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What's the comfiest TV show?
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What's the comfiest TV show?
Malcolm in the Middle
twin peaks by far for me
For me?

Probably I, Claudius.
I always thought Gilmore Girls was pretty comfy
Peep show.
Frasier or Cheers.

Love that shit.

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i wish i lived in a cosy apartment with a lot of money, a sexy british housekeeper and a lot of good family banter

Office and Seinfeld are pretty close tho
How I met your mother

I second this

And South Park is pretty comfy too but Seinfeld has next level comfiness.
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classic simpsons (seasons 2-8)
This tbqhwyf

But I can see how to me it is mostly nostalgia from staying in with my family in rainy days or winter nights and marathoning it. It's amazing if you've seen them a lot since it genuinely feels like you know them.

I can see how any outsider watching a single episode would think it's shit, but to me it's absolute comfy.
This might sound weird but I found The Wire to be rather comfy even though, thematically, it isn't. I just kind of like the setting I guess?
Western television is objectively inferior to the superior east Asian television
Trailer Park Boys.

It's very zen to watch a guy drive a around in a 1975 Chrysler New-Yorker without a passenger door, smoking cigarette butts off he found on the ground.
Seinfeld was before my time, but Friends coincided with my childhood (90s kid XD lmao)

I like Seinfeld as a show more though
Great to watch when hung over or high

Bullshit. Most of the world watches American shows and movies as a pastime.
Anime is for cringe man-children. Even the most "profound" anime looks like it was written by children for children.

There's nothing comfier than a show about nothing.

The banter is real.

The opening theme, the old-timey wisecracks and laughtrack in a war-zone, the kooky characters living their lives as best they can in a war-zone, the old-TV grain

I never understood why the characters laugh at their own jokes.
The show is too boring for me.
It's comfy enough for me to fall asleep to it though.
x files is by far the comfiest show
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Gilmore Girls
Party Down
First 3 seasons of How I Met Your Mother
Frig off Ricky!
Fuck off Randy Bobandy.
>you have been muted for 2 seconds
Well I guess someone else is a TPB fan too.

Saved by the Bell, California Dreams and 90210. Not a girl, but I just like watching teen shows in idealized California.

Quantum Leap and Stargate SG1 are comfy too.
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Based office black man.
Nah that's from the randy image macro
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>tfw you will never go to an anime convention with Dwight
anybody know site where i can watch these?
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>Saved by the Bell

saved by the bell isn't comfy because 90% of the time i have a boner whenever she's on the screen
King Of The Hill
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>my name is earl
i starteted loving this show when i came out of jail

I was more into Lisa. One of the first black chicks to make me realize I had a thing for them.
King of The Hill, specifically the episode where they become firemen.
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Correct. I have never felt bad after watching an episode of KotH.
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