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/FFF/ femanon & fembot feels
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let's get a femanon feels thread going
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>tfw cheated on my boyfriend
>this is a fourth time I've done it

Why can't I fucking stop I feel so bad holy shit
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>been accused for (false) rape
>no one talks to you for three years in high school, hateful looks
>multiple suicide attempts

You were accused of raping a dude?

You did it, just own up. We're all Anonymous here.
Lol no you dont feel bad at all
No one talked to me in high school either, mostly because i was an ugly dude though

Women are socialized to believe they have no control over themselves. It leads to them blaming outside forces for the bad things they do

If you want to stop, you have to take responsibility for your own actions
any femanons want to chat, play a game or something? it would be nice if you didn't have any friends either. i'm a straight girl, so i won't fall in love with you.
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>tfw I get angry and emotional at my bf for no reason just because it's that time of the month

Ok, I'm really a guy, but my gf actually does treat me like shit when she's on the rag.
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>tfw paid less for the same work
> tfw I want to find a nice man to marry but men just aren't interested in marriage anymore
yep... we are all girls here :^=
Dem nips are really high, i imagined that in a bra
Pretty unsettling
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Here. This is for your feels
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talk to
about that, baby
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that looks fucking delicious desu
Well, guess it's time to take this bait. There are still guys who like the idea of marriage and kids. Just not guys you're going after i'm guessing
just us girls!! hehe

rolling with a hearty dose of sage
I'm a kissless virgin.

I go after no one, I never have and I never will because I am too ugly.
fembot here.
I like masturbating to crying robots.
Chad will be over tomorrow to take care of me!
I am certainly interested in marriage to a beautiful damsel, m'lady! Post you kik

yeah i know, I'm saying girls like her ruin it for everyone else.
see now, the "i dont try because i'm ugly" cop out wont work on me. It's like these robots saying they dont try because "chad" already has all the girls
atleast i tried, right
>tfw ugly fat female so basically you suffer periods and the retarded emotional rollercoster without enjoying any of the fucking benefits
don't be fat
problem solved

Men are also socialized to believe that women have no control over themselves. The liberals blame the patriarchy, pol and the alt-right blame the jews. But it's never the women's fault...
What benefits? Like endless dicks or something? Or just a relationship? Because thirsty robots offer both
Please let me be Rainbow Dash.
Stop chugging down starbucks and all those awful dessert "coffees" and you'll lose weight.
Want someone to eat you out when you're in pain? I don't mind the blood.
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Why are there so many "femanon ____" boards lately?

Surely there can't be that many actual female robots.

This board is quickly turning into an autistic /soc/
I will be ANY femanons practice boyfriend

Skype: Chilliebean
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females can't be robots

these threads exist because every faggot on this board wanted a robot over new rules banning talk about fictional creatures
you can still get easy money whoring yourself out on craigslist, that is, if you've resigned yourself to the fact that prince charming will not come a-knocking
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>tfw no bf to bake cookies for and with
>no bf to take care of and make dinner for
>no bf to snuggle with at night
>no bf to have kids with and love
>no bf to travel with
>no bf knit cute things and sew plushies for
>no bf to stargaze with

>tfw all i've been doing is watching videos on youtube of happy couples doing things together and having dates
>tfw i'm here alone browsing 4chan and eating family bakes i've made by myself
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ive been raised by my mother sister and grandmother.
ive gotten just enough of my father influence that im not beta but im certainly not alpha
i can be at time so it comes and goes.
im dating a girl with low as fuck self confidence
how can i raise it femons? im doing that bullshit were i tell her she beautiful but i know its not really working.
i want her to get exatly how much i want her without getting too physical.

The problem is that mods just don't come on /r9k/, it's almost as much of a wild west as /ic/ (which really has no mod presence at all).

They just have no interest in overseeing this place, so basically anything goes here as long as it isn't CP.

