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>Thread about the current state and trends in comics >Gets
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>Thread about the current state and trends in comics

>Gets deleted

Whelp, there goes the idea that 4chan is above Left-tard media bias and censoring out of it, at least on the blue boards, anyway.
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>off topic shit gets deleted
>must be "left tard bias"
Where do you neoreactionaries get this shit?
Fuck off sjw reddit jidf shill
To be fair that's not off topic at all, just worded in a way that mangled someone's butt. Which is a pretty nonsense reason to delete a thread.
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>board about comics
>attempting to discuss comics
Why do you do this?

>hey here's some info that car companies might be lying on emissions data, manipulating MPG evaluations, have shitty design/parts that could kill you, etc and some government officials and media outlets may be helping perpetuate the narrative

This is allowed

>/co/ and /v/
>hey here's some info on the trend of our industry and some shenanigans that media outs and major companies are up to


Makes no sense, friend
Try getting an adult hobby

politics goes in /pol/, conspiracy theories go in /x/
How is it politics? Guy who can't even semantics correctly.
It wouldn't stay in /pol/ because it's comics, so it should be in /co/.
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>How is it politics?
But it is neither of those, it's a discussion about comics. Also, that's a /biz/ rule to prevent people bringing their lucky superstitions about investing instead of making actual analysis. Regardless, comics don't belong on /x/ or /pol/, they don't belong on /v/ either which is why LOL threads get deleted.
It isn't a thread about comics, it's a thread about anti-male, anti-western, "anti-native" bias. The fact that the bias is mentioned as being in comics is secondary.
Yes, you blue titted weirdo.
It's a thread about those themes in comics, try again.
Again, the fact that the bias is in comics is secondary to the fact that the bias exists in the first place and you want to be rid of it, which is a politics, and thus a /pol/ topic.
>they don't belong on /v/ either which is why LOL threads get deleted.
Yeah THATS why those threads get deleted. It totally isn't someone getting mad at Assigned Male posters.
You're just playing semantics. Try harder.
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>stops quoting 3 words away from "comics"
How about I remove all of the adjectives describing bias, so it sounds something like
>How do we remove the bias cancer from comics
Would that be acceptable?
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Semantics is just a language concept and can't be played. I'm simply explaining why the thread got deleted, which is obvious to me. I say this as someone is mostly a /pol/lack/news/man and never posts on /co/. You can reject my explanation if you want but semantics is not a valid reason to do so.
If that's what you want to think then, okay.
A posts bias shouldn't be a reason for deletion.

It isn't just a politics thread, and it isn't just a comics thread. Where does it go? Because intothetrashitgoes on pol, and intothemod'sfeelings it goes on co. So are posts with potential to be posted in two areas of 4chan bannable? Or just ones that don't appeal to what is and isn't board appropriate. Which can vary from poster to poster.
/co/ lurking staff have allowed way more off-topic things on there a ton of times. Some lefty or shill just got ass-blasted this time.
>/tv/ as fuck thread
>It's technically /co/ related

>It's /co/ related

>Stuff that's barely /co/ related at all
>Well, you see, it's still technically /co/ related

So, Yeah...
>be vague
>So, yeah...
How about some proofs about these so called /tv/ and puppets threads on /co/
Eh. I'm not sure what to say about it, it seems like this shouldn't be allowed the same way GG isn't allowed on /v/, but I don't visit /co/ often enough to know the atmosphere of the board other than the tumblr influence it has so it might be different than I think.
>Whelp, there goes the idea that 4chan is above Left-tard media bias and censoring out of it

Feel free to leave, Trump supporter.
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>I'm a sophisticated adult.
How about actually going to a board at all before spouting shit about it or defending people who do? Not that the trying to twist technical bull-shit in ways you'd easily dismiss without a second thought if it were against a side you're on isn't funny enough on it's own.

You're not allowed to criticize SJWs, Feminism, or liberal viewpoints on /co/, /v/, or /tv/.
Is that why /co/ is such a good board?
/v/ goes off on rants about SJW's all the damn time though
>Whelp, there goes the idea that 4chan is above Left-tard media bias

Is this a joke? Your post was clearly worded like some foaming-at-the-mouth /pol/tard. Voicing concerns about political bias in comics shouldn't get your post nuked, but throwing around buzzwords is certainly going to give the impression that you're just shitposting.

Try being on the other side of the fence. /lgbt/ outside of /lgbt/ gets deleted all the time. It even gets deleted *in* /lgbt/. I'm not talking Tumblr shit, but merely bringing up any casual mention of your sexual orientation on another board, or affirming topics like gay characters in the media. Some of our mods or janitors have a far-right bias.
>/v/ goes off on rants about SJW's all the damn time though

Can you blame them? Cant talk about a game on the internet for 5 minutes before some fucktard tries to talk about gender politics.
>It's a thread about those themes in comics, try again.
That is because those themes are flame bait and the mods just nuke the threads because of it. If you want to blame someone for you not being able to talk about those evil nazi sjw, blame /v/ermin.

