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what the fuck is wrong with hiro
so people on 4chan just so happen to talk about reddit and 8ch a lot
"You may also like" is not decided by the user. It's more like "Other people who follow this user have followed these accounts as well".
wtf is this shit?
This is exactly how it works
Just a reminder that 4chan has an official:
>twitter account
>tumblr account
Isn't tumblr just for the blog, which should be merged with News anyway?
He's a normalfag.

It's kind of hilarious that weebs thought Hiro becoming the new owner meant they'd be validated because hey now a real live Japanese person owns the website.

Then it turns out Hiro's actually a fairly normal guy whose life doesn't revolve around anime.
Well, even the previous owner uttered similar statements as these weebs you seem to dismiss.
Hiro prefers western TV. He loves GoT and he mentioned that his favourite shows are Breaking Bad and MacGuyver (lol).

Hiro doesn't really watch anime, just like most adult japanese men.
Nobody thought that. Sounds like you're just projecting.

And what the fuck is funny about liking MacGyver? Do you need to be smacked up the head with this weapon I made from random objects lying about?
Many people thought that, including moot, as this guy said >>515161
Yeah, it's a website, large websites have these things. Also on a large scale this is just another website under the greater swath of "internet culture" and Twitter's "similar websites" are just based on algorithms that detect patterns. Do you autists unironically, in the year 2016, believe in the sekrit clubhouse shit?
Get out of my secret clubhouse!
He seems to like /a/ though
>he doesn't like MacGuyver
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The historical revisionism has already started it looks like.
shut thef fuck up
Well, he doesn't hate it, he's just not a huge anime fan. He might watch the occasional anime, just like how many Americans will watch Family guy and The Simpsons every now and then.
I watch anime/read manga moderately as well. Anyway, Hiro would certainly be against the westacucks who get triggered by anime here.
If you use a word like "westacuck" then you're obviously some sort of insane mega-weeb.
Only when it comes to videogames maybe. I like to use that term against Western videogame fans because they're literal cucks who play SJW infected garbage. I assume they're the majority of posters who get triggered by anime as well.
Aren't you the bigger cuck for playing games from another culture than your own?
Neither of you understand what the word cuck means
These days it's equivalent to the word 'fan' but meant as an insult.
That's the anime version of wan piss in Japan. Even the most normalfag of normalfags have seen it. Doesn't count.
>Finally, we give up anonymity
What did he mean by this?
Thread replies: 29
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