It's sadly not like Wizardchan that literally bans people on sight if they even joke about being a girl. I wish it was, but it isn't.
Please dont bait me with something this strong. My heart cant take it
you're a pathetic disgrace and the reason women have so much power over men
can you please stop
don't worry, chad will certainly stick around for you and you only.
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>tfw when I was 13 i had a huge crush on this one guy at school and I use to watch cooking tutorials until 2:00am in hopes that one day I'll be able to cook these dishes for him
Thats it, i gotta close my eyes and ignore this post. My chest hurts and i feel funny. Is this what being triggered feels like?
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Oh i'm so sorry you're alone for a single night wanting a fake relationship like entertainment creates.

You truly have my sympathy fembot.
tfw got banned on mu again because of funposting on kpg
>tfw when I was 13 i had a huge crush on this one guy at school
May I inquire what country you are from? I later learned that my crush had a crush on me but I had moved schools before realising that and your age fits.

I am spic.
Oh ok, nevermind then. I'm from Spurdoland.
Do you have qt thick thighs, or slender lanky legs?
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>random had a crush at 13

This is all you have to go by. It's not you.
I had a really bad dream about killer gnomes last night.

Gnomes held me down and very slowly poked my eyes out with a stick.
what country though?

>tfw baked cookies for my oneitis at age 15
>he says they're amazing
>tfw we munch on the cookies while he talks about his crush on stacey and i give him advice and tell him that he needs to be more confident
>he thanks me
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This is sweet

personally i've always wanted a girl with no nesting instinct, one that just has her own career in something interesting (and intelligent) and we leave for work with a kiss and come home with a kiss, then we snuggle and play games and watch animu together and fall asleep, sometimes make love

never happen

also fembots don't exist so theres that
Gnomes can be spoopy i guess. I'm more unnerved by girls though.
go get em champ lol XD
I am a psychologist
That dream was a premonition and you need to avoid gnomes at all costs.
Lock the windows.
>personally i've always wanted a girl with no nesting instinct, one that just has her own career in something interesting (and intelligent) and we leave for work with a kiss and come home with a kiss, then we snuggle and play games and watch animu together and fall asleep, sometimes make love
fuck off
you're making me sad
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>tfw somehow managed to get my elementary school crush into my house/room when I was 12
>didn't realise the situation back then
>"so, yeah, this is my room"
>stuffing my face with potato chips while saying that
>the look of discomfort on her faced has since been burned into my mind
>she leaves a few moments after

I hope someone had saved me from myself.
Maybe try someone who's as ugly as you for a change instead of pining after Chad.
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femanons be my friend or i swear to god i'll do it
>tfw your period panties have a hole in them
>tfw situation makes me feel uncomfortable

I have been raped, POLICE!
Use my face to plug it up! Quick!
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>tfw package thief in your neighborhood
>need to try to sleep before the amazon guy comes so you can get package fast
>pip boy edition in the mail
>have a shy friend
>he tries to get over his social anxiety, but fails multiple times making him more timid
>pretty much have to mother him so he'll get a job and learn to drive
>even though he got his license, he refuses to drive unless necessary since he's afraid of car accidents
>it's difficult being his friend because we have nothing in common and dislike what the other likes
>I like partying, working out, and large social activities
>he likes anime and all that comic book jazz. he only likes hanging out in small groups or with just one other person (many times girls he asked to hang out thought it was an awkward date since he only invites one person to hang out with him at a time)
>through some miracle of time he gets a girlfriend that's pretty much a girl version of him
>they all have their inside jokes and are all very touchy feely
>first time seeing friend so open

I'm happy that he found someone, but a part of me is jealous that he isn't that way with me. Something about how I invested so much time with him and he still doesn't feel that open with me. Not saying I want him as a boyfriend. Just wish I could relate to him in some way.
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Oh anon. Don't give up hope yet!

