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can someone explain why erdogan gets so much support from other
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can someone explain why erdogan gets so much support from other leaders/presidents while when the ukrainians tried to overthrow their government everybody was on their side?
I'd assume it has something to do with how much TPTB can manipulate him as leader of a country.
because they're crooked power-grabbing tyrants that don't care at all about the people of a country and would change their discourse in the blink of an eye to discredit Putin no matter on which side he is or what is he doing
Because Russia is demonized and will continue to be demonized by the Jew media, while Erdogon is a globalist puppet who wants to let millions of mudslimes into the EU

yeah you're probably right.. it just pisses me off, the situation in turkey reminds me so of the 1930s in germany.. these scumbacks are really risking ww3
most governments waited to make statements until the outcome of the coup was clear.

it's a bad parallel. in ukraine the people were in the streets supporting the maidan. in turkey they were supporting the government.
The military coup in Turkey wasn't supported by the government/opposition, the people, or even the military itself.
The ouster of Yanukovych was largely supported by the people and parliament.

Questions of legality aside, important in realpolitik to side with the people. See: Egypt. Governments without support don't last.
In a dictator in hand is worth two in the bush.
Because Yanukovich was a russian stooge and people generally don't like the way Russia is governed. Besides, Ukraine is supposed to be a polish ally, not russian

of course the situations are hardly comparable, nevertheless it's still astonishing how much support a so to say dictator gets
Because Goldman Sachs is more important to the West than random strangers we still have not identified and who failed to win over their colleagues.
half the country sides with russia for a reason remember?

when they like it, world leaders allow a coup, when they don't, they cry "muh democracy" and "let the people decide"
As was noted, important to remember that leaders were careful in their initial statements. Very few leaders outside of Turkey like Erdogan, and everyone was hedging their bets and being vague in their expressions of support. It's conceivable that some leaders were hoping for a successful coup with a compliant populace.
Also of note: Erdogan isn't a dictator. But with this coup now defeated and the military humiliated, he may become one.
Because politicians don't give a single fuck about you, and even less about other nations. They only care about their own well being and money.

Because democracy (or democratarism)

>appeal to religion/ideology/whatever so that the illiterate majority adores you
>force the democratic system of universal suffrage upon any other political discussion
>win term after term because you took control of the media, the oligarchy/businessmen you bought early, and refrain to actually improve education standards
>keep the country at a quasi-broke economical status
>stage coups/red herrings and so on

That's what happens
but in my opinion leaders were not careful with their initial statements, especially not here in germany or other parts of europe.. quite the opposite was the case, most judged the military for trying this coup.

anyways, this may change in the future coz turkey seems to be everything but stable at the moment..
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