos can exist as incels too and manage their urges through porn.

Child porn is rightfully illegal because it can't be produced in a way that doesn't involve abuse, but things like lolicon should be legal because they are literally just drawings and there are no victims in its production.

So y'know, whatever, I don't care as long as you don't rape anyone. Same as anyone else.
Annnd there you go.

Unfortunately for you, I'm not even close to be a pedo. But I do love seeing idiots like you being mad at them with no valid argument whatsoever apart from muh feelings.

>you're robbing them of their personal responsibility
Are you saying that being a housewife has nothing to do with responsibilities?

>right to make decisions w/r/t their own life.
They are free to move around, they are free to talk, heck, they are even free to divorce anytime. (shitholes with shit people like Muslims excluded)
Just because they are married doesn't mean that they are secluded in the house. It really annoys to you to accept the fact that some of them really enjoy their lives with their husband despite this, right?
I was more referring to the fact that you talked about little girls getting fucked into said housewife position. They're not exactly going to have a stable mind.
Also the taking advantage of a child's naivety and lack of understanding of the world to fulfill your own desires. It's kinda deplorable.
Except that things does not happen like that at all, except muslims shit again.
It's amusing how you guys only take the bad examples, like the muslims ones or the rapists and violent pedos.

I dig around the subject out of curiosity, and most of the time the girls getting married are already around 10~14 and well aware of sexuality and what it implies. Of course they don't have experience, but you guys just want to think that any girl that young having sex is the same as a girl being tortured.
Also most of the guys committing have been around the girl for like years and it's safe to assume that they care for the girls as much as the girl care for them.
You truly think 10-14 year olds have their shit together?
In your world 10-14 are mentally retarded. I forgot.
Depends if you count shota and loli. I personally like shota but 3DPD children are disgusting.
Wait, where are you from?
lol dude I asked how common it is not for your opinion on it

>So y'know, whatever, I don't care as long as you don't rape anyone. Same as anyone else.

what makes you think I give a fuck? I'm not here for your approval lol faggot
>I have this suspicion that probably all males have at least some pedo thoughts.
nah m8 you're over romanticizing

what you're getting at is that the average man or woman has the natural ability and need to protect the young, because they can be fond of them, which can become sexual desires if you're fucked enough
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I don't understand how people can say "you choose to be a pedophile"
Like why would anyone at all choose that? It won't make relationships or life in general any easier, it would make it far worse wouldn't it?
>what makes you think I give a fuck? I'm not here for your approval lol faggot

You clearly are.

You want to feel as though you're not a freak by being reassured that its common and normal to be a pedo.

>your assumption

I was repeatedly molested by a pig like you over the course of 2 years starting when I was 8 and it ruined my life.

Fucking kill yourself you mentally deficient fuck there will never be a place for you in this world. Everybody despises you.
you're a retard that guy isn't even a pedo

damn you dumb slut, you probably radiate vulnerability fuck I got the urge to molest you right now

now shut your fuckin mouth and don't you dare tell your mom

*unzips molestation*

>all this edge
It's gonna be hilarious the day your closeted little secret gets out and your neighborhood comes to beat you bloody.

What's it like knowing that everybody wants you dead.
>I was repeatedly molested
There you go. You got molested by a violent guy. This has nothing to do with all the pedos successfully living with their family.
Plenty of people choose "bad choices". People murder and rape people even if it alienates their relationships and makes their life significantly harder when caught. Others like pedophiles choose to prey on and sexualize the innocent in our society
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>the innocent in our society
Finding someone without sexual characteristics sexual is a disfunction. I define how wrong or right it is by the factor of how harmful potentially acting on it is for the subject of attraction. Pretty much no sexual interaction with under 15 year olds if it not consensual play and experimentation withing one year of their age group, between 15 to 18 depending on individuals, 18-20 min 16 with parents consent and if you have not been in previous relationship with them, after 21 you should stay away from anyone under 18.

Social situations, short term goals that lead to future and stages of life fluctuate so much in peoples' early years that I think you should be mindful of it when initiating some sort of relationship.
>posts a picture of a girl that's clearly being exploited

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>implying women should have those things
Go back to tumblr
Its normal to be attracted to young girls.

The problem begins, when you are ONLY attracted to "young" girls.

I appreciate almost every piece of pussy i see nowadays, so i know I am normal.
for a sex offender or rapist yes, they do have a choice between committing the act or not
but is there any choice in finding children attractive, like these pedophiles do?
>>*tips fedora*
>*tips fedora*
*tips fedora*
Yes because they're intentionally selecting only children for their degenerate appetite.

Name one feature a petite adult women can't have that a child has. Nothing, the only difference is innocence and depravity unless pedophiles also have a midget fetish?

