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What's the most normie guitar I would say strat Robot
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What's the most normie guitar

I would say strat

Robot guitar?

Anything used to play metal, especially ESP
most normie guitar is a strat or possibly a les paul

most robot guitar is probably a tele t b h

most hipster guitar is jazzmaster
>Robot guitar?
clarinet. or bassoon if you wanna get #rare
So is this general guitar thread?
>that many pedals
Literally for what purpose?
The shitty, poorly built way too heavy Les Paul is the most normie guitar.

After that would be strat knock-offs
Then the Strat.
>he thinks that is a lot of pedals


that's a very standard layout with nothing really crazy on it, if you want to play anything other than jazz you need more than just a clean sound.
I have been practicing guitar for two years now. Still using the same Squire Strat I bought new for 120 euro. Such a good guitar for the money. I don't even consider upgrading.
amp is more important than the guitar

if you're fine with that guitar all you really need to do to make it sound better is to get better pickups.

namebrand doesn't matter as long as it feels good. this coming from someone who has played for 16 years.
les paul
>has a hobby

Fucking normies
Noob question here

Would a Epiphone Les Paul sound the same as a Gibson Les Paul?
That kind of setup is only for edgy metal guitarists. Literally no one else uses more than 3.
It won't sound the same but it will sound good either way. The best thing you can do is just go to the store and try a few different guitars. When you buy Gibson you're paying for the brand mostly.
if you slap good pickups in an epi, it will sound completely fine and no one is going to know if it's a les paul or epi unless they look at the headstock.

the only thing that is going to be different when you're dealing with cheaper versions of guitars like squire/fender and epi/gibson is the build quality. if it feels good in your hands that's all that matters, you need to try them out though to feel the difference.

that kind of setup is for someone who plays more than one style, i don't see anything in that setup that screams "he is a metal guitarist"

go tell nels cline he's using too many pedals
>most normie
most of them, all fenders and gibsons
>robot guitar
Kiesel-Carvin HH1
the holdsworth guitar?

ehh, yea, that's pretty robot i guess. only guitarists know who holdsworth is though
hes a robot tho
I feel like a robot would use some sort of axe decorated with flames
>most normie

>most robot
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h...hey....uh-I....play a s-straaaat REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Implying esp isn't as normie as it gets

Buy a jackson midrange, bros. Best money I ever spent.
I have that tremelo and fuzz pedal, nice
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pls stop i dont have any vomit left
Is Ibanez normie?
Les pual or clone or strat
Probably an acoustic 12 string Spanish guitar
>tfw been practicing acoustically on an electric guitar for like 4 years because too lazy to setup anything
had an esp ltd 400, such a beautiful guitar.

then bought a fender deluxe tele, maple neck, sunburst body. such an easy guitar to play. regret getting rid of it.

would kill to still have a guitar.
knew a football quarterback who owned one, so yes
>Probably an acoustic 12 string Spanish guitar


Lol as soon as I see someone with a Jackson I know what kind of person they are right away. Plays only arpeggios and shitty metal leads by himself alone in his bedroom, has no idea how to play in a band, gets pissed when he has to play anything other than leads, and generally has the worst tone ever (Line 6 amps, anyone?)
These's nothing wrong with that you fucking normie faggot.
I have the same chromatic tuner except for my bass

how do i use it
what do you mean how do you use it? it's a tuner, you plug your bass into it and tune to pitch

make sure it has a battery in it if you don't have a plug?

i dont know what to tell you
I play a Martin acoustic, I'm guessing that's the definition of normie.
Normie setup:
>squier strat or epiphone LP
>line 6 amp because EFFECTS BRO
>if they have any pedals it's probably just a wah or one of those multi-FX pedals
>big ed hardy-esque leather strap, or a band-related strap (especially AC/DC or The Beatles)
Hello robots.
For a beginner guitar, should I get a
Ibanez or a
Epiphone Les Paul

Looking to play hard/heavy rock, borderline metal.
Schecter and Ibanez make the autism shoes of guitars.
For the purpose.

An Ibanez will probably be easier to play for a beginner, smaller neck than a Les and lighter as well. For hard rock the Les would be a better choice sound wise but if you're an absolute beginner, I wouldn't worry too much about tone and focus on playing. Therefore, Ibanez
i wish i hadnt given up on guitar
or piano
or music production
i mean either will be fine for those types of music

i guess it's more a question of which feels better in your hands. don't just order them online, go to an actual store.

les paul shaped guitars aren't very comfortable when you sit down and play, the body is kind of awkward to hold on to.

if you're just beginning i don't suggest getting a guitar with a floyd rose or tremolo. start simple with a hard-tail guitar.
>What's the most normie guitar
Some entry level acoustic guitar they bought in college but can only play a couple chords.
>Robot guitar?
BC Rich Warlock
just start again faggot what the fuck is stopping you
with guitar and piano i dont really know, i guess im afraid of people hearing me practice. but with production it's listening to any other music. makes me realize how poor my technical skills are and the fact that i have zero natural creativity
>BC Rich Warlock
oh god this

bc rich isn't robot guitar

it's an autist special snowflake shitty metalhead guitar
just copy what other people are doing but do it slightly different. that's literally what most "creativity" amounts to
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I keep forgetting it's 2015 and people think a robot is just some average dude who has trouble talking at parties.

