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>if you call a guy by 'man' he rarely gives a shit
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>if you call a guy by 'man' he rarely gives a shit
>if you call a girl by 'woman' she will always react in a negative way or say "I have a name you know"

Why does this happen?
cos you're a pussy.
>if you call a guy by 'man' he rarely gives a shit
>if you call a girl by 'woman' she will always react in a negative way or say "I have a name you know"
>if you call a guy or girl by 'human' he/she will always think you're weird

Why does this happen?
I use the term 'man' to refer to anyone. The last time I spoke to a girl (a long while back) I referred to her as man, like
>hey man, check this out

she didn't give a shit.

though I have no friends now, male or female so maybe that's why
is a degrading word, it is basically just man but worse with wo- part, much like man-let. They know they are inferior to men in every way but don't admit it.
The word woman and women are so weird. They have this awkward connotation. When I was young I felt awkward saying it, and I noticed other kids did too
I think woman used to be womb-man in older english.
A man with a womb basically, is my theory for the origin of the word.
Man as in human, most likely, those were used synonymously back in the day.
That's just wrong

It's derived from wif-man, wif meaning female and man meaning human
Looked it up, you are right.
Womb-man sounds kinda cooler though.
And it's more intuitive on some level.
Oh well.
Because man is synonymous with bro, dude, dawg, or any other informal pronoun like that. Woman is usually only used to describe a detail about a person or in a degrading way.

>if you call your girlfriend "girl," she probably won't care
>if you call your boyfriend "boy," he'll probably react in a negative way

why does this happen?
>>why does this happen?
Because PC feminism culture is taking over society and silencing us from saying shit.
Fuck feminists and fuck women in general.
this is an english thing. In my language we call women by "woman" all the time.
We also may call girls by "man" with little hassle, but never call other man by "woman" or he'll be offended.
how is he floating like that?
Something to do with the societal pressure of "growing up" that exists for males, combined with the male dom/girl sub aspect of most common relationships.

It's stupid though. My aunt and mom always called me "boy" as a kid. Now I just find it endearing.
If a female called me "boy", I'd knock her teeth out and rape her face.
Because "man" is also the generic term for human. Also the stigma with abusive men referring to their wives as "women" and not the name.
It's because women are bad and constantly have a stick up their ass and look for things to get offended over. I just use the word friend now. It's disarming in most cases but some people find it odd. I don't see how anyone could take offense to being called friend though so I continue to use it when I need to refer to a person I do not know.
if you call a man boy, he flips his shit. If you call a woman girl she dont care.
It's usually the tone.
"Hey man!" is a lot friendlier than "Now you listen here, woman" or "Make me breakfast, woman" or any number of hilarious sentences that end with a facetious -woman.

I think "Hey woman!" is a lot friendlier than "Now you listen here, man" or "Make me breakfast, man" or any number of hilarious sentences that end with a facetious -man.
If an ara ara milf called me booya I'd jizz my pants
you call a dude man you are talking to an equal so its k
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>ask a man if he's in his 30s
>"Yeah, I'm an old man my friend"

>ask a woman if she's in her 30s
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