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How does one live completely non-degenerate? I was thinking of
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How does one live completely non-degenerate? I was thinking of perhaps cutting off internet (except only to use it for learning), working out constantly, eating a healthy diet, practicing a useful skill and learning to take care of myself better.
Sounds pretty good.
Alone and in the edge of suicide
You mean generate? Have kids and be a good father to them and when they have kids they are good parents to them.
If you can't do that then there is always ways to improve your community and the immediate environment.
You are thinking very selfishly, which is fine but it doesn't generate anything which is something you aim to do.
That's a decent start. Your next step be should reading Nietzsche.
this is actually a very sound and solid advice

this is not. that's just producing yet another generic enlightened young white male
>reading Nietzsche
well meme'd
No, it is good advice. Has there been anything more degenerate than the past millennium of European Christianity? I'm afraid those young white males you speak of haven't read Nietzsche. They read secondary books or half-arsed pathetic articles (or even worse - youtube videos that attempt to 'explain' philosophy), picking-up snippets of information but never quite grasping the whole of Nietzsche's philosophy. That's why they fetishise their knowledge (or lack there of), and display it so ostentatiously.
it's still all entirely directed inwards. literally nothing good will come out of it.
what is the whole of Nietzche's philosophy then? to be a decadent nihilist?
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Seek to:

1) Improve intelligence.
2) Gather vast wealth.
3) Achieve aesthetic "perfection"

1) To be white is to be superior to all other races. Your level of knowledge and problem solving ability should reflect that. You can improve this by: reading, working out, eating the right diet, learning advanced difficult courses.

In a room with non whites you should always know more and think quicker than every other.

2) To increase your wealth substantially you have 3 paths. Investing, inventing, and entrepreneurship. Investing is the easiest out of the 3. Read several books on the topic, avoid get rich quick scams.

3) Finally aesthetic perfection doesn't refer to you looking "perfect" per se, but rather you look as good as you possibly can.

If whites are truly superior we should always show it by being the best dressed, the best groomed, and to sculpt our bodies through exercise to be the best we can be.

Get a nice haircut, nice classy (but not flamboyant) clothes. Ensure your physical stature is imposing as a man.

Combine those 3 with the effort of colluding to destroy jewish media and banker interests, and we will prevail in around 50 years or so. Maybe 100 at most. Taking back power from the jew will be difficult, but it's certainly not impossible.

If you've ever seen the show "Man in the High Castle" think "what would John Smith do?"
>2) Gather vast wealth.

Materialists get the fuck out REEEEEEEEEEEEE

this :_;
Idiot, how the fuck do you expect to defeat the race of rats without exceeding them in wealth?
>defining your personal worth relative to other races
>freely admit modeling your grandiose plan on a tv show
I didn't model it on a tv show, I just think that character is honorable and should be looked up to.
Anything you can recommend on the investing part, i've wanted to for a while but don't know where to start.
>>>>>an "honorable" fictional character is my role model

>taking advice from random anons on the internet

help i'm running out of meme arrows
Start with the book "the intelligent investor"

Any jargon that comes up in the book you don't understand, google it, or go on "investopedia".

I also highly recommend "the wealth of the nations". One more is "security analysis".

Avoid putting too much stock into "elliot wave" or efficiency market hypothesis. That's a load of quackery.

Start using practice money to buy/sell stocks, bonds and derivatives asap. When you feel ready move up to using real money.
Live your life as true to your values as you can
Have fun but don't be dumb
That's a good start
He's not my role model, I just think the character is a useful axiom through which to ask yourself "what would he do?"

Is it a bit childish? Sure, but hero worship is the same with other notable figures. I don't see why your imagination about a real living person being your ideal is any different from a fictional one. It's not like you'll ever be able to model someone else's behavior.

