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Turkish authorities have finally determined the identity of the
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File: M E N A C I N G.jpg (86 KB, 607x596) Image search: [Google]
M E N A C I N G.jpg
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Turkish authorities have finally determined the identity of the coup leader. He goes by the name "Köksal Baba" and is a long lost grandson of Ataturk
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This little guy is so lovable

He's the only turkroach that's alright in my book

Lil Baba!
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>ill fuk u up
>Baba is kill

What about Anzu?
fuck off

anzu nippon ok save
keep your eye close to this one, as i have not forgotten those who choose to stand in the face of adversity , for they are chosen.
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How the fuck is she even Turkish?

I thought they were supposed to be, for lack of a better word, a "raghead" people.

It's like when you see Idris Elba called an Englishman
anatolians are white. about half of people in turkey could pass as american white
>Koksal Baba leads motorized column into Istanbul
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papa köksal is the rightful ruler of the ottoman family lad
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he tried to install the neo-ottoman empire, he lost and now he rests

sleep tight pasha baba
turks and arabs are white deal with it
>about half of people in turkey could pass as american white

that doesnt say much though
lmao anatolians are shitskins
is he retarded because of his small head and brain or does he have normal human intelligence?
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>normal human intelligence
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