He was a 5/10 normie. He wasn't very tall too and he was lanky. He was always smiling and happy and that was why I was so into him. He was my only friend during highschool.
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I am, but something tells me you aren't actually interested in it. You just want to bitch about something on 4chan.
This is bait of the highest order. I dont even know if i wanna white knight anymore
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>>no bf to have kids with and love
>Buying shitty games

>I want to party and be human trash
>why cant he like being surrounded by tons of people he cant care about and do things he doesnt like?
You mean Chads, I want nothing more than marriage.
What the hell is your name and why are you namefagging?
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living in an apartment in a moderate size city, doing something we both love

we come home and talk about the interesting things about our fields and how much we love the little quirks of math and science

make dinner while listening to some nice music or just skip it and cuddle with microwave dinners

be still and listen to the sleet fall outside in the dead of winter as we hold each other under the blanket

one of us wakes up and princess carries the other to bed for sound loving sleep

and the best part is we get to do it all again tomorrow

why must we suffer?
holy fuck that image

I wouldn't trust anyone to do that for me


how horrifying
>female getting cukked

I actually feel sad for you, perhaps you (unlike most females) actually belong here
If the genders were reversed everyone would call you an entitled fag, women live life on easy mode
I barely trust myself when I shave. I wouldn't trust a professional, let alone a woman.
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y-you too
obvious samefag b8 is obvious
your what?
>watching happy couples dating on youtube
you sound kind of weird
To be perfectly honest with you family member, possibly my sibling IDK, I would prefer a girl poking my eyes out.

I used to collect lawn gnomes but they're all in storage after we moved.
My best friend got a boyfriend and she has this sudden burst of happiness. Sometimes I get this urge to make it seem like her boyfriend is cheating on her with me just so I can relish in her reaction. The boyfriend probably won't be up for it since we're not really friends. But here's the scenario I fantasize about

>talk to her boyfriend
>tell him we should prank the gf into thinking he's cheating on her with me
>boyfriend invites her to his home
>I step out of the shower or his bedroom as if I'm about to leave
>make eye contact with best friend and just go out of the front door as if this is totally normal
>at the point, best friend will ask me what the fuck I'm doing there
>I'll be really vague, but never directly answer her
>her boyfriend and I will go on about how it's just a completely innocent thing until she gets mad
have you had sex with him ever?
I'm a dude whos always wanted to get married before I fuck anyone and then not fuck anyone else
I don't ever meet any women who feel the same who arent batshit crazy religious types.
I'm not trying to pick up chicks, I'm just trying to see if theres any women out there who thinks like me.
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Amazing how changing one word makes your fantasy turn from a nightmare to a fantasy of mine :^)
>tfw pretty much all your panties are period panties because no one would ever see them
Well, if you protect me from girls, i can protect you from gnomes. We have a deal?
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You messed up a simple crying face so who'd want to see them :^)
Christian lesbo with cow tits?

I keep forgetting to reapply it when I poop post on the gaychan.
>"fembots" supposedly never leave the house
>"fembots" supposedly know our feels
>"fembots" all happen to have boyfriends

How do you even explain this? Why are almost all /r9k/ guys single when about half of "fembots" are seeing someone? Why have 75% of "fembots" been in relationships when only 20% of robots have?
Mail them to me then if it makes you so sad. I'll inspect/fap on them.
>there just aren't any women out there who aren't crazy but also pure
you sound really charming
to make it a better troll, you should actually have sex with him
Never seen it before. Any reason for the name or did you just pick a few random words?
>I actually feel sad for you, perhaps you (unlike most females) actually belong here
Now ask her how many guys she rejected over the years.

Here, I'll help and ask her out right now so it can be a +1.
can someone explain this concept?
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so I'm reading these reddit stories and just wondering if love is a lie.
If you women like uncommitted sex with chad so much and do all sorts of nasty things with him like bjs, but would not do those things with a regular partner, then it just seems that what you really want is a betabux/alpha fucks relationship.
This would mean of course that love doesn't exist and it's all just a big fucking lie. You girls say you want a stable guy but you'll always be hankering for that hard nasty fuck with chad.
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>using a macro image

Nope. We never done anything sexual.


all because I like partying and clubbing, it doesn't make me a slut.