>That is because those themes are flame bait and the mods just nuke the threads because of it.

I still don't understand this. What is flame bait? Why is it bad?

4chan is a place to have discussions. Why does some mod who isn't even taking part care if it's a slow and polite discussion or a very fast or emotional?

I mean, on /v/ for example you can see a thread for a game and go in and spam how shit it is but if you do so in a console thread that's going too far for some unexplained reason.
Haha you're such a fucking faggot, if you and /pol/ truly think you're the best home the straight white males have at survival, or whatever you're chimping out about this week-- then you guys really are fucked.
Fucking told
>What is flame bait?
Have you never used traditional forums before? How fucking new are you?

Of course I've heard it many times over the years and it typically comes down to breaking or other recent news that attracts opinions *I* don't like.
Did I say that would be right, either? Not that I believe you.
>Implying I made that thread.

Like what you posted there?
>good board
Nah, man. Just nah. I'm not even with OP.
>You're not allowed to criticize SJWs, Feminism, or liberal viewpoints on /co/
Can tell you've never visited /co/ other than to shitpost.
This is why 4chan is such ass now, niggers don't fucking lurk no more. They're just oversensitive faggots complaining about oversensitive faggots.
This nigger speaks the truth. To add to that, I think a good amount of the people on /co/ aren't even aware of other boards. I really wonder how much faster boards like /i/ and /wsr/ would be if even half the users of /co/ were familiar with them.
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>I think a good amount of the people on /co/ aren't even aware of other boards.
It's quite the opposite. Many people from other boards run to /co/ because of the "meanies" on their homeboard and want to have threads like their homeboard using something /co/-related as a cover. That's why /co/ never really had much of a board culture because so many people from other boards use it as either a refugee camp from their homeboards or a secondary battleground for when the mods of their homeboard start banning their threads
>Can you blame them?
You could always not reply to the bait.
The problem is that Gender Politics in gaming is taken seriously by the same group of people who browse /v/, and only those people. Everyone else focuses on the effects of GG (or not at all) rather than GG because it is inherently considered unpalatable extremism by the vast majority.

This is posted on /v/ because every other gaming discussion site of merit doesn't want to entertain it, so /v/ becomes the dumping ground for every aggravated netizen (I can't think of a better word).

Anyway, back to /co/.
Comics are an art form which are usually fictional. Fiction definitely involves subjectiveness. Bias is an inherent aspect of subjectiveness. To remove bias is to remove subjective views, which is to remove original output. Since comics usually take place in fictional world, their only impact upon the world in which we live is the ideas that a work transmits. At the core of it, to control bias is to control the spread of ideas.

It's not like you can't discuss works with a pro-male, pro-western, pro-native bias. Seriously, try posting in the positive sense (no questions against a bias, but for the opposing bias) and see if you get banned.

And yeah, there are bound to be works which fulfill those requirements. They just might not be popular on /co/ because of the biases of the posters, and discussions may be boring. That's tough shit.

TL;DR instead of putting down comics due to bias, find or make your own which support the opposing bias. Comics are hardly a finite resource.
>no questions against a bias, but for the opposing bias
And to clarify, I don't mean a question like "Why aren't pro-native works popular?"

That's a question which inherently depends on a statement (popularity) which is relative and emotionally charged, the two qualities which lead to shitposting, since posters come in with an intuitive belief and do not have a grounded frame of reference in which to argue.

I mean, maybe ask how to make the ideals of 1940s Superman comics appealing, or how the series itself evolved over time in bias WITHOUT MENTIONING POLITICAL VITRIOL. You can do it. You can discuss ideas without using buzzwords, focusing on the aspects of characterization, thematic changes, and the evolving paradigm of that world of the comic. Actually, unless you are hardwired to fling shit, there are an almost infinite possible manners in which to frame this discussion. It might require more than one sentence, though.

Sorry if I sound like a tryhard, but if you want your board to treat all ideas with not-shitposting, you have to meet that standard yourself, or the moderators will just assume that you are trying to stir shit.

Also, the divergent your opinion is from the norm of the board, the more precise and specific you should be about framing your question. Again, I'm assuming you are not just trying to bait people, and that you want to actually appeal to the demographics of the board.
Try posting a more level headed thread about the comic in question instead of one that just scream bait. Damn, this is some stupid shit.
>unless you are hardwired to fling shit
This is 4chan, 2016, you're talking about ya know. I appreciated your well written posts however.
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