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saturday night ausfriends how are you holding up? the few friends
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saturday night ausfriends
how are you holding up?

the few friends i have all have their own normie shit they are doing so it looks like it's another night of drinking alone at home and watching anime for me
not much, just procrastinating as usual
what anime you watching?

haven't slept in a few days, studying like a motherfucker

very jealous desu senpai
blimey govna! i got a wee bit'o tea to be sippin righty-o mate!
strike witches operation victory arrow
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>American 'banter'
try again sheep-fucker
desu senpai i'm hunting for a femegg 2nite

i don't know how i feel about the eggman, but i know in my heart of hearts that a kind, sweet femegg is all i need
Only Americans fail at banter that hard.

iktf senpai
just want to cradle my sweet femegg
Right continent, wrong country o mighty king of banter
So you're a brown third worlder who watches yank tv.
canada might as well be america 2.0 and mexico... dont even get me started
I thought Canada was an American state.
tfw Australia is full of normies.
>implying the land of kangeroo's is any better off
atleast my mother isn't being fucked by abbos on a daily basis
i hope you get walled by trump.
also my mother fucking hates abos so thats unlikely

Qld senpai

wanna come hunting for femeggs 3nite?
maybe crack a few bruws
been drinking since i rolled out of bed at noon
fuck yeah three day weekend
going to some weird dress up party tonight
Australia has the highest HDI in the world
Slept at 5am woke up at 515pm


Well to be fair i only slept 5 hours the day before
>Gf is reading in bed next to me.
>I'm jumping back and forth between Dark Souls (playing it for the first time, I'm having a blast) and Super Mario Maker.
>Going to cook up a poorfag stir-fry for dinner later on (Beef mince, frozen veggies and oyster sauce with some boiled rice on the side).
>Watch some Stargate SG-1 before we go to bed.
Pretty comfy night in store.
>mfw hsc is over
>mfw got an ounce of bud and a big bag of fireworks
This summers gonna be good boys
There is no way that trump is actually going to get elected, get real faggot
youre thinking of norway retard
>uni student
>aussies barely study and just go clubbing and party and other normie things
>seem unapproachable LMAO TAKE IT EASY DUDE AY
>asians just study and play dota all day
>seem unapproachable as they're cliquey and cold
>don't fit in with normie aussies or asians
>just want friends

already fucking a few caged femeggs tonight brah
no need for free range
but have fun desu senpai
Our hdi is the same as Norway's retard.
I need a job everyone has a job but me mum has gone to the grandparents for the night and left me with $50 for dinner so thats a plus and just gonna watch some south park.
Except that it's not you fucking mongoloid, yours is .11 points lower
get the fuck out underage
I'll be your friend I'm from Brisbane.
>Not going clubbing and playing vidya
Wasted another weekend. I've spent 9.30am to 7.05pm on my couch on 4chan. I left the house once to go buy a cup of coffee.

all that stuff depends on the degree

i'll be your friend if you're brisbane senpai, how's swotvac treating ya?
stopped reading there you colossal faggot, get the fuck off this board
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getting ready for work.
watching giant bomb live stream
'bout to have din-dins
maybe suicide later

mein familia 2bh
Not true at all.
google it you double nigger
sup fellow brisfag, what area you from?

sadly i'm stuck in shitty wynnum
Don't do it anon, get the works done! I procrastinated all week and had my exam today...it did not go well :(

>Not wanting to be surrounded by sweaty Habib and his cousin Moey.
>Not making out with 16 year old caked in makeup but apparently knows a promoter.
>Not paying $10 for a beer.

Face it, clubs are overcrowded, overpriced and boring.
Not anymore senpai ;)

I'm over on the northside in suburbialand

used to live in dutton park. got dumped and robotinated back into my parents house.

The cracks are starting to show, I don't know how much more I can hold these fucking walls together.
I'm from a shithole called Kallangur doubt you've heard of it not many have.
Brisbane here, just chewed some oxys. Staying in to netflix/shitpost and maybe some arma3
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fan bloodytastic:
>had productive morning
>masturbated before lunch
>exersized dawg
>gained moar knowledge
>masturbated again
>watched the man from U N C L E on full tum tums
>had epic shit
>all my chibbiychaws done for the day
>about to watch the new knick episode
>im now a smug amphibian in a rug shit posting from my couch
also is it not 2015! who the fuck needs friends when we have anon's ?
Get a vpn and get hulu bro it's so much better.
doesn't hulu have ads? I had a vpn for netflix but hulu was shit in those days. I just like to have something on when I'm on opiates. Probs won't even watch it.
Ya it does have ads but I think it has better shows to be honest ads are well worth it I have been watching different seasons of survivor for the past 2 weeks so comfy.

