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Why was Chanology so bad? Why do a lot of people here hate it so much?
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Why was Chanology so bad? Why do a lot of people here hate it so much?
Bump because this shit interests me...
Activism is cancer and does not belong here. 4chan is not your faggot serious club to 'improve' the world. Fuck off.
Calm down edgelord, Op wasn't necessarily condoning chanology, merely asking for opinions.
Fuck you.
Because it brought a lot of moralfags here.
It was cool and shit... for two months.

Scientologist detected.
Chanology was moralfaggotry and borderline SJW-activism.
anonymous users should not use issues to band together to create an identity that they take outside with them.

This is why we need to delete /pol/
Edgefags pls
There's no reason to hate it unless you think 4chan should have no new users and therefore all media coverage is bad. That's a popular but wrong opinion.

There wasn't anything good about it other than watching a few scientologists freak out over it -- and they soon learned they just needed to close their curtains and wait for it to go away. Raids don't work as a form of activism because there's no negotiating power; you can't say "we'll raid you until you concede," because people will keep raiding anyway.
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