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/mlp/ on hiatus
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/mlp/s final episode aired. It'll be another 12 months before their show airs.
I say we lock the board from anyone posting in it until the show airs again.

Optionally link them to 8ch
or let only /co/ and /tg/ post in it while the horsefuckers are locked out of /mlp/ and can only watch co+tg doing a better job in 1 day than their entire shit tastic fanbase couldn't accomplish in 5 years.
>Now that the thing keeping them "sane" is over let's destroy the containment area.
Hello, horsefucker. Enjoying the hiatus?
This. We should also end GR15.
What do you think happens when a containment zone is rendered uninhabitable? The plague spreads and spills over. The mods are incompetent faggots and their will be pony threads constantly. These people are worse than furries.
>>Optionally link them to 8ch
hi barneyfag, what did you think of the finale?
did you cream yourself at Glimmer?
Oh hi, Barneyfag.

I thought you said you didn't give a shit anymore?
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>I'm too stupid to realize that /mlp/ is a containment board
>lets shut it down and allow the shit to flow endlessly into every other board over petty hatred of a bunch of faggots who watch a shitty cartoon

You're as bad as they are.
he's going to be bored with mlp on hiatus,
fuck no those fuckers practically rule trash even though they already have their own board, this would just make trash mlp 2.0
we should allow mlp on [s4s], nothing of value would be lost.
>or let only /co/ and /tg/ post in it while the horsefuckers are locked out of /mlp/ and can only watch co+tg doing a better job in 1 day than their entire shit tastic fanbase couldn't accomplish in 5 years.

Do you understand how 4chan works?
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>taking a 0/10 barneyfag bait
This, we should be allowed to interact with our wife in her own home dammit! >:^I
>or let only /co/ and /tg/ post in it while the horsefuckers are locked out of /mlp/ and can only watch co+tg doing a better job in 1 day than their entire shit tastic fanbase couldn't accomplish in 5 years.

Do a better job? At what?
Feel free to die at your earliest convenience
What for? They already have /trash/.
Delete /mlp/, make /trash/ blue, double down on rule 15. Make it so you can't post any animals anywhere, ESPECIALLY on /an/
we at [s4s] would be proud to house cute ponies for the next year
Your type are the most stubborn and irrational faggots I've ever seen. It's no wonder pony haters easily became pony fans which deludedly killed their own joy with their faggotry.
Ponyfag or /b/tard, right? Same thing.

hey the users of /mlp/ themselves want to see their board deleted properly, but we won't take advantage of that because hurr it's a prison, the ride never ends, they deserve to be constantly reminded that they're worse than the pokemon fags.
We had countless times when we could have shut them down and make /mlp/ unhospitable and tell them to fuck off 4chan, but nah let's keep on doing nothing about it cause we're lazy moronic shits worse than the politicians of third world countries.
You don't even know what's good for yourself.
Or link them to >>>/trash/ more and more.
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I love when they call each other autists.
The reason their board has become a shitposting roleplaying ground is because they have no respect for each other. That and you need to have no sense of shame for watching my little pony of all things. The sole purpose of anonimity has been killed by these idiots which keep using "anon" like they actually know each other. Plus if anything Star Wars has a better fanbase than them or had a bigger chance of having a better fanbase.
>the users of /mlp/ themselves want to see their board deleted properly
nigger what fucking drug are you on, I want my fucking greens cunt
he could ask you the same. only newfags believe that /mlp/ was ever wanted or needed
/trash/ is the future home for bronies on 4chan.
I lol'd at how readily they moved to their new home.
Dark Equestria would like to say hi.

Fuck off fanfiction, show bitching, and pony themed shit posting were always part of /mlp/. The only thing missing is porn dumps (relocated to /trash/) and /b/read.
Mostly defiantly not
Debatable. The spamming and shitposting was very organized when it was happening it wasn't just some ass mad faggots it was ass mad faggots with a dedicated off site and instructions on how to, when to, and ban evasion.

True its likely it would have eventually faded away but it was unbearable at the time and people demanded the mods do something. So they took the easy route as actually having constant moderation everywhere all the time dedicated to one thing is actually too much work for a volunteer staff with varying hours of active duty.
>they have no respect for each other

Ya know that got me thinking

which board exactly has respect for the common random anons. I mean respect by default. Everywhere I go everyone is kind of stand offish and slightly (if not outright) hostile until you do something good.
hello, newfreinds. maybe lurk a bit and see what people thought about /mlp/ when /mlp/ was created before you try to pick up a discussion
I think he's talking about how internally focused the MLP fandom is. Lots of internal drama and rejection of "bronies"; cringe threads, etc.
Did you actually read my post before memeing or did you just jump to conclusion because 'someone disagreed with me!'