You know they make keyboards that have a headphone jack, and they make headphone amps for electric guitars. Don't live your life thinking someone is judging you for practicing music, or you'll never get better. My sister used to rag on me all the time when I started learning guitar because I played the same 5 songs over and over, but that didn't stop me. Just practice like nobody's listening, bro.

My schizophrenic jap youtube waifu.
>tfw i'll never be as good as guthrie govan


why even bother practicing? i will NEVER be this good
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None, guitars are all normie tier. The real robot instrument is bass. Pic related average bassist

Yeah but his music is boring
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Hi family

if you want to be good as him you just have to practice a painful amount of hours a bunch of super boring shit

unless you mean being as creative as him with being able to use his wankery for music, then yeah you might be right. most wank guitar is so fucking uninspired its mind blowing anyone listens to it
i think wilson wrote that song, he's just soloing over the changes

his music is boring, but still.... he's probably the most musical shredder out there at the moment

i've been doing it for 16+ years and i'm just simply nowhere close to his abilities.


Good shit f a m
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post some of your music or quit talking so much shit fuckboy
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Paul Reed Smith masterrace coming through, the ultimate Patrician guitar

how does it feel to know you will never own such an aurally and aesthetically beautiful work of art
>that uneven grain mismatch

seriously triggering me

i plan on getting a prs soon though, their quality control is usually top notch.
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robot guitar?
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true robots play classical/spanish guitar alone in their bedrooms, knowing no qt girls will ever be with you to listen to your sweet, heart-melting melodies of melancholy tranquility
TEE BEE "H" i never liked high end guitars I always felt like they were too nice to actually play
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>having 22 frets
>having a tune o matic

That dude has a point, most instrumental music is just a big yawnfest. It's musicians music.
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H'm, that's the second picture of Hila that I've seen on here today. Somewhat strange qf.

Accurate, since only a robot would stress the importance of a self-tuning guitar.
>having enough money to afford a PRS

Fucking normies.
I have:
6 eq pedals (you'd be amazed at how manipulating EQ can open up your sound)
2 wah pedals (the ones I use have adjustable sweep, so having two lets me not have to adjust it between sets)
1 distortion
2 reverb rackmounts (alesis quadraverb, yamaha spx900)
1 preamp
1 30 band EQ rack
2 Loop-pedals
1 delay pedal
1 cassette 4track used for further distortion/live mixing on stage
And probably 20 others that I don't use/just mess around with

I don't see how more than 3 implies that you're a chugchugchug metal guitarist.
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it's music you have to sit down and listen to, not get turnt up at the club or do a little sperg dance in your room alone with headphones on. It's not the kind of music you listen to in your room alone with a can of Monster Energy (unleash the beast!) that you imagine yourself playing at your highschool talent show impressing that cute femboy twink you were always too afraid to talk to who probably thought you were a creep anyways.

the best music is the music that only people who have real connection with music, musicians, can appreciate. People free from the confines of insecurity and the tempting warm bed of irony and conformity.

I got mine for $1500 and it looks better than the one pictured in my original post. Honestly not that bad considering it's not much more than a good gaming PC. Just learn how to budget your savings for specific goals, anon. The countless hours spent enjoying it are well worth the price.
>all that smugness

It's not a contest on whose the best musician. If you like shredding fast solos alone then go for it.

And Jacksons are great guitars from my experience.
>I don't see how more than 3 implies that you're a chugchugchug metal guitarist.

it doesn't. don't listen to him, it's just purest bullshit. nels cline is probably the best example i can give for this line of thinking, the guy has a massive pedal board and has literally the best tone out of a guitar i've heard in the past 10 years

almost all the top guitarists have fairly big pedal board setups. david gilmour wouldn't sound like david gilmour without his pedals.
>>I don't see how more than 3 implies that you're a chugchugchug metal guitarist.
It doesn't. Having more than 3 implies you're a /gg/ shoegaze wanker post rocker who is too lazy to actually learn how to play the guitar.
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i remember when i used to think like this

every guitar player you probably listen to has a huge collection of pedals. unless you listen to jazz or something like that where all you need is a completely clean tone.

whoa whoa man dont put words in my mouth

instrumental music can be very good, but the 'wank guitar' shit is usually really bad ie vai satriani malmsteen cooley becker stump blahbalbhalh. each of them has like 2 good songs out of hundreds a piece
most normie guitar is a guitar
But the sound is absolute garbage! Get an echo pedal, distortion pedal, loop pedal, and if you're feeling ballsy, a wah-wah. Why would you want raw static coming out of your guitar due to 20 pedals?

>forcing yourself to enjoy something



I just don't understand the need to cram in shredding into anything, it should need to be interesting without it. It just comes off as stroking your own cock on record.
>dark jeans
Definition of hipster faggot.
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You don't know anything about me faggot. I have 1 reverb, 1 chorus and 1 delay, it's all I need. Anything like >>24343719 is just being a gear wanker.

