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How do we stop 4chan from becoming "/pol/ and friends"?
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How do we stop 4chan from becoming "/pol/ and friends"?
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Are you the guy that posts /pol/-hate threads everyday on /r9k/?
No. Your robobros are fairly narcissistic.

You dont. It's the only way to keep this place from being overrun by butthurt underaged faggots that want anime banned.

You'll notice that the only boards that are constantly called shit on /qa/ are the boards that constantly tell whiners and outsiders to fuck off.
/pol/ is already a friend, who else is going to proficiently insert jew jokes or racist jokes at appropriate and inappropriate times?
>How do we
Stopped reading there. Who do you think you are speaking for?
>not outsider
>not whiner
>implying /pol/ haven't suffered from the huge influx of faggots due to the election cycle
>what is every four years
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My opinion of /pol/ is entirely shaped by people who claim to be from /pol/ on other boards.

They all seem like faggots, and seem like the biggest haters of anime. But perhaps they aren't the best people to be judging it based off of.
Now you make it seem like we are cut from the same cloth. I don't know what to believe.

Moot should have grew a pair and kicked pol out for good. Tell them to make their own sites.

>huge influx of faggots
>implying trump supporters arent based
>My opinion of /pol/ is entirely shaped by people who claim to be from /pol/ on other boards.

Yeah those guys are probably from fucking Reddit or some shit.
If you read their post and it's all really tryhard bullshit then you might want to take their word on where they're "from" with a big grain of salt.

People need to actually browse boards before complaining about them or assuming that certain boards invented things.
/pol/ didnt invent off topic racism.
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>huge influx of faggots
Hmm, I have to agree with this guy. Apperntly ledditors come to /pol/ for le epic waicis memes.

Took me about ten years to figure out what this was supposed to say.
Trumpfags, everyone. Underage pieces of shit.
>implying trump supporters arent base
Fixed it for you, no need to thank me.
You could just leave 4chan. If everybody did that, it wouldn't become /pol/-and-friends.
The problem is that Moot never added a counterbalance to Stormfront and the alt-right.

I can see where he came from, "Give stormfags their own board so they don't shitpost everywhere else, it worked for /mlp/" and it did work for MLP and Pokemon, the problem is MLP and Pokemon don't have an agenda to spread, /pol/ did, so /pol/ actually made the situation worse. I honestly would rather put up with the "AMIWHITE" edgelord shitposting all over /int/ than the modern /pol/-lite that /int/ is now.

/lpol/ should have been created with /pol/, that way the alt-right would have the overwhelming dominance of narrative on the website and people could always see an opposing view point, but alas it never was.

Same problem with Reddit as well basically, for some reason the Reddit admins had no fucking problem with the alt-right overrunning all the default subs, to the point that /r/TwoXChromosomes is actually a thinly veiled anti-woman/anti-feminist board.
Can you fucking Trumpetniggers keep your disgusting old yellow retard in one board?

Or better yet. Why not just go back to redddit?
/pol/ is full of butthurt underaged faggots, though. It's the contemporary gateway board for normalfags.
>You'll notice that the only boards that are constantly called shit on /qa/ are the boards that constantly tell whiners and outsiders to fuck off.
Get some self awareness you braindead fuck. /pol/tards actively promote their Trump reddit group thing they put together. /pol/tards are the outsiders.
I swear, Trumpfags are like the Jehova's witnesses of shitposters; they never fuck off when told to fuck off, unlike other shitposters they have an agenda to spread, they take their shit where it clearly doesn't belong, and they aren't even that well liked by other kinds of shitposters.
With Bernie more or less out of the race, I wasn't originally planning on voting in November, but now I think I might actually vote for Clinton just so these trumpfags will shut the fuck up.
>/lpol/ should have been created with /pol/
So every thread could turn into another inane left-vs-right shitfest?
No, the solution isn't to balance one kind of idiocy with an equal amount of slightly different idiocy; rather, the jannies could just enforce the off-topic rule.
Yeah, your vote will be heard all around the globe.

Who the fuck do you think you are?
How about you increase the quality of other boards so that more quality users come to them instead of whining about /pol/ attracting more and more people?

Wait, that would mean that you can`t shitpost anymore, seems like that isn`t an option after all
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True /pol/ here, reddit (and thus all the Trumpfags from there) is the cancer that is killing /pol/
>seem like the biggest haters of anime
Pretty sure /co/ holds that title.
Try to be funnier I guess, /pol/ wins because it's humour is funnier than the usual smug politically correct libshit you typically see on television or more mainstream popular sites.
At least I'll be able to say I tried.
we really really need to delete pol
who is "we"?

