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Boobs enlargement and body improvement. Preferably swimsuit pic.
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Thread replies: 135
Thread images: 88
File: 34y2xoz_20150212_203918.jpg (377 KB, 704x965) Image search: [Google]
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Boobs enlargement and body improvement. Preferably swimsuit pic. I lift up boobs, make them bigger, make girls skinnier and hotter. Taking requests
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I'd love to see what you can do with the girl on the right.
Can you give her huge boobs?

She's kinda stretching too much in this one. have you got one in wich she's not totally flat? Sorry to disappoint
She already has big boobs.. how big can you make them?
Hope you like.

Would love a higher res body shot to work with
Ill try something, but maybe another dress would work better. Try another pic while i work on this
Man these are great! Thanks!
Was able to lift and enlarge. Would love to work on her whole body tho. Looks like losing some weight would give her rack a boost too. Try posting something more revealing

Too blurry, try another one
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133 KB, 640x960
Here's a more whole body one!
No problem sir.
Skinnier, more boobs, lifted and rounded. Hope you like. Too bad that sportsbra is too tight. Got a swimsuit one?
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Well I've got this one if you can make the words go away.
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These are the only two swim suits I've got. :/
This one is already perfect tbh lol
Can you get the words to go away though?? :D
These angles are so awkward to work with. Best is standing up watching in camera
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Make these perky
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Does this work?
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Thanks in return here's her tits
Find a pic of her standing up in swimsuit or lingerie and ill try to make her skinnier. Those boobs deserve it
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Too low res, sorry
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2015-02-13 01.06.35.jpg
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How about this?
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Like her like this? I think those bigger hips look nice on her. Feel free to post more if you like my work
Forgot pic lel
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I like your work sir
>I like your work sir
Thanks. Its hard if they are on the side tho. Got any facing the cam?
Great thread man! Would it be too hard to make these girls more curvy and shit hahaha
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I was hoping the one on the right could get a bigger butt lol
Girl on the right ended up being a hottie when skinnier didnt she? Got sime more boobs too cause why not.

Worked in right too. better ass and skinnier in general. Let me know if you like em
File: Screenshot_2015-02-01-16-35-24.jpg (111 KB, 354x474) Image search: [Google]
111 KB, 354x474
like this?
Thanks! feel free to post more of them if you liked this
Aaaaand forgot pic again lol
Damn bro. Thanks!
No. Shes too close and body is barely in the pic. Ideal is like this
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Can you do this one?
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like this ?
Are you working on this one? Just asking
No. Looks underage
How about this man?
Yes like that!
Like the result?
Holy shit! Thanks man!

Just in case you want one more. But thanks no matter what!

No problem, keep them coming, i enjoy doing them. Would work better with sime swimsuit or thigh dress like tour 1st pic
oh dude, thanks!
and yes i like the result
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can you help with this one?
Skipping this. No space to work
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I'll just dump a few and you can just choose. I really appreciate it man!
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Thanks again! Just do whatever you want! I don't know if I can find anymore good ones since I'm just on my phone now and not on my laptop
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And this one too I guess. But tats pretty much it though
Last one for now. Catching a break
Back accepting reqs
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Please make her hotter and improve her
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Bigger boobs?
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Notmuch i can do with those clothes and that angle
Cant since its a fake and that would ruin em
You improve naked photos, or just swimsuits and lingerie?
right one please
Naked too. The pose and the angle are what matters most of the times
File: Screenshot_2015-02-13-07-47-42.png (2 MB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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How's this?
File: Screenshot_2015-02-13-07-51-50.png (3 MB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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Can you work with my high school friend? I'll post two pictures. I'd really appreciate it.
Pretty hard. Best is standing and facing the camera, like this.

I can give you a mail if you dont want to post personal stuff
File: Screenshot_2015-02-13-07-52-07.png (2 MB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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Same girl. I'd appreciate it op.
any one right one please
File: Screenshot_2015-02-13-08-00-54.png (3 MB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1080x1920
How's this?
File: Screenshot_2015-02-13-07-51-14.png (881 KB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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Or this?
Here you go. Worked on her friend too


Cant do much on this one cause of angle
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her please?
Could do more with higher res
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She's cute. From my high school. Black swimsuit please.
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Shes a good one to improve. Got more?
Shes a hottie! Hope you like. Feel free to dump more
File: Screenshot_2015-02-13-08-26-01.png (964 KB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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Care to try her? I'll post a couple. You pick.
Forgot pic lol
File: Screenshot_2015-02-13-08-28-33.png (2 MB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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She's my ex. I'll post for ya.
File: Screenshot_2015-02-13-08-25-52.png (1 MB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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Same chick. I'll keep posting my ex too.
File: Screenshot_2015-02-13-08-25-43.png (2 MB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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Booty shot.
thx looks great
will be looking.but just found this
will it work?
File: Screenshot_2015-02-13-08-32-02.png (1 MB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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She's definitely cute.
File: Screenshot_2015-02-13-08-32-11.png (2 MB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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If you want to improve any Id appreciate it. I have a ton. I'll post more if requested, I figured this was pretty good.
They look underage. Wont do em.

She's hot!
They're actually both seniors. But I understand haha.
Yeah I agree, she is very hot!
She is'!
Shoot me a mail at [email protected] with the pics so we dont have to fill the thread witg them and the answers
Sure that email is correct? Having trouble sending you an email. May just be my phone acting up though.
More boobs is always better :) would love to work on her more!
Aaand forgot pic again lol

Looks correct. Leave yours and ill send a mail maybe?
I got it.
I think you forgot your pic haha
Will you do them?
please right one
No im sorry
Lol her tits look funny - as does her face xD
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Bigger tits please?some cleavage?
All i could do. Is harder when they're stretching
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Forgot pic fml
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sorry i really forgot the pic
Cant work with this sadly! Anything else?
Try another one. She's completely flat there
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this one but it is a little bit small
i also have more of this >>13078244

What about this?:
>Stop posting grandmas.
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Bigger boobs ?...
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More cleavage? Whatever u can do PLS!
File: image_5_20150213_162452.jpg (452 KB, 716x1135) Image search: [Google]
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There you go. Just some more boobs :).

Its a shame cause shes hot. Bodyshots work better
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Well I did find this one too. And thanks!
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And this.
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Gotta go. Ill be back later. In case thread dies you can contact me at [email protected] .
Logging off
Thanks for the help bro!
any one????
File: image_7_20150213_202915.jpg (276 KB, 936x689) Image search: [Google]
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Back. I dont think for long tho. Kinda sleepy
Hopefully the guys that requested are still around
Thanks man!
Thread replies: 135
Thread images: 88

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