I just want my friend to be more comfortable in parties and social situations.
>Now ask her how many guys she rejected over the years.
why would that have any bearing on her statement?
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>using an anime image
>needs to be spoonfed
>on 4chan
Just google it, worse you're gonna see is panties with blood on them.
Not a girl but taking a guess anyway. She doesn't use tampons and just bleeds into her panties.
I have the social grace of a brick.
I meant not insanely religious but also interested in waiting until they're married.
I'm not a charming person. Charm is a way to be backhanded and dishonest and still have people like you for it.
>all because I like partying and clubbing, it doesn't make me a slut.
Kek, okay
Get out slut
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These threads make me want to leave this board forever. There are no women here and everyone still thinks there is.
Probably just desperate and lonely.
Once when I was like 12. He was a chubby Vietnamese kid and was one of my close friends. I actually considered it though since he was really nice but I decided against it since it wouldn't be fair because I wasn't into him romantically.

He found a qt gf during his first year of highschool when he started to get fit though and I was happy for him.

We're still good friends and we keep in touch.
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This is a really hilarious guess. Panties would not be able to protect you from leaking blood all over if you only wore them while on your period.

Unless you have a extremely light period or something.
I never called you a slut. I called you trash.
>tfw no self-harm bf
Why are these threads always You Reap What You Sow and male versions of these threads Catch-22
obviously it would be zero
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Didn't claim to be an expert. I have seen posts about freebleeding onto towels so I tried to connect those two dots.

Now that I think about it, yes it seems silly
You got it.

We'll be perfectly safe until a like, leprechaun rolls into town and just beats the snotcake out of both of us.

Nope, I'm literally just a Christian lesbian with cow tits.
>Nope. We never done anything sexual.
you should, I know if I were an awkward autist I'd love for a Stacy to throw the V at me (even if it's just a one-time thing). also I hope you realize he's fapped to you for as long as you've known each other
holy shit this desperation here bro.

damn this board has not changed one bit
Nah, i got that leprechaun. Now if its a girl though, i'm boned. Can there be female leprechauns?
I'm not sure why you would just bleed all over into towels unless you are fat and lazy and literally cannot move out of bed, which wouldn't surprise me if you ran across women like this online.

My second guess would be women would do this if they literally could not wear panties because it cut off too much air to the vagina and in turn gave them some kind of yeast or bacteria infection (due to lack of oxygen/not wearing cotton underwear), which again, you would need to be hilariously fat to have this problem.
>tfw no gf who bakes me cookies that I eat while trying to keep a straight face for a few weeks before giving up and showing her how the fuck you bake a REAL cookie in the kitchen
>I just want my friend to be more comfortable in parties and social situations.
the problem most extroverts make is that they assume all introverts are simply temporarily-embarrassed extroverts
What's the most sexual thing you allowed a guy friend to do to you?

I let my friends, guys and girls, to casually my breasts. I never let my friends touch them in a sexual way. I'm only okay with playful groping in private settings. I'd be pissed if a friend groped me without warning in front of a crowd.
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>I'm literally just a Christian lesbian with cow tits
>Christian lesbian
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I don't think obesity was a problem in these cases, it was mostly just morbid laziness from I could gather.
because males are disposable. harems, etc.
also females don't have to initiate, they just sit there and wait.
Come to New Zealand cutie.
If you never figured out robot, "period panties" are just panties you accidentally stained during your period (blood is not easily removed) and after washing them, you often only use them while on your period. It's so you don't accidentally ruin/stain more panties.
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>no bad cooking gf to pretend you like their meals to make them feel better
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>I let my friends
>to casually my breasts

>I never let my friends touch them in a sexual way
Do you let your friends non-sexually suck on your nipples? What about rubbing their non-sexual rock hard penises on your completely platonic lewd hard nipnips? If you ever need a friend to casually fill your womb to the brim with a platonic dosage of penis milk don't hesitate to call, that's what friends are for!
My best friend used to have feelings for me, but I feel as if he doesn't bother trying to get with other girls because he either thinks he's going to marry me one day or that relations aren't worth the trouble. There are a few times when he makes friends with a girl that is totally into him, but he doesn't go for it. I know he's a bit socially inept, but I think he's purposely ignoring the signs. Even if he doesn't want a relationship, he could have gotten laid. The look that some of the girls gives him, I just shake my head whenever he's not banging them.
> all because I like partying and clubbing, it doesn't make me a slut.