I said in regards to /mlp/ being wanted I said
>Most defiantly not

I know people hated their was a pony board added. I know there was an uproar and constant raids (mostly from /b/ and /v/) to ./mlp/ because of that. What I said was the reason it was created and why it exist now is because the mods didn't care enough to fight off the spamming and don't care now. Nor should they. They're volunteers I wouldn't put myself on a strict scheduled of hyper moderation for months on end against a flood of people for no pay. That's stupid.
Most of the generals on /co/ seem to have a less then favorable view on the rest of the fandom that isn't them usually for reasons of being too PC or other cringey shit. Dunno it just seems like a natural conclusion to being part of a 'hate machine' (if you will) and seeing something that is you but being public about it instead of hiding in your shame corner.
did YOU actually read my post? creating /mlp/ changed absolutely nothing. spammers were still spamming (and are still spamming, and will spam for as long as there exists at least one butthurt moron out there), and posting ponies was bannabe long before GR15 existed. /mlp/ was useless from the very beginning
Are you seriously imply the volume and intensity of spamming did not drop from after the /co/ ban to now?

I'm sorry what reality are you living in? I've just check /v/ and /b/ which should at least have 5-10 pony threads if that was the case and guess what no ponies. /mlp/'s creation had an obvious effect as there are far FAR fewer pony anything by several magnitudes everywhere (save for /mlp/ and /trash/). Are you seriously suggesting that just because a ebin ruser comes and spams a thread with pony every other month to some random board that invalidates the flood of spamming /mlp/'s existence prevents?

Get the fuck out of here.
Even /tg/'s wikifag has more knowledge about FiM and /mlp/ then you do : https://1d4chan.org/wiki/My_Little_Pony
>(and are still spamming, and will spam for as long as there exists at least one butthurt moron out there)
The amount of spamming is reduced to a very low amount , only faggots like b4rneyf46 get butthurt about stealth ponyshit , (don't get me wrong though there are no excuses for the autistic behavior of the ponyshit posting minority , nothing can justify it).
You weren't even on /co/ to see how BIG the spam was.
The amount of pony shitposting would reach 7000 posts in a single day.
The rule against pony posting got established in the middle of 2011 and from October 2010 till that time the rule didn't exist because MLP wasn't a problem it was just a cartoon like many other cartoons on /co/.
In fact there is a cartoon that you can still discuss on /co/ and it has an overlap with MLP staff because it is made by the same studio , it is called LPS (Littlest Pet Shop) : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Littlest_Pet_Shop_(2012_TV_series)

People should seriously stop saying "/mlp/ isn't welcomed" because in reality I feel very welcomed when I post on /mlp/. (pic somewhat related)
Even the mods in there are interacting with the community and they are BASED as fuck since January 2015 (I sill don't know what changed scruffy though) here's the evidence :

AND THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL : https://desustorage.org/mlp/search/capcode/admin/

I think that /mlp/ is one of very few board on 4chan that got visited by BOTH admins in the last 3 years and 10 months.

If you don't like /mlp/ don't use it , I personally don't use boards like /toy/ , /trv/ or [r9k] or /soc/ but I have nothing against them.
Someone's been having some fun.
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Bronies took over /trash/ so quick - mods would have witnessed it.
If rule 15 was ever removed on other boards, that kind of flooding would happen again.
What a tool.
Well now to be fair >>368239 the fast boards would probably flush out the spamming rather fast /mlp/ doesn't have the same err conviction if you will as it did back then. They tend not to sperg out majorly unless they think they're being fursecuted, ahem, I mean persecuted. Now if /mlp/ was deleted in conjunction to to GR 15 being deleted. Then you would have a bad time.
Well at least he's having fun. Really that's all that matters.
It's just so odd how deep all these shitposting conspiracies are, or more likely aren't. Some of the threads that image gets posted usually have someone else already trying to derail things, if the thread itself wasn't meant to be inflammatory or something like those threads with that one face from Age of Empires II.
Well it was the result of the tension building up after the scruffening. Before it free to clop whenever, nobody gave a fuck, but then suddenly mods came in force. So any opportunity to fap freely on 4chan was very exciting news.
>inb4 why not just go to horsefucking sites for porn
Everything is always better when you're with friends you can enjoy it with
This place exist primarily to fuck around and have fun. Don't take it to seriously or give much thought into the numerous conspiracies/outcries that pop up or else you'll end up like the people who OP the the threads here in /qa/ and are never ever happy.
Also, it's more of a colony right now
there's plenty of respect, but not for anyone who acts like an stupid asshole like in any board. Go on /a/ and make a recommendation thread, see what happens.
Containment boards are meant to contain things.
>There's a leak in your ceiling
>You put a bucket to catch the drip
>It stays like that for years
>you then dump the bucket all over your computer
The thing is that not everyone is fucking around. Some people are genuinely onto something for some unknown reason and others are clearly mentally insane. It's pretty easy to tell when people are joking around but that's only if they aren't so fucking dedicated to whatever.
Seems like bronies just want an opportunity for more drama.
I mean yeah. That's kind of the highlights of the /mlp/ board. Causing drama and discord within their fandom for lulz. Now I don't think they particularly would want their board deleted just so they could stir shit up or are hoping for that, but they would stir shit up if that happen. Incidentally if that did happen I don't think I would call that 'looking for a opportunity' more like 'an opportunity was thrown in our face'
nice strawman faggots. eat shit
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Nice ad hominem , retard.
/mlp/ was needed and it wasn't wanted by the ponyfags themselves but things have changed.
/mlp/ enjoys being a board and people are happy that they keep their shit to themselves.
(pic related)
no you fucking illiterate retard. remove yourself from your high horse and read properly for once before you spew your shit
You just trash-talk without making sense.
/mlp/ was needed and still is needed.
If the board didn't exist the denizens of the board would have to travel to other areas on the website like /co/.
And /mlp/ already has 1/3 of /co/'s population just see these :