Also you're missing the goddamn point of my whole post.
yeah we got it now stfu
Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist. By 'whole' I meant the general principles underlying his philosophy, and their connection with his ideas. Secondary sources don't, and can't, give you that. They give you vulgarise pieces of information torn form there original context, which inevitably has an impact on the perceived meaning. Those young white males pick-up on these pieces of information and think they have knowledge.
Fuck you jew, stop trying to subvert my post by obfuscating. Your race will fucking end.
Fuck it, man. Who cares if you're a degenerate? Just don't go super-beta and you'll be fine. Just do whatever makes you happy.
Of course, if being a normie is what will make you happy, then so be it.
only real way is to go back to true frontiersman way of life, go live in da woods. bring a gun and knife, and learn to live and survive off the land and animals. watch out for fuckin savage redskins though.
it still doesn't change the fact that's entirely self-referential and doesn't amount to much more than elaborate navelgazing. what a degenerate way to waste time. disgusting.

john smith would be disappointed in your reply, son.
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That all sounds good. I doubt you will ever achieve it though. A vastly small minority of people ascend to the level of Diogenes.
A degenerate giving advice to someone try to escape degeneracy. Shameful.

How could a noble man define himself and measure his self-worth by comparing his race to others? Races have no achievements, and only the weak would wish to take pride in their race - something which they never had a choice in deciding.

Likewise, there is nothing inherently noble in wealth. It just gives you the means to do more things. Often it leads to pollution of noble person, when they replace internal with external wealth ('he who posseth little is himself less possessed'). If you have money use it right, but never live above of a state of moderate poverty.

The only redeeming thing about achieving some sort of aesthetic perfection is that you are more likely to attract a sexual partner. But to manipulate your looks, to even attempt to change a natural ugliness, for the sake of other people is a sign of weakness. Rather than defining yourself, you are giving yourself over to others.
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alright let's go

>buying into the degeneracy meme

>REALLY buying into the degeneracy meme

>treating /pol/ like a self-help column in a women's magazine
hahahaha jesus

>getting actualy women's magazine tier replies like >>81513712

guys if i knew this board was so funny i'd have started coming here earlier
good post and I agree. now tell me why I should read Nietzsche. what practical good will come from him? all I've read has been nihilistic reviews of him making himself to be greater than God or denying the existence of God but I have not read him personally, aside from quotes.
What's wrong with focusing on your own development? Some people find their meaning in serving others, and some find their meaning in themselves. If one wishes to escape degeneracy it requires self-examination, differentiating the noble and ignoble character traits, and eventually working to overcome them.
first you post this
then you post this

the fuck do you want?
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>become a pseudo-philosopher to be non-degenerate
Getting off 4chan for one
Pride in your race is pride in the aggregate achievement of people like you.

I mentioned improving yourself to be the best you can be.

People who make lots of money demonstrate they have intelligence and resourceful instincts. It doesn't place you above others, but it can help with destroying the enemies of white people as a group.
I don't believe 4chan is as bad as we consider it to be to well-being. What appears toxic is actually just a necessary pain associated with mental elevation.
>What's wrong with focusing on your own development?
the inherent flaw that any direction you want to take yourself you have to find within the self you want to change. it's a warped feedback loop. think about that shit for a second, will you, in the breaks when your jaw cramps up from sucking your own dick all the time.

just checking out other boards 'cause i got banned on /sp/, and what do i find, kids in their early 20s cosplaying as kids in their late 20s. this is fucking fun.

sound advice! anyone looking to have their own bias confirmed in this echo chamber slash hugbox can't be anything but the fucking king degenerate.
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>What appears toxic is actually just a necessary pain associated with mental elevation.
damn it can you really say that with a straight face
Degeneracy stems from dopamine-addiction which is omnipresent in our societies because we only reward short-term goals (fast money, fast hook-up sex, fast food), and not long-term goals. These shot-sighted goals make people egoist, unsociable, and unable of true care or empathy.

The only solution is to turn oneself to the better neurotransmitter that is oxytocin which is born out of cuddling, snuggling, care, touch ,etc. The only way to cure out the degeneracy is to surrender yourself to a woman's embrace that you can trust. A real woman, not a roastie.