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Oh ok, cheers. Didn't bother googling it.
Because according to you guys, all fembots have to be is decent looking and not fat to have boyfriends and poof! You're right, pal

Yeah, as you can see >>24158682 it's up to 2 now, she completely ignored my proposal.
To remove blood from clothing wash it in cold water and pretreat it.
This is coming from a guy who has washed a lot of blood from clothing.
I'm also a christian lesbian. I don't have cowtits; I'm pretty much flat chested, tall, athletic, and presumably high test. This is how God made me. Neither my body, nor my sexual orientation, nor my faith were a choice.
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absolutely 2015.png
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I want fake Christians to go
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woah m8 1v1 me in the kitchen
I would if I wasn't a poorfag.
A guy gave me a hug once. It was nice.
A lot of the time it's not easy because you will continually accidentally bleed on panties. Yeah tampons work well, but you don't wear them at night because you're not suppose to use them for over 8 hours generally due to toxic shock risks.

They will almost always stain at night a little bit, or a lot, and the blood will stay on them for hours before you wake up. It's usually not going to come out unless you soak them right away sadly.
Makes enough sense.
I tried to help atleast.
>I would if I wasn't a poorfag.
Swim. I'll be waiting on the western shore with a candle in my hands.
>let friend move in with me and my boyfriend since he finally has a chance to live away from his family
>he spends the first week cleaning the house
>scrubbing the greasy grime on stove top
>cleaning out of the mold and spoiled food from fridge
>scrubbing the bathrooms
>throwing out a bunch of junk

It was a nice gesture at first, but now it's getting a bit annoying . I know my friend has OCD, but now he's very bossy about keeping the house clean and we go on about cleaning. He doesn't let us wash dishes anymore because "we clean it wrong". He's so paranoid about cross contamination and mold spreading from spoiled food.
>to casually my breasts
to casually what? you forgot the verb, or is this like the "I accidentally the entire pizza" meme?
>all fembots have to be is decent looking and not fat
this is indeed correct.
Just go somewhere public, like a library, and wait.

What is gaychan a nom de gurre for? I wish to go there and shitpost.
It's fine, I was just explaining why girls bitch about it so you didn't think I was ignoring your advice. I do try to soak them like you said if I catch it in time, sometimes you can.

Thanks anon.
Isn't religion a choice?
>no towel
What shit deal. Swim to the US for me "fem"anon :^)
>a man is doing a better at my job than i am

>its getting a bit annoying
Swallow it down, you jealous and insane bitch.
I dunno friend.

I suppose if it's a girl leprechaun I'd have to fight it.

I do have four-leaf clovers so lets hope that documentary with Rachel from Friends is accurate.

please be my friend, senpai
Not really anything sexual. I have a few 'beta' friends that I will hug tightly so that they can feel my breasts press against their body. One guy is totally okay with it to the point he'll press his boner against me when we hug. The other guy is still very shy about it and tries not to hug me tightly.
Who cares, live in maid. The dream
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see >>24158896
St. Paul is rolling in his grave
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>I let my friends, guys and girls

Yeah gurl nothin dykey about grabbing your friend's tits gurl I let my friend jack me off all the time nothing gay about it at all man I love when my friends touch me there just all a laugh haha just bantz
>all the girls you know only wear "normal" panties when they're on their period
>have panties fetish but not period fetish
life is suffering
I don't think that what you believe in is a choice. It can change with time and experience, but it isn't something you actively choose. Practicing a religion is a choice, but if I believe in God, why would I choose not to practice?

