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What stops someone from using 150 virtual machines with 150 different
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What stops someone from using 150 virtual machines with 150 different VPN connections to slide all of the threads off of a board?
Timen effort?
having a life
nothing, see the Easterposter of /int/, Alphonse on /o/, the cunnyposters of /tv/, the BLACKED cuckposters of /pol/ and elsewhere, et al.
Nothing, but he would have to spend a lot of time completing these captchas.
dont the captchas get easier on new IPs? Always seems to be the case for me. Whenever I mobile post I only have to just click the box and I'm good to go. If I'm at home making posts then it gets progressively more difficult.

The fact that most people cant run that many VMs at once. It'd be easier to use a computer lab at a library or get a lot of people to help you.

You'd have to fill out a shitton of captchas too.
Nothing. It's been done, many times. Also you don't need virtual machines.

It's also possible to delete a specific thread by bumping all the others and making one new one.
Sort of. You have to have a cookie showing you've visited Google in the past.
Don't some boards have safeguards to prevent this from happening like a limit to how many new threads can be made in an hour?
If not, they should definitely be added.
I've done some serious damage to boards like /po/ or /n/ before just on my own by using proxies. If you were to assemble even a small team of shitposters you could destroy entire boards very easily.
None of those is needed, only effort
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