Feel alright

>Family is moving to the country away from immigrants
>Going to get a job via nepotism

Really can't complain.
Hey guys, I have a feeling the next big shooting will happen here

Might see you on if i can be fucked
What the fuck. I'm there too
Jealous. Brisbane here too, 4170. Source? Hook an anon up.
Scripted sorry. Otherwise craigslist goes alright sometimes.
Thanks anyway mate. Enjoy.
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speaking of ads lads. Why is that the only ads I 'ever' get is for fucking degenerate gambling phone apps and general pokie-fuckery for normie cunts.
People still get ads on youtube? I haven't seen a single one on there since at least 2010. Just use an adblocker, anon
Brisbane fag here
On suicide watch because of Swotvac
What movie should I watch after studying tonight? Cannot find any motivation to work without short term reward
Because even the advertisers know you'd have too much spaghetti to message the hot horny single girls in your area that want to hook up with you
got it running right now, still get ads up the arse.
i'd do it myself if i could get ahold of a decent firearm, i'm not settling for a score under 50 though so it'll never happen
5038 here again, anyone nearby?
Truly surprised by the amount of Brisbots on this board
Well this city is an absolute boring shithole. All anyone does it drink drink drink.
tfw zero brisbane girls here
female? desu senpai
>tfw no opiate loving junky girlfriend
fuck brisbane.
your mum
It's not too bad mane, everywhere is conveniently accessible which is good. I prefer it to the other capitols. I still do plan to move country ASAP though.
>still caring about girls
you could be getting delicious brobot oral right no, noob

>tfw got invited out tonight for the first time in over a year
>working an overnight shift
>top it off my gf is shitty at me

life is suffering
It's a country town with a few big buildings and a river of brown shit which ruins the look.
anybody got experience with brothels?

200 dollars to finally hand in the v card doesn't sound like too bad of a deal
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>top it off my gf is shitty at me


poor fucking (you) God Ausbots are a bunch of posers.
I was thinking of doing the same but i never end up going through.

Just end up blowing cash on hobbies and video games first.
Yeah man, there is some def qt's in brothels.
I've even met up on the outisde with a few of the girls for free sex.
my only hobbies are video games and anime
anime is free (torrents) and i've been gradually losing interest in video games over the years and only replay games i already own. it's rare i buy a new game

i've got the money to spare, i just don't know if my anxiety would allow me to go through with it

Nope, just another robot

Just don't cheap out and go to some low down chink ship in, you'll absolutely regret it anon.
I get bored with hobbies and switch pretty frequently. Only recently bought a bunch of dive gear and now I'm thinking of doing tennis.

I get what you mean about the anxiety, last time I seriously tried to do it I psyched myself up so bad, had a shower, was about to head out and just couldn't get in the car at all. My heart hadn't pumped that hard in a lifetime.
but asian girls are my fetish, i can't stand white bitches
>Live in Newcastle
>Like 5 actual whores in brothels
I feel like it's odd that there are so few

Oh, by all means if it's that's you thing find an up market Asian hooker, look to spend a little money. Just saying don't jew out and unwittingly book a 45 year old massage lady because she'll give you a full service for 60 dollary-doos.

They are the absolute worst, you'd get more feeling out of fucking your couch then those cunts.
Who Melbourne here fampai? Let's hit DA casino
come punch on in cranbourne
Mum is making spaghetti for dinner
3015 - drunk and up for anything
I just finished watching "Kokoro ga pokitto ne".
Best video programme for 2015 tbf.
Anyone 5125?
what's everyone drinking?
finished the last of my beer now i'm on the goon
Get in here
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>tfw Adelaide
>tfw don't fit in with other whites
>tfw the Asians near me can't speak English for shit
>tfw no gf

Just another day in Adelaide desu.
Thankfully all my close friends are non-normies like me.
We're all sittin here drinking and watching yamato 2199.
Shits good yo
What is so bad about the asians not speaking english?
I found the most fun bit about hanging out with the exchange students during school was the language barrier and trying to get over it.

One I got on really well with was a Japanese guy. He didn't speak more than two sentences of English. And I spoke pretty much the same amount of Japanese.
I'd be like: "anata wa nani ga tabetemas ka?" (my shitty romaji because no unicode on r9k).
And he would just laugh to the point of tears.

It also helps that nobody tries to talk to the asians that don't speak english, so they really seem to appreciate the effort.
Doing the exact same thing but with no anime and just music.
5091 boys
My 'friends' cancelled plans on me like every single weekend.
(They still do their plans just try to hide it fromme)

So it's another weekend of self loathing and binge watching anime until work on Monday.

Holding up just fine.
I've got Bigpond Cable, but I've decided to use a Dial-Up account for the night.
It's not even that hard. People complain over nothing.

I'd hate to use Youtube over it, but 4chan is really easy to use once you load it once, and things like the ABC website are still reasonably fast to load.

Once you get to websites like Wikipedia and stuff that are properly designed, your experience is pretty quick.
Are there any other gay robots in Australia? Kinda wish I had a pal as fucked up as me to cuddle.
>I've even met up on the outisde with a few of the girls for free sex.
howd you make this happen? ive tried, even when we were hitting it off really well, but no dice.
>how are you holding up?

I'm going to snap soon

Australia is chad central

I want everyone here to die

Idk if its just me, but everyone in Australia seems extra normie. Like in a grey unhuman way. It's hard to rationalize the feeling.

Also as soon as I leave my suburb in Sydney except to certain places that I'm familiar with, I get really depersonalized, everything begins to feel desolate and I get this sense of impending doom.

Don't really leave my house much for that reason.
sydney ;-(
Too late lads, got pissed and watched chink cartoons. Got emails?
Like internet over the telephone.
Typically gets 30-56kb/s.

I just used youtube-dl to download a 5m youtube video in 1080p and it took 50 minutes.
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Feeling bitter about how I'm always the one people like least when I try to make friends with groups of people. I wish I had the ability to become an eccentric self absorbed dickhole with confidence exploding from my pores.
Gonna take tabs on Wednesday with mates at my house. Got an exam coming up but going to TAFE next year so fuck it who cares. Might be getting a job over in Venus Bay over the summer working at a mate's shop
3204 my good friend
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