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What's with all the drugs and alcohol related threads lately?
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What's with all the drugs and alcohol related threads lately?

I thought that was considered a "normie" activity here and even disregarding that argument, I don't see how any of that is brag worthy enough to shitpost on /r9k/
A normie will call himself a robot and his hobbies robotic. This is going to include drugs.

>no substance abuse

there's nothing normie about drugs and alcohol if you're doing it alone anon

calling an alcoholic a normie is beyond retarded
I think this warrants a strawpoll.

>Substance abuse (drugs, alcohol) is:
>- a normie thing
>- a robot thing
drinking alone is not a normie activity, it's pretty much the opposite. Normies drink because it's social and fun so they don't do it alone.

I have never seen a Pynchon Pepe before and can I just tell you I appreciated the shit outta that

t. /lit/

I'm not arguing about what makes you a normie or not, hence the quotation marks, saying disregarding that argument, and lack of caring.

My point is you're all acting like you're in high school by going out of your way to post about alcohol and drugs every minute. Keep it to yourself.
normie think if you drink alone you're an alcoholic

Because you are.

I drink alone every single day for years I'm still not an alcoholic, so fuck you.
>not drowning your sorrows in alcohol in your house, alone
If you would of actually read the threads you'd have noticed that everyone was doing it alone for the most part.
It's a kind of suicide.
You don't look like a robot.

Skinnyfat sleep deprived lanklet is practically the robot steroetype. I'm not going to argue how much of a loser I am though. I'm just saying I'm not an alcoholic despite daily whiskey habit for the last few years, since 22 actually.
For me at least, it's not so much bragging as much as its a pathetic cry for help.

I'm surprised with the results, don't see how the fuck substance abuse is a robot thing, normies are always doing drugs. I don't even see the point of even drinking alcohol:

Strike 1: Doesn't really taste well
Strike 2: Leaves you inebriated so you're easier to manipulate or make bad decisions
Strike 3: Fucks up your internal organs

Why the fuck do people really drink alcohol again............ oh that's right for SOCIAL REASONS (drinking alcohol is a SOCIAL CONVENTION). So if you are saying alcohol is a robot thing you're probably just some poserfag normie that came to 4chan after the recent shooting (seeing a lot of them here now)
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it's almost like you've never drank before
>it's almost like you've never drank before
>I guess so, probably just imagined it usually tastes bad for some reason (-_-)

How is crying and listening to music alone a social activity?
>How is crying and listening to music alone a social activity?
>IDK you tell me, never done it

This isn't valid because normies actually browse and will screw the numbers
Drugs threads have always been common here. There's been at least one drug related thread every day for the last two years.
I don't see how drugs is a robot thing when you need to go out and make connections to get them, often in the bad parts of town that would eat a socially awkward robot alive.

Of course a normie would think that. Robots think it's easy to use their computer. I'm sorry you only know about facebook, reddit, tumblr, and 4chan.

bad parts of town are also cheap parts of town and most robots are poor.
I have no idea what you're trying to say. Are you agreeing with me or disagreeing?
Is breathing a normie thing or a robot thing?
alcohol is for drowning your sorrows away
I think it's neither an inherently robotic nor an inherently Normie thing.

As with most things, it depends on how you do it. You don't see arguments about whether using a computer is normie or not, though normies do use computers.

A Normie would do drugs:
> in a group of people
> get them from friends or
> unreputable dealers
> brag about doing them
> if they get addicted, they'll hide it as long as they can then use the story of overcoming it for attention
> will not have done research on the drug and will stuff anything "cool" up their nose

Whereas a robot:
> does drugs alone or with strangers that they don't speak to
> gets drugs off the darknet or from dealers they know won't fuck them up
> if addicted, will hide it as long as possible, will likely not overcome it
> if they do, they'll never bring it up for attention
> never tries to draw attention to their drug use
> will generally experiment with drugs they heard about on the Internet, may be less inclined to do drugs that normies enjoy
this >>24296695. it's just a vice. not hard too understand. normies play video games too. probably shouldn't play them then otherwise you're a normie.
i have some 4-fa, mdma, and mxe but im too afraid to take any of them

Exactly the point of my argument here: >>24295963

Drugs are a social thing, of course there are robots who use (mostly for reasons of depression) but not as often as normies who do it because friends or around or to look cool.
I consider myself a robot, and I have an easier time handling myself cold copping hard drugs than interacting with normies at nice shops and stuff. Sure I've gotten ripped off a handful of times, but it's easier when there's no pretense of who anyone is. We're all worthless trash, just doing a business transaction, it's all easy.
Drugs aren't an inherently social thing. You're only saying that because you clearly have no experience with drugs and are making judgements based on watching normies do drugs. The thing is, you don't see non-normies do drugs. Because we hide it. We sit alone in our rooms smoking weed or snorting heroin or robotripping and keep to ourselves, just enjoying the fact that we don't feel reality for a little while.
It's normie if you do it for normie reasons.

If you drink and do drugs ON YOUR OWN to ESCAPE then it's not normie.

Mix about 40 mg mxe up in an oral syringe and then in an ironic twist squirt it up your ass. In about 5 minutes you'll feel reality melt away and it will just be shapes. I say it because your you will fade away to mostly transparent. It's a low enough dose to get a feel for it, but not so high you m-hole. I don't think dissasociatives can give bad trips though. Just warm comfy numbness. I like playing donkey kong country OST while doing mxe.

I almost feel like I"m 6 again.

Like many things, it can be used for normie purposes or robot purposes. The thing itself is just a means to an end.

> doesn't like threads about things people experience and want to share with one another
> is okay with the 7 NEET threads constantly spamming the catalog

Wew lad
Now that you can get them online with no social interaction required, it's probably one of the most robotic things you can do. Escapism in its purest and most destructive form.

im too afraid to not work my way up on them. ive had a bad trip on 300mg of dxm before

somehow whenever i take a drug that isnt a narcotic i just start getting afraid that im dying somehow
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