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>have a friend named Marc >he has sex with many girls,
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>have a friend named Marc
>he has sex with many girls, weekly
>goes on dates with asian sluts, eats pizza (Which is why I added the picture.)
>i sit at home playing league of legends all day
>he asks me why im a loser
>i sigh... and respond,
>"Why the flick are you suck a douchebag?"
>haven't talked to him since then, which was Wennsday.

Tell me how you guys lose your friends.
bad b8, report and move on
Stop doing this, now. I'm fed up. I know this is you, Marc. Stop harrassing me.
thanks for the (you) faggot
Look you passive aggressive shit, stop making threads on /r9k/ and actually talk to me about it. And you wonder why you have no gf....
>playing league of legends all day
In that case, I hope you're at least diamond.
Fuck you, Marc. Don't even realize how hard I've been hitting on you? You're a blind fucking idiot. At least reject me, tell me you arent gay or some shit.
Why does it matter to you, fuckhead? No wonder I don't have a GF? Fuck you. Matt was right about you, you weren't a good friend then you werent a good friend now.
i know your not OP. Seriously though, that little shit needs to stop.
I'm Plat I, hoping to get to diamond next season
Don't be a beta bitch and stop playing vidya
Why do you need to bring other people into this? Talk to me directly...
You're fucking lame. Marc, I go here to get away from people like you. To enjoy myself, cause you and my parents don't let me myself.

pizza party in here
Whatever family. Enjoy your frog board.
Fucking normie.

Dear fellow Robots, please, let it be known that my friend Marc is a normie. May he go down infamous in history books as a fucking normie.
Marc get out of her you normie
What he said.

Awesome reply OP
Thread replies: 19
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