This is also applies to gay pedophiles
omg dude, again, do you really think I care?

why is it when anyone mentions pedophilia people are suddenly compelled to give their life story?

get it through your head faggot, I do not care what you think. I will continue to do what I want regardless of your feelings on the subject. You are wasting everybody's time I didn't even read your whole post.

like seriosuly, do you think your opinion is THAT valuable? it's actually shocking

You can't "live" successfully and have children "successfully" with a child because a child cannot mentally comprehend or consent to what it is you're desiring and the fact that you sick fucks don't understand this is why everybody wants you dead.

You seem to actually believe that little girls are just little humans with all the comprehension and wisdom that adults possess and actually want to toss away their childhood away at the offer of siring children at an age where their bodies are too young to properly cope and where they're still children themselves, to a disgusting adult male who see's them as little more than a living sex toy, and if you didn't you wouldn't actively be seeking children for a relationship because you sure as shit don't want one for their personality when kids don't even really develop a real one until they're like 14.

And what happens when your little girl wife becomes a little girl woman?
What, you move on to fucking your daughters?

You're mentally defective.
so what you're saying is, the only readon you're attracted to adult women is because of their bodies. you fetishize their body parts and without that there is nothing about females that attracts you? nothing about them loving you or caring for you or being a gf etc etc no it's all to do with their bodies
Are those things a woman can't do? They can't love you or care for you?

>the only difference is innocence and depravity unless pedophiles also have a midget fetish
maybe thats what it is then
maybe theyre attracted to those things
attraction isnt always completely physical
>>>*tips fedora*
>>*tips fedora*
>*tips fedora*
*tips fedora*
You're just biased because you're a pedo.
Does anybody else feel that some degree of pedophilia, hebephilia etc, is possibly caused by modern adult women being jaded, masculine, generally unattractive roasties?

Almost all of the adult women I know are promiscuous, heavy binge drinkers, smoke like chimneys, swear like sailors, are fat or quickly getting there and have fairly repulsive attitudes.
Sure, there are exceptions, but they are always already in relationships.

If a man wants a kind, pure girlfriend who still has a sense of enthusiasm and wonder, he has little choice but to date a child or teenager.
By her mother, not a pedo, which amusingly is also an empowered single woman.
What? You misunderstand. Shouldn't they be responsible for the dumb shit they do? Smh desu familia.
Well as I am not a pedophile so I can't really understand that mindset and I don't think you are either. So here's my assumption:

I would imagine if they were attracted to t innocence

There can also be women with similar traits of innocence but maybe not child-like

If not and that trait of innocence can be found only in a child, their attraction to innocence is fundamentally depraved because they sexualize it and seek to ruin that innocence. So at its very nature, I find it hard to believe that someone can display such psychopathic tendencies inherently.
>to a disgusting adult male
Yeah. Your inability to process the thing in another way clearly shows that you're the one being mentally defective here.
What's your point though you greentexted
>the innocent in our society

the girl is clearly "an innocent" even in this context because she is being exploited. The mother would be "others like pedophiles who choose to prey on and sexualize the innocent"
>>>>*tips fedora*
>>>*tips fedora*
>>*tips fedora*
>*tips fedora*
*tips fedora*
>I find it hard to believe that someone can display such psychopathic tendencies inherently
Unfortunately, i don't find it hard to believe
You guys are hopeless.
This girl, since you apparently aren't aware of her existence, has probably more power and freedom than any 16y old.
Still, since she's doing something that "disgusts" you (nice argument !), you fail to view her as anything else than "an innocent of society being exploited".

You guys are too funny.
No it doesn't "disgust" me.

How does a five year old or whatever her age his have the mental capacity to know if they're being exploited or not and furthermore "have power" and determine that she has enough "freedom"?

Is she negotiating salary, hiring staff or is she asking for cookies? Her mother is clearly the one with the final say here and the one profiteering. If you think otherwise you're completely delusional and arguing for the sake of arguing
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>omg dude, again, do you really think I care?
You are the one asking other peoples' opinions, if your world view can't handle anything opposed to yours go fuck yourself and fuck off my planet you mental equivalent of a child (why you like them I suppose?).
>why is it when anyone mentions pedophilia people are suddenly compelled to give their life story?
None of the post involved my personal life, just my opinion on how different age groups should interact within the age groups of young people regarding sexual behavior and why.
>get it through your head faggot, I do not care what you think. I will continue to do what I want regardless of your feelings on the subject. You are wasting everybody's time I didn't even read your whole post.
Firstly, not a homosexual, my preferences range in the normal range of heterosexual desires and I am not mad about it. Again, you are the one presenting the questions, if you don't care about the answers, you should not make a thread begging for them and are the one wasting everyone's time.
>like seriosuly, do you think your opinion is THAT valuable? it's actually shocking
My opinion is no more valuable than anyone others. But it does not mean it is not reasonable since the reasons I think that way are present in the post.

Your butthurt defensiveness just lights the spotlight on your feelings that stem from you knowing that there is something horribly wrong with you and that at some point of your emotional development your brain got ass raped by the niggercock we call retardation.
op if you fall in love with a kid what happens when they grow up?
Calm down Zachary, you sound like a buffoon.
with the amount of loli on /b/ id say its common
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