Please stop that. You're basically humiliating the guy who's obviously not into it. I assume you think you're doing right, but you're emasculating the dude.
you should coach him into a Chad, including having sex with him in order to boost his confidence
is period fetish even real? i've never seen a male approach that as if they're into it.
>6'3", slim but fit
>White, pale complexion
>Dark brown hair, green eyes
>Attractive face, often complemented
>In med school, good career prospects
>Pretty good sense of humor
>Exercise every other day
>Crave love a lot more than sex
>Socially responsive when discussing impersonal topics
>Never stutter, always fairly articulate
>Always back out of participation when conversations get personal
>Whenever a girl approaches me I always feel the need to escape
>Ended up running away from prom and spent the night playing solitaire on a flip phone in an isolated playground
>Tend to pretend to get urgent phone calls during parties/bar outings so I can retreat
>Never had a social media account and too scared to make one
>When girls sit beside me on the bus I'm scared to do so much as look at their face cursorily
>Never do anything outside of my apartment apart from classes/work because I'm too afraid of being around people
>Lost all appetite, just eat to subsist but wish I could stop eating entirely
>Dateless, handholdless, mutual-loveless virgin

Am I salvageable or have I passed the point of no return for dating? What do
My friend says he has trouble cumming when making love to his girlfriend because he doesn't find her physically attractive so sometimes I flash my tits at him or play with my breasts and make lewd gestures at him whenever he has his girlfriend over and the girlfriend isn't looking.

I'd recommend going gay.
stopped reading there
wrong thread faggot
and then nothing happens, thus invalidating /r9k/ "logic"
I can't even swim fug
ITT: a lot of weird porn plots turn into real stores by males pretending to be female

Have you actually tried it, yet?
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Is there any female wizard?
You are literally the controlling slut bitch that all women hate, you disgusting piece of shit trash fuck off back to /soc/
it's one of those things that sounds hot when you're fantasizing about it, but in reality it's disgusting
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>tfw no gf to teach how to swim
I've tried. But no matter how much gay porn I watch coupled with sugar pills to induce pavlovian reinforcement it just doesn't do anything for me.
>"never stutter" (chad would never say this anon, wtf, they don't even worry about this shit)
>med school
nice bait man

It's a man, m8. Even if a chick did that, she'd never admit it, even here.
have sex with them, please. do your part to make more happiness in the world (disclaimer: I'm assuming these guys are single)
She would, she'd just say there was nothing wrong with it. Women justify will justify anything.
kill yourself
I have a short friend that has a crush on me. He's tongue in cheek about it and understands that a relationship between us would never happen because of our height differences. What we have is cool because he isn't bitter or resentful about it. I blow raspberries on his belly since I think it's cute how he's so ticklish.
well yeah blood smells pretty bad and also it's old blood, think of it as being blood that has been sitting inside someones body for one or two days.

unless you have some kind of crazy dead body fetish, i imagine this shit would be way too disturbing.
you seem to be confused, I'm male senpai
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10/10 b8. I'mmad
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7/10 you'll get someone
I'm happy for you lesbifriend.

I asked my pastor recently if I could get married at our church and he said he'd pray about it.

Hope it works out.
it's still hot to fantasize about for some reason. my boss told me she was on her period and I fapped to the thought of it, I've also deduced what days she's having it based on whether she has visible panty lines or not (as she wears thongs otherwise)
Shush m8 ur b8 makes me ir8
>invite friend to party
>he doesn't know anyone so he just finds a quiet place to sit until party is over
>try to get him drunk so he'll loosen up
>he can't get drunk because he feels the need to vomit by the time he gets to his 4th shot

He didn't even get buzzed. All I had was hard liquor and beer and he doesn't like drinking those. What a shame. I was going to dance with him if he got drunk.
I've done it too. Been with my husband for 16 years and have cheated off and on...got caught again recently, hadn't had sex but the texts were enough. Hopefully he forgives me. I'm still not sure why I do it, but it does make you feel guilty.
Try to stop like me, I was great for years until...bamn, started having felings for my boss...don't make the same mistakes.
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Neither of you are practicing Christianity with this shit
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This has to be a man. Women don't go on /r9k/ right?
Why did you need to drag 2D waifus into this anon?

