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Black Chad : Fuck Eggman Edition 2
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Thread replies: 70
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Poor white privilaged eggyman asks for money. awwwwww :( What a faggot fuck him. Also making 3+ videos tommorow so stick around for that Other thread got pruned for some reason ohwell time for round 2!!
Le histronic teenager finds 4chan
If you don't understand why he's loved, then i guess you need to get the fuck off this board.

Nobody wants you here.
Nobody wants your gay videos.
Nobody wants your afro.

your videos are pointless and say nothing about anything.
>still thinkin withe privilege is real
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I agree, fuck Eggman, but fuck you too, you stupid fucking nigger.
>Calling yourself black
>Calling yourself chad
>being a fucking normie making videos of yourself

You're just as bad as Eggman. No, even worse because you think you can call yourself BLACKCHAD. You fucking retarded newfag, what do you think Tyrone means.
Isn't that the picture of the king of 4chan? Please stop impersonating, it's bad manners and bad taste. Please fuck off
Well he can get a job though more because he's white. The more racism exists the more white privilage will exist get over it. You obviously wouldn't hire me but you'd hire him. Just like the people who like eggman and hate me. KEK

>tfw he fell for my name bait
At least you admit I'm an alpha man and I'm stupid yet I'm about to teach myself PHP in under a week and python lolok

senpai... please tell me you aren't retarded that's me dumbass
holyshit, hes samefagging. God i wish i could lynch your fat autistic faggot nigger ass.
>Well he can get a job though more because he's white. The more racism exists the more white privilage will exist get over it. You obviously wouldn't hire me but you'd hire him. Just like the people who like eggman and hate me. KEK

well thats a shitload of far fetched conclusions
dont be so fucking paranoid
keep your sanityfam

love you <3
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Yeah man I'm totallly samefagging because I got time to waste like your NEET ass ohwait NOTTT

It's not far fetched if you think it is ask anyone if they'd hire me or eggman for a job and you'll be surprised with the answers : ^ )
Did Eggy kek you or something ?
How did you manage to pass highschool English courses?
you and eggman are both shit
lol who the fuck did you ask
you still seem paranoid
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A video of you.webm
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Let me know when this obese nigger kills himself on twitch
No he's just an autistic retard btfo eggman fan

I dunno I have better grammar than you so you tell me senpai

I didn't ask anyone I told you to ask somebody retard can you read?

That'll never happen that's like you becoming an alpha that'll never happen : ^ )
Lol see you on twitch fatass, have fun on page 10
Yeah you will when I get my gaming computer and you can give me donations and shit you're right senpai kek
go back to sleep faggot
>shitskins thinking they're better than anyone
Nah, get fucked pal
But it's only 7:53pm why would I sleep now it's just begun senpai and I'm uploading 3+ videos one will be titled "Hating Ass Niggas" you'll love that one.

You're legit the same vyro that I owned and made you btfo last time why do you insist this? Like is this a fetish or some shit?
How did you own me, all you did was repeat "I'M BLACKCHAD EVERYONE LOVES ME" over and over like a broken record
No I specifically insulted you and proved to you why your existence is pathetic compared to mine. And how I was superior to you. lmaooo what a retard yet I'm the shitskin.
Caramal isn't shit colored senpai
Do you really want me to google search "shit" and find literal shit that matches your skin color?


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So when are we gonna have an australian abo or bushmen pygmie come here and bitch about black privilege?
Shit turns white when it's old you know
Okay when that comes then we can donate to him until then fuck eggman and fuck you faggot.

Shit actually does turn white so want me to get shit for your skin color too retard?