Remember : civilizations aren't built on quick sex, they're built on long relationships of mutual care.
If you read Nietzsche, you'll understanding what is really degenerate and non-degenerate within yourself. Nietzsche's philosophy is the overcoming of degeneracy, of weakness, in all fields - moral, artistic and intellectual.
I would recommend reading Thus Spake Zarathustra, his seminal work which contains most of his ideas.
What Nietzsche meant in says 'God is dead' is that the Christian era has come to an end, and without something to replace it, European civilisation is in danger of falling to nihilism. Nihilism must be overcome, not by belief in something outside of oneself, but by giving meaning to ones life from oneself - by overcoming internal weakness. For life to be sustained, it requires certain values.
In a word; all that comes from weakness is evil and all that comes from strength is good.
No I can't. I regretted saying it immediately after typing.
But most of my race isn't like me. Races don't have inherent psychological characteristics. Still, though, you're not taking pride in your own achievement, you're taking pride in other people - whose only relation to you is that they have genes with less melanin.
Race is more than just skin pigmentation. Please educate yourself as to what race actually is.
Let's be honest, race goes beyond skin color.
>long relationships of mutual care.#
>mutual care
>arguing the case for acquiring mechanical sources of ocytocin such as cuddling and touching
fix that flaw before you go on shilling your shit theory you one-trick pony
fedoras too tight restrict oxygen and oxytocin flow to your brain my nigga. acquire large amounts of wealth to be able to afford the finest fedoras, of such quality john smith would be proud to have and wear
Only to a very fine degree. Most racial different can be accounted for by socio-economic conditions.
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>tfw fascism made me a better person

when you are a pathetic nu-male liberal its hard to demand discipline and perfection from yourself, it is inherently right wing to want to the strongest smartest richest individual you can be, a great man, in a great nation

A successful person conducts their personal life like a fascist dictator seeks to conducts a nation, sometimes harshly, sacrificing some things, but chasing a higher ideal
Hmm, so then what is the root of the socio economic conditions in Africa?
fuuuuuuuuuck's wrong with you, you're 80 years too late to apply to write copy for your local propaganda tab you tool. you literally missed out on almost a century of thought. holy fuck aren't you ashamed you think you can run with the big boys in your babby shoes
What non-point. After making a statement about race being more than skin pigmentation you fail to provide any counter-point or evidence, and resort to asking me to educate myself.
Please come to one of our American ghettos and see for yourself the differences associated with the races of the world.

>implying oxytocin is a mechanical resource.

Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter, not a mechanical resource ; and it is triggered by human touch and warmth.
>building your beliefs on non-empirical non-scientific anecdotal evidence


apply yourself
Dumb ass, it's considered mechanical.
'Africa' is very general. I could make the point that they Egyptians reached a level of social development that was unsurpassed until the early Grecian era, but I assume you're talking about central Africa.
Most of 'Africa' remain undeveloped because it lacked the same material resources as Europe, which arrested progress.
human touch and warmth is the mechanical resource you illiterate buttmuncher, maybe go touch your donkey to boost your reading comprehension
Another non-point. Most Black people in America live in ghettos in the USA, through no fault of their own. They live in effective slums because of poverty and higher unemployment rates. Like the Irish, who eventual integrated into America and move-up the socio-economic ladder.
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I didn't say those weren't, and it's not a flaw. I only said oxytocin wasn't like you seemed to claim it was. But it's okay I'll give you some love too.

And it's not my fault your dopamine gestapo driven body doesn't allow you to trust and care for other people ; but it's okay, because you can still re-learn to trust if you give cuddling a chance and drop you high-action sex for a while. You just have to act on it eternal kraut.
>having a spee expat run circles around your armchair social philosophy

hold that fucking L for me will you HAHAHA

i'm this thread's real MVP

>canadian turd extrapolating his core beliefs from fictional accounts and propaganda
get real nigga you're THIS close from getting exposed as a fucking fraud with arguments this paper-thin

>british dr. phil.
started off as the victorian age version of WELL ACTUALLY , but well actually you're alright, you can be the second option on my team

>some random american
w/e go get shot i guess

>ocytocin man
what the fuck is wrong with you faggot, did you literally watch some shitty youtube video once and decided that'll be your gig or what
>Autism in action
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>getting shit on by a literal autist in action
Let me guess your next suggestion: DUDE WEED LMAO?
daj brale nemoj biti bezvezan
>fucking serb wanting to hang off nazi germany aesthetic's dick while nazi germany allies were cutting up your family
this is just retarded, boy
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It's ok little eternal kraut don't get angry, it's ok if you don't know what ''of'' mean in ''acquiring mechanical sources of ocytocin'', you probably still meant to write ''for''!

