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Hi /r/, I've been chatting to some girl and she wants verification that I'm me, so.... Could someone please shop the name Elwira onto this pic so it seems like she would have written it on herself? Maybe on her chest? I have other pics and will post results if one of you legends comes through! Thank you!
Please bros I'll post wins, and there will be wins. You have my word.
File: 1455674933311.jpg (110 KB, 640x960) Image search: [Google]
110 KB, 640x960
Can post all I have saved (about 15 pics) of this girl too if some homie helps me out

So you want someone to help you catfish a woman in order to get her nudes, then you're going to share the pics with everyone without her knowing?
I guess so yeah, hey I'm not proud of myself here either
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