Because they are insecure shoegazer fruits who are too special snowflake and afraid of being associated with blooz rockaz, shredders etc so they base their entire personality over junk like this.

that's mostly because that isn't just instrumental music, it's specifically guitar centric instrumental music.

99% of is extremely boring to listen to. that's why i like guthrie govan, he almost transcends guitar wankfest bullshit because he plays and goes on tour and makes albums with other people, unlike steve vai who just writes cheesy bullshit masturbation music.

you know there are ways to counter act that right? that doesn't really become an issue until you get to kevin shields levels of a pedal board.


skip to like 2:30 and tell me if you hear anything like that. his tone is excellent.
You filthy casual
>It just comes off as stroking your own cock on record.
Maybe because it intimidates you. The greatest way a guitarist can express himself is through solo, I play guitar because I enjoy it, not because I'm trying to impress you.
You can get that same tone with one pedal, though. I mean, I guess if that's the sound you get, idgaf how many you have. Just don't sound like this video. >>24344119
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r8 my gear

>ZVex Fuzz Factory (probably gonna sell it as I don't use it often enough)
>PCE Aluminum Falcon II Klone
>EHX Freeze
>Boss CE-5 (probably gonna sell it and buy a CE-2 or do some homework for another chorus pedal for fun jangle sounds)
>EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai
>Boss RV-5
>Danelectro Dan Echo

>Danelectro Daddy O for when I want even more overdrive combined with my Aluminum Falcon II
>EHX Big Muff Pi for when I want more fuzz, and tbqh I use this more than the Fuzz Factory
>Danelectro Shift Daddy for when I want to make weird sounds but it's really nothing more than a novelty

My two go to guitars are a 60th anniversary MIM Strat and a 1994 MIJ Jazzmaster with Seymour Duncan Antiquity IIs, Mastery Bridge and Vibrato, and it has been rewired so it isn't a rats nest of Japanese wires. I've got a few other guitars but I don't play them nearly as much as these two.

My amps are an old Crate FXT120 from when I was a teenager and a Fender Princeton Reverb.
hey /r9k/ I made some recordings a while ago, are they good enough to show to grills? will they swoon and/or sploosh?


thanks in advance for your opinion
>tfw you'll never play an instrument
I wasted my life, now it's too late
I don't play shoegazer though and I'm pretty well versed at guitar (not technically versed (i cant do that woobabiwoo thing that metal guitarists do), but I know music theory and can tell the notes in a song without having my instrument next to me), it's just the tools I need to get the texture/sound I like in a practical, live setting. I'm sure if I was more studio-oriented that I would have a smaller setup, but this is what I run with.

It's not like I turn every effect on and strum Gmaj and Cmaj chords like all the local "shoegazer" bands haha

If you saw how cheap/shoddy most of my shit is, you wouldn't be calling me a gear wanker haha.

Like chorus, for example, I don't use a chorus pedal since it doesn't add anything I like to my sound.
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Here's an old pic of the Strat and JM from when the JM was still stock. I've since done all the things to the JM that I said I did and the pickguard is gold anodized aluminum instead of this turtleshell.
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>50 expensive pedals
>some shitty cut rate guitars and amps

let me guess you like like this
shoegaze is shoegaze, i barely even consider it guitar music. it's just textures stacked on textures stacked on textures, and shields just happens to use guitar to do that

there aren't that many shoegaze guys in /gg/ because i post there a lot. there are a lot of metal heads though. i'd say most are metal heads. lots of gear discussions. sometimes there's some good theory related questions that i try to help them answer, mostly because i'm sick of idiot gutiarists not knowing basic fucking theory and embarrassing everyone else.

the wilco video was more addressing the whole "you get noise with a lot of pedals," which just isn't the case if you know what you're doing.
The Crate is very shitty but it's sentimental, but the Princeton is very nice. The MIM Strat is good enough, but the JM is extremely nice after I did all that shit to it. Stock MIJ JMs aren't much to write home about.
are you attractive? if you play them for her in person, probably. otherwise, no
>/mu/ is full of metalheads this isn't 2009 anymore.

most of /gg/ is like this
your shitty dinosaur ww2 technology guitars are awful go fuck yourself.

chad can play any shitty 3 chord song on guitar and make girls wet. knowing how to sing is more important because women are shallow and evil and like being worshipped as long as the man doing the worshipping is attractive to them and not some "ugly creep"
Sounds good, anon.

If she isn't familiar with playing any instrument then she won't know what's even going on as long as you sound good.
underrated post

100% accurate breakdown
Strats are only normie because they're so common, they're used to play some pretty robot music.

Les Pauls are pretty normie.

All bassoon players are socially awkward, don't know if I'd say robot. Now male flute players, that's a robot demographic right there.
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> have an american standard strat
Want mustang
Squier is normie
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It's never too late.

>not being a cool old man playing country and classical on your balcony at nights
Depends, but Martin's can be top tier
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