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How much would you pay her to take your virginity?
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How much would you pay her to take your virginity?
Maybe 40 bucks?
-$50 by virtue of the fact her leg skin seems to getting sucked into her vagina.
>how to spot a coal burner: the women
What if I'm not a virgin?
>what is severe atrophy

She's probably wheelchair bound.
>muscular dystrophy/10
File: Impressive.jpg (30 KB, 394x599) Image search: [Google]
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what the fuck i didn't see your post yet i asked for -50 too.
>literally selling your soul to the devil

thanks captain obvious, i never would've guessed by looking at the wheelchair right next to her!
That both would have to pay me. Looks like she had 1 too many blacc diccs
i wouldn't stick my dick in that thing if you paid me $5K
>tramp stamp
Not even once.
You mean, would I have paid. Before the tramp stamp and before Chad.
Not very much. I'm also not a virgin, but meh.

Her face isn't that great and neither is the body. Tats are also a turn off. I mean, I'm not going to pay if it's not good.
Yea... nah Im good mate but thanks for the offer
>concave ass
Is she an irish supermodel?
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-$50 was the number i got too when I checked my budget
This, can't believe people would actually fuck that thing.
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