>butthurt moral fags
>badly edited hat
>How can we stop 4chan from becoming /b/ and friends
This is how you sound. It's a popular board. Deal with it. If you don't like the board culture, contribute and alter it.
we really really need to delete /pol/
Why? It certainly needs much more intense moderation to cleanse it of the shitty spam and bait threads, but why delete it? Because 100% of the internet isn't SJW yet?
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Pol is the most popular board on the website

Your link doesn't work. Also your chart doesn't even show /pol/. You failed twice in one post.
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>say /pol/ is the most popular board
>can't just look at the graph and assume the highest one is the one im talking about
>thinking i would be retarded enough to post that picture without including /pol/
So that top orange is /pol/? So I take it that purple is /b/, not /his/??

>thinking i would be retarded enough to post that picture without including /pol/
Certainly more retarded things have happened on this site.
Why would I want a most popular board on 4chan? we will need to purge about 2 mil users before 4chan is not the fucking worst again
looks like /c/ and /v/ are the most popular
someone who makes a post on /pol/ or /news/ or /r9k/ or /tv/ can't post on any other boards except /b/ /qa/ and /trash/ for 30 days starting from the day of the post.
Someone who browses on /pol/ or /news/ or /r9k/ or /tv/ for more than 4 hours a week is stopped from posting on all other boards except /b/ /qa/ and /trash/ for a month.
With this you will drastically improve the quality of the whole site and limit the amount of work that mods and janitors need to do.
Seriously, it's hard as fuck to figure out what's going on in this chart.
/cute/, /video juegos/, and /auto/ are the top 3 in this chart. /pol/ doesnt even have a place on this chart. Looks like /pol/ is good for deletion
You'll notice that the only boards that are constantly called shit on /qa/ are the boards that constantly whine about outsiders and turn all discussions about themselves
Neck-and-neck with /v/ for second, according to your model.
That is not a very beautiful solution.
it's an effective solution
What's up with Trumplets using anime images with badly cropped hats on them?
Trumpfags are children. Were you surprised?
It's their attempt at getting away with /pol/shit on other boards, by attaching the hats to otherwise relevant images.
has to do with the rick wilson thing he said abotu anime. look it up
>How do we stop 4chan from becoming "/pol/ and friends"?
>How do we stop 4chan from becoming "/v/ and friends"?
>How do we stop 4chan from becoming "/a/ and friends"?
>How do we stop 4chan from becoming "/b/ and friends"?
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>bitching about racism in 4chan
I feel bad for you liberals

people talk about triggering but you guys get genuinely upset with shit other anons say, it's automatically "/pol/-shit"

anything offtopic being posted in a board should be just classified as offtopic and that's it.

if something bothers you, maybe you shouldn't be here
It was never this bad up until now retard
there was a time before anyone cared about politics on 4chan

i hope you know you're ruining it for those of us who have been here longer than you knew this site was a hip and trendy place to be
/pol/ mainly has prominence because it's one of the only somewhat unmoderated boards. The least moderated boards will always produce the most content and thus grow the most, creating a snowball effect. The only way to counter this is to lighten the moderation on the other hobby boards like /v/, /a/, /sp/, /jp/, /tv/, etc...

lad what world do you live in

not saying you're wrong about the place going downhill, but this place has never been and never will be a trendy website. reddit, tumblr, 9gag, etc all just laugh at screencaps and other shit degenerates export from the site, they themselves are terrified of coming here for some reason.

ten whole years after this place made news with the habbo hotel shit in 06, this place is still the 'mysterious website tied with anonymous and linked with shootings' in the eyes of the mainstream media.

Whats happened in those ten years is that skinheads, pedos and other degenerates have made their homes here because they were kicked out of every other site on the internet and this is the last one besides some darknet forums with low activity. Even though FBIfriends are likely browsing and watching everyone on here.
>this place has never been and never will be a trendy website
Literally forming the internet meta. One could debatte if it is still true 4chan people but this site still at least servers as hub for people to force newest memes.
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Anyone who doesn't like /pol/ should just suck a dick and get the fuck out. The whole internet will be /pol/ in a couple of years, anyway.
>just suck a dick
I dunno, right now all the dick sucking I see is you faggots sucking Trump's dick.
...Why not just increase the moderation on /pol/?
>he doesn't know about /lit/
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