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post yfw when atom deactivation will be the last meme ever created
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post yfw when atom deactivation will be the last meme ever created before the nuclear war
>he thinks its a meme

American education
Don't underestimate atom deactivation
this is as bad as activated almonds.
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>implying atom deactivation isn't a real technology given to the U.S. gov't by ayylmaos
What the frank is atom deactivation?
Kinda fitting.
>he thinks we can't MAKE it a meme

a fucking vascular plant organ
File: SO BEAUTIFUL YET SO VULERABLE.jpg (70 KB, 300x388) Image search: [Google]
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the hottest new meme to hit the streets of /pol/

meme it while it's hot, boys
10/10 music taste
File: 6wut.png (345 KB, 598x433) Image search: [Google]
345 KB, 598x433
>conductor we have a problem
>can mean the train has no breaks,the France habbenings
>nuclear Holocaust
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