Slightly off topic but I gotta ask fembots; is this the norm now?

Went to browse San Diego reddit so-cal dating. First female pops up is a "curvy" (lol) submissive who has many partners and appears very picky about who she receives. Are there any loyal women left or no?
Anon, he's hoverhanding
>I've done it too
Done what?

Anyone else here piss in front of their close friend?

If I have a guy over and I need to take a piss, I'll piss with the door open while talking to them.
why not dance with him sober?
You can rape me desu. I'd like some form of female companionship at this point.
gl senpai
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>for some NSA fun

>dating some redditor
Advertising yourself on reddit is just a redflag to begin with anon, shouldn't even be looking there if you want "loyal" women. They don't shill out their bodies like a fucking jew redditor collecting shekels or something.

I recommend finding some kind of hobby you enjoy and looking for meetup groups or something. Have met less cumdumpster driven women in those situations.
roastie memes ruined those sandwiches for me, thanks :(
I wish I were taller, like 5'10. I'm only 5'7 now.
This "Medieval Catholicism will save us" thing is starting to turn into a meme.
I'm grateful that my friend that likes me is short. Otherwise my boyfriend would see him as a threat and try to bully him. My boyfriend thinks it's hilarious how my best friend has feelings for me. He doesn't make threats to my friend like he does to other guys that hit on me. My friend is nice so I let him get away with him purposely putting his face into my breasts whenever we hug. I find it more endearing than perverted.
you're doing gods work anon. keep making us proud
I suppose I get to have my cake and eat it too, but instead of cake it's lady parts and I don't actually eat them I just lick them for a while and put them back where I found them.

What exactly is so wrong about living with a guy friend while having a boyfriend?

Especially when we each have our own bedrooms and I was living with my guy friend long before I met my boyfriend and it's not very ideal for my boyfriend to be living away from his family at the moment.
I'm rollin .
Fuck off and ruin a different religion from the inside with this shit. Islam is good choice. You aren't a Christian

The thing is unlike the other guy I am willing to accept gays into the fold of Christianity, I just wish more of you would submit that you're sinning.

I mean it's not THAT bad, humans are inherently sinful creatures to begin with, it's just gays are adding an extra one to the list.
I think it's a mild form of child abuse to make children practice religion. Nothing wrong with learning about religion and culture at an early age, but I don't think kids should be dragged around by their Jehovah Witness parents house to house and being put in awkward situations. Religious kids are often more mean than non-religious kids since they usually try to see things from a very limited perspective and try to enforce their religion on other.s
My boyfriend's penis is 4.5 inches long. he admits that he's very shy about it. I told him it was cute then proceeded to give him a blowjob. When I looked up at his face, it looked as if he was about to cry.
pls b my gf
>The thing is unlike the other guy I am willing to accept gays into the fold of Christianity,
I am more than willing to accept people who are attracted to other people of the same gender into Christianity. Just don't fuck them. I have my own sinful desires, but I don't pretend they aren't and I don't make an identity out of them.
You sort of accomplished what you set out to do. No need to feel bad.
Cry for joy or sadness?
>First bf
>Both KHVs
>Everything about him is perfect to me
>Start to fall for him, I think, maybe it was just puppy love but I really fucking liked him
>Let him finger me
>Attempt to give him an awkward hand job one time because I wanted to do something back
>Want to lose my virginity to him
>He dumps me

>Almost 20
>Never had a bf since
>Still a virgin and mostly clueless about sex but feel like used goods because he stuck his fingers in me a few times
>If anyone finds out they give me the whole 'aww anon you are so innocent and pure' thing
>Die a little inside

