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The Light
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Thread replies: 85
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You're in your room. You haven't yet turned on your light, you want to turn on your light, what do you do?
Throw magic missile at the darkness.
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You throw a magic missile at the darkness, you still haven't turned on the light.
Cast Light on yourself.
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The room is nice and lit up, thank you!

Masturbate furiously

As the story for some reason continues, you start FURIOUSLY JACKING IT, but what to?
The demon bear's wife.
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You stare out the window to find the resident neighbour Demon Bear, David! And oh my, he's doing it with his wife. As you finish JACKING IT FURIOUSLY to his wife, Nancy, what do you do?
you cum and never stop cumming
your balls are bags of holding
of cum
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As your never ending cum jet stream barrages into your neighbor's house, you hear a frantic David call the police, you're starting to freak out! What do you do?!
Flood the street to deny the police access.
block thier access by cumming on the street, then use your cum-hose as a jetpack to fly high into the air for escape!
Top zozzle. Good reference.
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Smart thinking! They're struggling.

However, one cop doesn't seem stopped by all this.

Meet officer Paul Harrison, he lost his wife to cum, he really fucking hates cum, he wants to get you no matter what it takes.
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You're flying through the sky! But, one well-timed Harpoon means no more cum stream, say goodbye to your children.

You're going to fall, what now?
Land on Paul and instantly start jerking his cock.
Perform a superhero landing in the cum and reveal your mutant power of being cum.

Like Sandman except with cum.
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You try being the hero but as you land Paul snaps your neck. You don't seem to be dead though.

You should probably get away from him, but how, and where to?
Hide under the cum and swim to safety in the sewers.
Use Cum to glue vertebrae back together
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Welcome to the sewers! Around you are 2 sewer pipes, and a random box.
Look in box and and connect sewer pipes to contents of box
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Inside the box are: A bag with unknown content, a wrench, and a gag mustache with John Lennon glasses.

You sure you can connect the sewer pipes to that?
create siper-man web-like substance to replace lack of cum
use the unkown content to connect the pipes

It worked! It hasn't seems to have run out, either.

What was the point of this, again?
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Forgot pic
bang morse code on he connected pipes with the wrench to call for help
Wear the mustache and glasses.

Paul will never recognize us this way. All we gotta do is find George and Ringo and we'll be safe.
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You bang on the pipe! God I hope this doesn't turn out to be something offensive...
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A man on the outside hears it! He seems to be listening now, but is heavily offended, what do we Morse code?
"I am John Lennon, please get help"
be sure to put on the glasses if help comes
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Can't hurt to try!
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Oh...no, not the police! What do we do?!
It's fine. We're John Lennon.
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Officer Paul drops down!

"John Lennon? How did you get stuck in the sewers?"
You start to begin sweating, you're REALLY bad under pressure...
"Y-yes..." you stutter out.
What?! That didn't even make sense.
"Are you even John Lennon? You kind of look like a cum guy I'm chasing...can you PROVE you're John Lennon?"

How do we prove it?
"I love Yoko Ono! She's such an amazing, groundbreaking artist!"
Beat me to it.
start singing the famous beatles song "Beast of Burden" to lull Paul to sleep and take his gun
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You physically cringe as you try your hardest to say:
"I....lllloovvee Yoko Ono...she's such an, an amazing and...groundbreaking artist..."
Paul suddenly gives you a blank stare.
"Wow, uh, I'm sorry, Mr. Lennon, uh, I'll escort you to the surface. Can I ask you a favor for getting you out of here though, could you have dinner with me and my family?"
You start to follow Paul, not sure what to say.

What do we say?
"Sure man"
Sure, Paul. Whatever you want.
dont forget to take the mustache, it might come in handy

"I haven't talked with anyone about Yoko Ono in such a long time. It'll be great."

Hopefully he'll change his mind.
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"REALLY?! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He gets a strange spring in his step.

You shove the contents of the box in your pocket and follow him to his house.
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You're in Paul's house.

"I'll whip us up some drinks!"

You sit on his couch, pretty comfy! In his house is:

A couch, a table, a living room plant, a window, a bookcase, and a pretty smug looking painting.

What do we do while he's away?
turn everything upside down as one of those famous John Lennon pranks
Have a smug-off with the paiting
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You decide to turn the smug painting upside down first, but you have a smug off with it first.

Damn...that thing is pretty smug. But you'd like to think you outdid it.

Anything else we can do in the living room?
Jump through the window and run away
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You run through the window out onto the street. About a dozen houses in this street, where do we go?!
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The neighborhood
House 5 seems good.
stop and wonder why the houses are numbered in a non linear way, then remember Paul is coming and enter house 5
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You crash through the door of house 5!
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As you enter the living room, you see a man and a woman sitting on a couch.

They see you, with your glass shards and door pieces stuck in your face as you bleed like an open fountain.

The woman screams "OH MY GOD, WHO ARE YOU!?"

>"Imagine there's no heaven."
>"It's easy if you tried."
>"No hell below us."
>"Above us only sky."
Continue John Lennon facade. As you do, realise these people are your neighbours David and Nancy.
"J-john Lennon?"
Penis book.
By poopypants
Now give me all your sketties and hugs
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As you clean stuff off your face and upon further inspection, they are our neighbors! David and Nancy! You stumble out "I-I'm...John Lennon".

They don't seem to be buying it...anything else we can say?
Smile, they won't blame the happy guy
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You SMILE, you SMILE like you've never SMILED before, you SMILE so hard your pupils start to SMILE
Is it working?
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Turns out David doesn't take kindly to messing around.

"Hey wait a second aren't you the guy who bathed our house in cum?! What's your name?!"

He's onto us! What's our name?!
Bear Demon.
John Lennon. He already knows our name.
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Turns out you were carrying your ID with you the whole time! Pretty grimy, David wipes away the grime part by part to reveal...Your name IS John Lennon.

He continues, what's our age?
420.69 months and 911 hours
Also, I realize that is barely above the age of three years.
76. October 9, 1940.
And I just saw the first two characters in my ID.
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Is 69 fine?

Turns out you're 69! As today is March 3rd, 2009.

But what's his country of birth?
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He comes from the great country of Pennsyltucky, Balgonia. A proud nation of people just like good ol' John.

So, at last, what's his job?
Works at a plant that produces Zyklon B
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Now we got our full profile for John!

Honestly though I really need to go to sleep now, it's like 4 AM, maybe if this thread is still around when I wake up I'll continue it. Sorry folks.
Don't worry. You do you.
Best thread.
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David starts to chase you out of his home! You run out back to your home as you hear an angry mob mad about your cummings as well as Paul on your heels.

You are back in your room and you decide to do the only thing that is right.
Turn the light off.
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You turn off the light, and everything returns to dark once again.

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Thread images: 34

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