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Girl kisses boy in front of BF
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Holy FUCK which one of you C U C K S is this?

who are you to judge their relationship? for all we know they have an open relationship and he gets to fuck dozens of bitches on a daily basis?

He is probably just a kek tho
>"girls" that look like that get dick anytime they want and you will never get pussy
It looked like a kiss on the cheek.

Still, if my gf kissed another guy on the cheek, he'd had to be a really good mutual friend. Those guys don't even looking like they are cool with each other.
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Yeah cuz that's the face of a guy who's not getting C U C K E D
what a fucking cvck
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>women like longhaired faggots

Thought for sure this was just a meme
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>I woulda grab both of em by they hair and bang they muthafuckin heads together


The kids look kind of young so hopefully this is just that kid's first gf and he's in that phase where he thinks she's totally perfect and is rationalizing all of her flaws and shitty behavior. Usually people grow out of this, those that don't wind up on Reddit talking about how they got keked by their wife.
nah man girls dig femmy dudes,
It was on the cheek. Amerikeks don't know this but in Europe you greet everyone you know with kisses on their cheeks, it's not a big deal.
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>Bright red hair in tumblr snowflake style

And I'm supposed to be in shock?
no wonder you you fucks are taken over by muslims. fucking cvcks

>W-Well in Europe...

Well this didn't happen in Europe, Mohammad, so nobody cares.
this is what happens when you put pussy on a pedestal.
Shut up mohammed. Does that place look like it's being over run by Muslims? No? Then it's not Europe

Europe will be dead in less than ten years you chucklefuck
Allah Akbar
This is what happens when you do what normies tell you. This is what happens when you try, when you leave your comfort zone. NEVER LISTEN TO NORMIES.
Who cares, look like theyre highschoolers. Probably new bf/gf every week
I wonder why this never happens to blacks ohwait because we're the ones keking you topkek ily kiki <3
Lol c u c k detected. If a bitch did that in front of me they both getting slapped. This dude has the nerve to hold her hand after hahahaha that's probably you
>doesn't know about the word filters

Thank you come again new faggot
I know about the word filters I just don't care obviously cause you know what I'm saying dumbass kek
Haha, another day in normieboard.
She just gave him a peck, whats the big deal? I've been kissed on the cheek by married women and women with bfs lots of times.
ye this board is totally for normies!!!1 do you not see the autism daily?

you know this nigga a kek I bet he'll let me fuck his bitch topkek ily kiki <3
Which one's supposed to be the girl?
And surprise, surprise the guy is taller then her bf.
This isn't even true.
this nigga a beta he doesn't even know what a girl is kek ily kiki <3

ur a kek and beta urself

so what who cares I'm 6'0 gg son.
Watched it once for the c.u.c.k.ing, watched it three more times for the laugh at the end
ye cause yoru a beta ily kiki <3
Was in the face, you fucking faggot! Fuck you, you false flag motherfucker!
stop raging you silly beta also ily kiki <3
>mad americvcks with less than 60% white population
even England is 80% jesus you guys are such butthurt cvcklds lmao
no one cares senpai ily kiki <3
>fucking a slut
>caring about being a kek
choose one
Don't type like that unless you're prepared to post your dick/butt
It's 2015 there's nothing wrong with open relationships. Stop living on the wrong side of history.
what a kek also you're gay as fuck senpai ily kiki <3
Literally false. I'm a britbong and this shit would absolutely not be tolerated by any man with a backbone.
It was literally a kiss on the cheek. Girls you've never met before will kiss you on the cheek.
no one cares senpai ily kiki <3 BLACKCHAD 2016
I mean, like if I actually loved some girl and she kissed other guys or flirted around I'd probably be hurt, but who can get worked up about that shit when you're clearly just wasting time together having sex. She can do whatever the fuck she wants I don't care
>Any of us having a gf in the first place
Good effort though, I see what you were trying to do.
ily kiki no one cares about your beta bullshit

what a kek
kek senpai desu faggot
is being a kek a defense mechanism? I think I need help.
That's why your nation is dying, kcuC.
>It's 2015
What year is it again?
It's true, though. I moved to a super hipster college town and I have friends who wear women's clothing that fuck as many men and women as they feel like. Nobody really gives shit whether you have long or short hair unless it looks like ass.
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> 2016
> writing Cu cks with spaces

Problem, Supe?
>I moved to a super hipster college town and I have friends who wear women's clothing
Fucking why?

Euro fag here. No you fucking dont. Thats how you greet your fucking mother if your a dude and your father if your a girl.
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