This means they can take up to 25% of /co/ and if you want to remove ponies from the website altogether , there will be consequence and that wouldn't even be from /mlp/.
A lot of people outside 4chan hate this website , having some legal content that can annoy people is just like having ammo for them and believe me when I say things can get pretty ugly.
You just had to see the amount of spam that Social Justice Cunts threw at 8gag back in September and November 2014.
>completely ignores my posts
>picks up one single line out of context
>purposely misinterprets it
>makes it his main line of defense (then abandons it)
>posts irrelevant links/caps
>many of them to look smarter
>keeps throwing more and more fallacy
people like you are a true pieces of shit and should be executed. go die in a fire, make this place better
>Implying that I was the same person as those who replied to you from before.
I'm just trying to point out that you are wrong.
Even the mods the admins or devs didn't try to delete /mlp/ in the last 3 years and 10 months.
What the hell do you have against them anyway?
>being a third
because it's a fucking prision and nobody except for those circlejerk faggots swarming in generals and posting write prompts wants it
>What the hell do you have against them anyway?
i'm a fan on this show (thank you /b/, you did it again) and i do browse /mlp/ . that's why i guarantee that the majority doesn't want /mlp/ nor GR15 to exist

>only let /co/ post on /mlp/

You realize that the board would be exactly the same if you did this right?
5 years and still butt blasted about cartoon horses. Jesus Christ.

It's also been confirmed that the show hiatus would only be 6 months at most this time around. There's a reason there was a 4 month gap in the middle of SE5.

Not that you would know that since you dont watch the show or go to /mlp/ in the first place.
>because it's a fucking prision and nobody except for those circlejerk faggots swarming in generals and posting write prompts wants it
I've been on the board for 3 years I always avoided generals because I think those are cancer (except the generals that actually create content like the drawthread).
If you ignore generals you'll discover a lot of random pony related content that gets generated by the board.
/mlp/ is the closest thing I have to a slower SFW version of old /b/ that works like a mind-palace. (normalfags can't fit in they just can't and Faglringas and Pledditors get triggered by sexualiztion of ponies so they can't stand /mlp/ either.)
And take a look at this : https://desustorage.org/mlp/thread/25573906/#q25581089
It doesn't seem that people feel 'poisoned' you know.
>posts a shitstorm of spam as an example
kudos to you
That was literally the season 5 finale thread.
Didn't you pay attention?
do you try to read or did you join the >>368639 club already?
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ur forgetting that global rule 15 is still in effect on esfores. Do that and enjoy ur b&
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Hello there user!

I see you are making a request over /mlp/ the My Little Pony board on 4chan!

Proper Response:
If you have a specific request, and feel as if you have the userbase behind it to support you in this, please utilize the feedback system located at www.4chan.org/feedback.

Actual answer:
It has been 5 years friend. Learn to let go of your hate and enjoy some childrens animation. It's not that much different than your cartoons about lesbian space rocks, the adventures of a boy and his dog, or the life and times of a master of four elements.

I hope this has been helpful!
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not OP but that was very helpful and informative. i thank you in his name

Just delete /mlp/ and /vp/. End GR15. Send them back to their boards, their porn goes to /aco/ or /trash/, regular show discussion takes place on the regular boards. No rules against it on the random boards like /b/, /s4s/, /r9k/, or /trash/. There, problem fucking solved and it doesn't require two narrow minded and singularly focused boards.

Rather than cave in like moot did, just let the shitstorms ride itself out. The autistic "BUT THIS IS MY EDGY CLUB N PONIES MAKE ME LOOK BAD!" fags get blown out and run off while trolls get diverted to the shittiest of boards to spam it in droves. Then mods do their usual shit. Shitstorms come and go on 4chan. Going "FUCK WE NEED A BOARD TO CONTAIN IT!" is just as dumb as if they had made a Spiderman board because every thread was getting derailed by Spiderman a long while back. You just let the shitstorm die down on its own. Being reactionary to every minor internet scuffle is fucking retarded, and it's as gay as watching MLP.

Eh, sorry, wasn't meant as a reply to the other poster. Guess I hit his shit by mistake.
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