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>tfw no social means of meeting women irl >hate online
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>tfw no social means of meeting women irl
>hate online dating
>slowly accepting the fact that i will remain alone for the rest of my life

Who else here has given up on living the normalfag life?
Talking to girls on the street works. Just so you know.
Yeah I have. When you don't see yourself as a normal person it's difficult to imagine yourself finding someone who you really connect with.
You pretty much posted my exact thoughts OP. I pretty much do nothing but work and come home to sit on the computer.
I can't imagine how I'd possibly meet a girl. Hopefully I'll eventually learn to be happy alone.
I'm okay with the idea of online dating, but every girl on every dating app/site is either an hour obvious whore or a legit 0/10. I mean I'm no prize but I have some standards
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That's my plan too anon. We'll be alright.
Over a decade ago, OP.
I'm a wizard
>not scared to talk to girls
>don't talk to them because I wouldn't know what to say

I wish I was social.
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I'm giving the normo life one last go

wish me luck, op
Works if you want to get registered as a sex offender
just go to a park or something
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What are you talking about?
Those damaged over-weight single moms at your job want you
I work in customer service. I've actually had women give me the creeper look for going up to them and asking if they needed help. Not even joking.
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