Shut down your dopamine and let the oxytocin flow. It might not reduce your high levels of autism, but it might help you feel better and throw less tantrums.
you'll be the weird uncle people will tell their kids not to talk to. enjoy.
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Degenaracy today is not caused by christianity, degenaracy in the white parts of the world exists because of the lack off christianity
Generalna poenta threada vidim da je bila da lik pokusava da zivi manje degenski zivot. Onda dodjes ti, pretpostavicu da si neki buttmad bosanski migrant, i pocnes da prosipas svoju mudrost kako su svi previse puni sebe, kako su toksicni za ovaj prelepi sve i da treba da umuknu? Pa ne druze, nije ti ovo reddit, ljudi mogu reci sta god zele.
No. Christianity has made weakness a virtue and strength something shameful. It inverts the natural morality of man into a protracted hatred of the noble. Rather than inspiring the meek to change their lives, it teaches them to be content with insufferable conditions, it pacifies them into timid house-pets. Although, a good Christian is usually better than a good nihilist.
>ljudi mogu reci sta god zele
everyone's free to say whatever the fuck they want, which doesn't bar me from laughing in their fucking face when it's pedestrian drivel.

i'm honestly surprised just how awful this board is, in terms of its reputation and the standards your average /pol/ denizen seems to set up. jesus guys. is this really all you got?
weakness is an inherent part of the conditio humana. arguing the case of eradicating weakness is futile mental gymnastics.
being completely non degenerate sounds pretty boring
I don't wish to eradicate it, that would be impossible. But it is not something desirable or useful. It can be overcome, to the masses it can be overcome through a culture of strength, but to some individuals it has to be overcome by constant fight against it.
One could easily say that strength is a part of the human condition. Both weakness and strength are, but only one can help humanity strive.

I might be weird, but I'm right on oxytocin, you can't contradict that. Oxytocin helps people bond, and enhances empathy, two qualities which are necessary to build a family, and by extension, any society.

Indeed, when men are too focused on dopamine they only look for new sexual encounters which makes their current female partner less attractive for them, which results in more fatherless children, who in turn, disproportionately turn to crime and violent activities which undermine society.

Therefore, if you want to have strong families that make strong societies that are healthy and happy you need a long-term thing like oxytocin that keeps giving pleasure to make it work. And that's why I encourage people to prefer oxytocin (cuddling, snuggling, care) instead of dopamine related activities (quick sex). It all matters in the end for society, and you can't really deny that, as multiple studies confirm that, you just need to put the dots together.
The internet is to socialization what one night stands are to sex.

This site promotes dopamine. Only face to face contact produces oxytocin
The Greeks did it until the Socratic revolution, and the Romans until Constantine. There have been glimmers of stronger cultures permeating throughout the underdeveloped world, but it has yet to be re-discovered the developed.
Theres only one man who lived completely free of degeneracy. We all strive to be like Him and worship Him. Just try your best anon.
Banning the Internet would be a good start to make society more long term focused.
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Yes you're correct, but it's the addiction that matters ; if you can fuel your internet activities into productive real life activities that involve intimacy then it's fine. What's wrong is when people stay inside, cut themselves from society, for their quick dopamine on the internet, for the latest ''happenings'', etc.

You're quite right there buddy 5/5.
True but society as a whole will not ve fixed until it is pulled away by force.

That is: legal restrictions and regulatuons for internet use that treat it like a drug. China is doing it right with rehab camps for kids
This site provides absolutely nothing that can lead to real life intimacy

In fact even facebook is healthier becauae it promotes commitment to futire communication.

Really, internet anonymity should be removed and real ID used everywhere
Also what about celibacy?

I do think there is a place for those who reject all sexual desire entirely including relationships to sublimate it other ways.

In fact celibacy was the cornerstone of intellectual life for most historical civilizations.

Marriage for most people but not for those with serious studies

Celibacy is still a good idea, as you can remain celibate and still cuddle a trusted person or an animal in the worst case.

And yes people should be helped with internet-induced dopamine addiction, just like normal people hooked up on drugs.
Internet should just be banned from home use and only reserved for public places such as libraries.
Still there is a very good reason that arranged marrisge worked throughout history.

Marriage for love is a modern meme. The love builds AFTER you marry.
yes because so many people on their death beds wish they led a more boring life
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