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>second day of hormone therapy I'm going to become a
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>second day of hormone therapy
I'm going to become a cute girl.
Post pics after 6 months or so.
Wew lad, did you fall for it? Anyways, you're in too deep now. Looks like you'll be people's sick fetish from now on
you can stop now anon.
most transgenders get rid of all the pictures they have of their old self because they can't stand to seem themselves looking better.
you will make yourself into an ugly unwanted girl and there is no going back
Good luck, dude
i believe in you op! you're going to be a very cute girl
>he fell for the jewish scheme
It's better than being alone.
Good luck Anon, I'm sure you'll be your own gf in no time!
Well, once you transition, let it be known that i'll be fapping to any pics you post of you. You dont feel disgusted at all?
it's not too late to turn back anon!
you're a cute boy but you'll make for an ugly girl!
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I will anon. I'll show /r9k/ how cute I can be.

That's ok.

I don't have pictures of my old self and don't let people take pictures of me. That'll change I hope.


My transition has nothing to do with relationships.

No way, it will be validating.
if you are a girl,ok.
but if you are a guy you are a pathetic piece of shit,
you disgust me you misscarriage
Validating for a robot to jerk off to you? I dont understand but if you like it i guess i'll oblige.
you will end up as a monster clown,
i think its your punishment for trying to escape reality the gay way.
Please be in the Greater London Metropolitan Authority.
do female hormones make girls girlier?

like steroids do for guys?
Probably. It'd also make them ultra bitches though
Not really. Just causes more mood swings and might make them lactate. The effects of estrogen only work to a certain point, whereas the effects of testosterone have a massive range.
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Enjoy killing yourself in 3 years when you either still look too much like a man, or realise it was a horrible mistake
i'm proud of you anon. i'm sure you will be really pretty.
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Sounds like you got meme'd OP. Sorry, drugs won't turn you into a cue 2D waifu.
>not being a pretty girl before HRT

step it up faggot
piss off roastie
Op just wants someone to make her feel like a pretty girl. Thus, she's on the thirstiest board in the world
maybe hes better off as a qt trap with a sugar daddy than self loathing ugly robot. Who knows
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>Sounds like you got meme'd
psychological warfare
original comment baka robot senpai
if you're an ugly duckling pre-HRT, estrogen will make you a beautiful swan
/africa/ is the thirstiest board in the world
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nearly 3 years here anon
>I'm going to become a cute girl.
no you probably won't in all likelihood but I hope you find happiness in who you are anon
LOL NO, it will make you even more manly
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>I'm going to become a cute girl.
You're gonna just look like a fucking odd sick freak.
Post pics and show him what it looks like after 3 years of unnaturally fucking with your body chemistry. 98% of trannies are ugly and non-passable. Delusional retards.
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>he fell for the meme
enjoy killing yourself in a few years
Well, you know we gotta ask for pics. I want qt legs
>I'm going to become a cute girl.
Probably not, but good luck trying.

>not posting pics of your feminine dick
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>mfw beta kuckolds fall for the le hrt reddit maymay

tbqh lol op. Can't wait to have you in my tranny folder. :^)
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you will become a beatiful princess

good look anon, i'm sure you'll be a very cute girl
I get hit on, groped and have guys making out with me every time I go to a club anon and im really happy with how my looks are
muh richard
You'll regret it m8
pls be in central yurop
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will you post lewds? :3
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it will change nothing.
explain why you want to become a girl.
no friends?
no love?
unhappy and no money?
even if it 100% succeeds and you end as beatiful girl, it will give you nothing.
almost a week now, so far, not much.
my nipples are kinda sensitive and slightly inflated, i guess my cum is less thick and i don't have as much of a high sex drive as i did, i still fap once or twice a day though, and my body hair and facial hair keeps regrowing back
How does traps or transgeneder function in society?

They find a male or gay or whatever and they cuddle anf get their asses fucked every night like normal woman in relationship?

I dont get it.

Being a girl takes much more effort thane being a man.

You need makeup, depilate, take care of skin, nails etc.

It waste of time.
>This kuck has never experienced gender dysphoria
I'm keking so hard right now.
>tfw want to live in a moral homogenous nation with no zog but also want to be a qt trap

am i kosher, shlomo, or bad goy?
>this kuck is an faggot
Original comments pls robot desu
What is it with some weebs and wanting so desperately to become a girl or being a trap? It's like 2D screwed up your head or something. Also you won't become a girl, stop kidding yourself. If you have a dick you're just gonna be a transvestite or something.
You still won't menstrate, have ovaries, or child bearing hips no matter how much hormone therapy you get or how badly you mutilate your wee wee. Face it you will never become a cute girl just a fuccboi
Good luck Anon I'm happy for you
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GL, are you planning on telling anyone you date about your past?
You should post pics of yourself currently
you're not going to suddenly transform into a girl if you look manly as fuck
let us judge you rather than some normans
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Fucking disgusting.
I can't wait for the harassment to drive you to suicide you mentally ill degenerate.
Don't forget to work out after 3-6 months, it's very important to help you develop hips and an ass. You'll have a feminine distribution of new tissue after that point, it also affects how you lose weight if you're going that way. Squats and deadlifts work tremendously and kickbacks are also excellent.

>tfw ass keeps hitting objects at work

It's an embarrassing sign of effort paying off.
There is no robot here faggot
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Good luck
I'm two years on and starting to see results :^)
>tranny folder

mind sharing?
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>Be outcast from the lefty community that accepts traps because political views
>Be outcast from the rightish community that shares similar political views

You chose the hard path, that's for sure. I understand you though anon, I feel the same.
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You'll have a lot of suicidal tendencies
Sooner or later, good luck
>White "men"
kek, isn't this some canadian serial killer
but why are you doing this Op ?
Serial killer and colonel in the canuck air force
russel williams
there's a board for people like you
>bullshit story
aaand you come on this board, pull the other one you badly disguised faggot

No you're not, you'll still be a guy and there's nothing you can do about it.
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