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Am I the only one who thinks porn is ruining /b/?
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Porn is great and all, and I know /b/ has always had porn, but it's become insufferable. Like half the board is "pics you shouldn't share", fb fap, celebrity autism, etc. We have porn boards, low activity ones at that, why not banish porn there? It's not like it would be without precedent; content bans and other things that would seem to violate the spirit of /b/ (randomness, post whatever you want) have been done before.
/b/ was never good.
>the spirit of /b/ is posting whatever you want
>but only if it's what i want
Or ponies, CP, people's phone numbers...
No, you're not. OC is pushed out in favor of dumping grounds for porn for the newfags who come to 4chan. It's /gif/ with the occasional actual random content.

Lost its meaning, good job newfag

Not the point
Just forget /b/ exists.

You'll be happier that way.
4chan was never good.
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I migrated from The Flood to /b/ damn near a decade ago and I can tell you that it's still the same cancer it's always been just with more autism and less Liz Vicious.
>am I fitting in yet XD r/4chan told me /b/ was like only for normalfag shit and porn xD Heeeeelllllllloooooooooooo reddit XDDD
This is why I think that /b/, /r9k/, /trash/, or /s4s/ should be worksafe. One of them. Not all four of them. There should be one worksafe /b/ instead of four different nsfw ones.

At the moment, /wsr/ is the closest thing to a worksafe /b/ that we have, and it's a comfy paradise.
>implying it wasn't already ruined when /b/ became mainstream back in 2008 and it just became a generic porn dump board with the occasional lolsorandumexdee thread
Just move on like the rest of us.
Are baka desu senpai still wordfiltered? I just checked and they aren't on [s4s]
it used to better

I remember the transition. It was '09~'10. Its what pushed me to find a homeboard.

The spirit of /b/ has been pushed to [s4s] and its been irreparably rended in twain.
/b/ was never good.
Yeah it's pretty pathetic. /b/ used to have a lot of fun threads too. Now it's just 14 year olds who have just discovered boobs.
>/b/ is the random board
>same threads being posted every day
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Yeah, I cna tolerate some porn, but when the board is flooded with it it becomes terrible

Why can't those horny children fuck off to one of 10 porn boards
So I guess that means that at this point, /b/ is for... Theme parks, Cruise Ships, Casinos, Architecture, E-Celebs, and basically nothing else?
Don't forget about guro and lolis/shota, not to mention things like roll threads. What a combo.
Roll threads are okay on [s4s].

Actually, I guess /b/ should be literally only loli, shota, and guro, as everything else can be on /trash/.
Actually I've been here since /b/ was still considered edgy. I gave you a shitpost because it's funny that you still post there as someone who I assume is above the age of 14.
>I've been here since bla bla bla

It does not matter.
Your post was shit and that is that.
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no fear, no joy....png
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>no more inglip, pedobear, yotsuba, pinwheels, combos, EFG, longcat, needs_a_caption, come at me bro, raids, MSpaint your way to Victory, 1337533k, anime, yfw ___, Boxxy, lazor, xhibit, all media rec, tard stories, or cardstand threads
Alas, poor ayorik, I hardly knew /b/.
Roll threads are not okay on [s4s] just fyi
Either that or a new random board.
He meant that those boards are containment boards to keep shit out of /b/.
We're in a thread where someone is complaining about the quality of /b/. Fuck off. There's no way you've been here for longer than a couple of years if you think he's making a valid point.
>ruining /b/
How can you ruin a designated shitposting board?
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