Because people love me and hate you lmao it's obvious

ikr senpai
you fckn should
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Guys I have a fully fully revised chart I'm glad it's been made and I added a mcchicken and my fucking girlfriend ohyes <3

Yeah do it so I can find white shit as well and prove how that theory has fallacies : ^ )
I don't like you, eggman or Vyro
You fags should just kill yourselves
But who are you though a random??? Oh right so why does it matter who you like if you're irrelevant... Oh wait it doesn't lmaooo
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Come on robots,/b here and I give you a hint, don't fucking reply! Sage faggots
They can't help themselves it's like embedded in their brains to reply obviously.
bump senpai it ain't over until I become a beta which will never happen kek
>At least you admit I'm an alpha man and I'm stupid yet I'm about to teach myself PHP in under a week and python lolok

lol running through those Intro to PHP/Python courses on the internet doesn't mean you know shit about programming or even the basic syntax of the language. call me when you actually build something with a purpose.
Im sorry people make mistakes im tired i cant even read anymore good night gl finding a job anon
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Also guys look at my cute ass gf shes so hot and we've been dating for 6 months <3

Dw I will and I'll program something to make you less autistic and get millions

Yeah I feel that feel too man!!1
bump again senpai we won't die son blackchad will rule 4chan and r9k
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bump again and again and again son also me and my gf on a date
bump once more senpai I will never stop son
Yet they do the contrary and everyone loves me except 1% look at the 1% video dumbass

Yet I'm 18 retard
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No one cares Micheal Dempsey. Go play roblox you faggot

>ib4 lel youre just autismo I am Chad XD
You spelled my name wrong hurrdurr you know how to google my skype name!!!11
That's considered an adult in most places retard.
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>Implying a give a fuck about your name correct spelling blackbeta

You are sad sad man. Eggman is way better trip than you because he wasn't as obnoxious and annoying as you are
Eggman was a worse trip than me because he was a beta faggot who didn't know shit about shit and said autistic shit in his videos. I'm doing the opposite which is why you hate me I speak the truth he didn't. :^)
I'm sorry, who are you?
We like eggman because his videos are entertaining.
Fucking nigger piece of shit. Go back to africa you monkey looking faggot. I bet you're queer too, look at you. You're a fucking faggot looks like you suck fat dildo and then eat it you fat motherfucker
>tfw being this new topkek
Im entertaining and speaking the truth foh dumbass
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>And now on /r9k/'s Entertainment tonight...

Trying too hard but at least you tried right anon?

It's not what you want it's what I want dumbass
People like you should be denied internet access for their own safety.
Nigga i bet you 100$ you dont have a single real black friend not the ones you run around with a naruto headband during lunchtime while we laugh at them type of friend
>begging for popularity on r9k
kill yourself
Kill yourself you fucking teenage piece of shit
>calls himself alpha
>post on r9k all day

niggers really are dumb
blackfag here.

pls stop, op.
>for my own safety
You mean for your safety right? If anything I'm only harming you by keking you lmao

Actually I live in the ghetto and I do lmao

But if I am alpha how am I stupid?

How am I begging if you're giving me it >logical

Too bad I'm 18 nice try senpai

I'm not doing anything but speaking my opinion so you can fuck off uncle tom retard. :^)
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Eggman never demanded our attention.

YOU, on the other hand, are using this board as your personal place of worship and it's not going to work. Give it up.
nigga plz dont talk like you lived in the getthos u suburb ass nigga what you know bout the projects cuh. You look kinda chubby for a nigga who lived in the projects dont you think with that welfare spoon up your ass what you know about working at 14 what you know bout slanging dope to pay for your college tuition cuh dont play like that boi
I never demanded your attention either I just posted a topic about my various opinions just like most topics. You're the one who decided to reply.

I've been on 4chan since 2007 but nice try though : ^ )

If your slinging dope you aren't paying for college nice bait tho : ^ )
>thats how i know you are a nerd if you didnt know in college people come to you so you dont really have to do much but its cool doe cuh just keep thinkin yo mama gon pay shit for the rest of yo sad life cuh
Still a teenager you retarded nigger
fuck you nigga stop hatin on my boy eggman that's my homie you fat fuckin crooked glasses wearin ass nigga
That's the decision of the employer, and employers don't make hiring decisions based on race, because of diversity quotas (which require an equal number of each ethnicity REGARDLESS of the distribution of the local population). Meaning you have a mathematical advantage over being White. Meaning that if your not getting hired, its because of something else.

And also we love Eggman because he is more autistic, that's the whole point. Its about who is most disadvantaged with women. Don't start telling me you are disadvantaged because your black or something..
couldnt watch. your glasses are crooked and it was distracting me
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