I would rather not be a virgin desu then be stuck in this limbo. I still kinda miss him
>>Slightly off topic but I gotta ask fembots; is this the norm now?
>Went to browse San Diego reddit so-cal dating. First female pops up is a "curvy" (lol) submissive who has many partners and appears very picky about who she receives.
This means she's a Chadwhore like all women.
>Are there any loyal women left or no?
Yes, to Chad.
ITT: 63 guys talking to each other
Sounds like gf material to me. Would take from limbo to poundtown/10
> I still kinda miss him

And this is why you never mess around with used goods.
Disgusting whore
She's all yours friend
I'd waifu her. You gotta give a girl new memories to forget the old ones, brother
These threads are always about sex and relationships. BORING

Fuck off, stacies. t. actual female robot
Well, i mean, if they really wanted to post about other girl stuff, wouldn't they go to a female dominated board like /cgl/?

But Anon, sex is everything to a woman. Their lives literally revolve around making themselves as attractive as possible in almost every situation imaginable.
> I still kinda miss him
Yeah sure
You can stay
Hi, please marry me, I promise to be a really good husband, thanks.
A lot of people can't 'just be friends' with the opposite gender. But if you can do it fine, no problem.

I grew up around only females so when ever I meet a male around my age and get along with them I always confuse it for sexual attraction. I'm also a sexually frustrated virgin so that doesn't help. I know it's just my brain and hormones fucking with me so I ignore it. After a few weeks of being around the person I can be friends with them normally and the sexual thoughts are gone. It's really annoying. Any time I meet someone cool my vagina starts screaming 'hey let's try to fuck this guy!' It's like my brain wants me to be a roastie.
>tfw nothing makes you happy anymore
>tfw beginning to wonder if anything could ever make you happy again
How does one deal with this feel? I've always been a very optimistic person, but I've been miserable for 3+ years, with the only respite being drugs. Should I just kill myself and get it over with?
23, still a virgin.

Feels weird mang, I had opportunities I probably should have just gone for it.
Thats how pretty much every dude's brain works. I've seen 2/10 girls and my brain says "bro, fuck that girl". It's a vicious thing when you're an ugly man, such as myself.
>How does one deal with this feel?
You don't

>Should I just kill myself and get it over with?
If you want. Or you can live for spite. That's what I'm doing.
Nah, go get a hobby besides wallowing in despair. Also, unless you need the drugs for a mental illness, get off em.
Can't discuss feels in /cgl/. Besides, they're all bitches and sluts who wouldn't understand.

>every woman is the same
>inb4 "le not like le other girls xd" callout
Fuck you.

Post location and contact info and some robot will bang you.
Kek, well i like your attitude. What would you have the handful of girls and several dudes talk about? I'm game for whatever, i honestly dont know much about women.
I'm gonna bang a classmate, lets see how it goes.

Its kind of an uncommon age to still be so inexperienced is all
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>Tfw used to be really passionate about music
>My life goal ever since I was a little kid was to be a famous musician and play music for people all over the world
>Became depressed
>Lost interest in everything including music
>It's been years since I've touched and instrument or sang
>Realize how much of a one in a million chance it is for my dream to come true
>Realize there are millions of people more talented than me
>If I never quit I could actually be starting a career by now
>Lost interest in living
>Became a NEET because nothing in college interests me
>No goals or aspirations, just wasting away and shitposting on 4chan every day until I muster up the courage to buy a shotgun.

I'm not interested in getting married or having children. I wish I could give my life to a dying kid or something, it feels pointless for me
>Babbys first existential crisis
femanons are nothing but a meme, the sooner you realize that the better
Oh. Why not?
I think you should run away and practice piano in solitude every day.
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She's going to be my gf instead

you want a woman to princess carry you to the bedroom?

I think you need a man.
Oh god, its me, or a clone of me. I was so talented and at some point, i quit. I was just so depressed and tired, and all of the sudden i'm here alone everyday. Just kill me please
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