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Hey, why do video games make women so angry? https://www.yo
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Hey, why do video games make women so angry?

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This shit makes me pissed, what a bunch of crazy bitches, if I had a girlfriend that did that I would dump her ass and break something she likes.
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Male Spaces.png
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Because women are inherently parasitic creatures.

We live in a Princess culture where women are taught that they are entitled to the fruits of men's energies and labors.

Video games can limit a man's utility to a woman as a provider of financial and emotional support. And in this society, if you are not spending every minute of every day catering to feminine imperatives, you are not a man, and you are not human.

Women could look within themselves and ask why their man would rather play games with their friends than spend time with them, but this requires basic self awareness and introspection that most women are simply incapable of.

Patrice O'Neal was right when he said that women are just not any better than their holes. They have their holes, and those holes are all they think they need.

skip to 19:05, watch til 20:35. "What if you lost your vagina?"

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Resurrection of the Thread.jpg
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bump desu senpai baka
Video games inherently rely on logic and reasoning, something they can not properly grasp. The only part their emotions come into use is for throwing hissy fits and liking the story of the game.
Any guy who lets that happen without doing something about it deserves it.

Can we just all take a minute to laugh at approximately 2:10, where she says "FORE," taps the console as hard as she possibly can, and watches with disappointment as it skids for 4-5 inches?
I wonder how many of those chicks actually gave a shit about the video games and didn't just make these videos for attention.
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