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File: Busted.jpg (333 KB, 1200x1112) Image search: [Google]
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Look the fuck at this and tell me this wasn't a crisis actor.

Why are all the others looking away from him if he's such a threat?

What's up with the ketchup tear "blood" in one nostril and the fake booger in the other?

Someone in that situation wouldn't emote like that. They'd be ANGRY, not sad.

Tell me this was a real event that happened shills, I dare you.
Thus was a real event that happened
He looks terrified, they are about to lynch him.
Try adding some more colours, maybe then it'll be convincing.
I can't tell what is satire or retardation anymore
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>It's an autistic american internet though guy exposes historical events as shams by looking at pictures episode
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Just like this brute is "terrified" while he's got this crisis actor in a clinch?

Nice try though shill
real even, real deaths. videos of people being crushed and ripped apart as tanks roll over them.. ketchup blood.. not everything is a false flag america.
Turks are too stupid for carefully planned shit like that

Take your autism to /x/
To claim they were actors is retarded.

However to claim that Erdogan organised it himself to take out his opponents is believable
God tier cinematography?
someone post the webms of the tanks running over people
>cops having feelings

>not brainwashed cyborg robots after 18 weeks of being told criminals & civilians are trying to kill you 24/7

Cops have zero emotions , false flag 100%,
>They'd be ANGRY, not sad

If they make pills for autism, you clearly didn't take yours this morning.
He is not the threat, but people surrounding them might be.
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>Why are all the others looking away from him if he's such a threat?
>What's up with the ketchup tear "blood" in one nostril and the fake booger in the other?
>Someone in that situation wouldn't emote like that. They'd be ANGRY, not sad.
Lazer eyes roaches are the final form?
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Hell be fine
>Why are all the others looking away from him if he's such a threat?

Well, that certainly proves it.
Hes dead
not a false flag at all, 2016 America really sucks at planning coups

consider this: if Erdogan set this up, why would he set it up in a way that the only way he could get in contact with Turkey was through fucking Facetime? No way, he'd never do something to make himself look that pathetic

Get off my /pol/ US shills
S T R A N G E. F L A G

wtf I hate Turks now.
I'd be more concerned at why nobody is looking at the motherfucker with a massive camera flash at their faces.
attempt at the first by someone afflicted by the second
File: guide-to-coup.jpg (394 KB, 1500x1811) Image search: [Google]
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Who cares. Turkey is an irrelevant muslim shit hole. Let them do their thing.

Christ, what is it with all these pro-Erdogan shills on /pol/?
Hello Uruguay how are you today?
Considering the average turk has an education equivalent to middle school around here, you're not educating anyone. Erdogan is a piece of shit and you are simply a member of the cult of Islam that loves seeing true secularism and democracy die inch by inch in your rotten shit hole of a nation. Can't fool me closet jihadi.
>Can't Tie Shoelaces
>ShoeLaces.jpeg not found

Erdogan's cabinet discussed false flag attacks inside Syria many times, which were leaked at the height of the Syrian civil war.



>Captured Coup-Soldiers claim that their commander told to them it was "Training" not a "Coup" they also claim that they had no idea what was going on untill People tried to attack them.

I actually was watching a livestream (periscope) where a solider was sitting casually in a tank (that may sound weird but he really was just in his tank doing nothing) and suddenly he gets swamped by people and they start beating the piss out of him, it seemed so weird at the time I watched but thinking back on it...
File: FETHULLAH-GULEN-REDPILL.jpg (793 KB, 2560x2035) Image search: [Google]
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Truth is out there bro.

We are still the same roachposters who hate erdogan.

But Gülen's hideous threat can not be understated.

Redpill yourself, save Europe from Gülen islamism.

Fuck Erdogan, I hope he suffers and dies from stomach cancer.

I am a secularist and a deep sigh of relief happened 2 days ago when we somehow pulled through.

But you, you backstabbing cunt American, lets see what happens to your Kerry's reputation in Turkey in the next couple of days.

Let's see which one of it is more important for Obama, Kerry's legacy as SS or his humiliation for almost approving of the Gülenist coup.

You Clinton Foundation globalist fuckers will suffer mark my words.

You guys still haven't manage to contain the Kurds though :^)
I don't think it is or needs to be a crisis actor. But I do not look down upon your autism... please allow your beep boop rainman mind to consider he could much more easily just throw these people under the bus.
Hate to break it to you, but the Gulenist is the only one who looks like a bad-ass there.

He's also the only one that looks fucking confident about himself, fucking George Clooney doesn't give a fuck.

Spec forces looks like a retard beer drinking wife beater.

Secular guy looks like he's just some desk jockey doing his job with resignation.
Isn't being unable to understand people's emotions a sign of autism?
t. gypsy beauty queen

Much love bro, we love Hagi

The most effective lie is one that makes you look bad.
Well Roachbro, I take back what I said then. I will not associate you with a love of Erdogan if you do not associate me with a love of Kerry (or any American politician for that matter). We're fighting our own war at home.

Most Americans would rather be isolationists if it was feasible in the modern world, we certainly don't condone the actions of these slimy, snake in the grass, corrupt pieces of shit with motives beyond what's best for the American people.

Since pretty much all Roaches are agreeing that while Erdogan is a piece of shit, but the guys who staged the coup are much worse pieces of shit and in fact more religiously militant, I'll have to believe you.
...Jamaica ooooh I wanna take ya.

Standard procedure, you cut boots/laces of POW so they can't run
it was a false flag...attack, attacks usually involve blood

no crisis actor there, not like america where they go for the make believe

the three of you are morons
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