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sup qtp2ts. unessesary roastie grill here. I have this "problem"
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sup qtp2ts. unessesary roastie grill here.
I have this "problem" where I was born with the body/looks of dumbass stace and actually act/dress like one in public but I actually like doing the shit life wasters like you keks do all day. (browse this shit website,vidya, watch electric jew). I know that I could get any Chad I want but they're all boring cocky pieces of shit and I would rather shoot myself in the face than have to deal with their boring and uninteresting personalities. I hate when chads come to me but when I want to make friends with some robot they think it's a joke and move along or just won't respond to me. all I want is a qt robot to hold me and watch moobies with. any advice?
Take a basic writing course. You managed to give me cancer with one alinea.
Probably best to admit you're a man and kill yourself, desu senpai
Yeah. Stop hanging out on a forum populated by the mentally ill and edgy teenagers. Stop classifying people using retarded definitions invented by the mentally ill and propogated by a sea of trolls.

Also tits or GTFO.
>they're all boring cocky pieces of shit
Are you aware that you come off as extremely cocky yourself?
Do you really think she's aware of that?
Post pic

I was speaking to a grill from here who looks like a Stacy. But she got bored of me. Fucking whore.
breasts or kindly vacate
You could always shoot yourself in the face.

I'll even lend you the gun.
only possible option desu senpai
>when I want to make friends with some robot they think it's a joke and move along or just won't respond to me
I don't believe you

then again, the actual "qt" robots are probably the ones with crippling anxieties.

also if it walks like a stacy and quacks like a stacy it's probably a stacy.

>any advice?
stop acting like a stacy. Or perhaps easier, stop dressing like one.
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