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Most Decorated American WW2 Regiment
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I find it extremely ironic that the most decorated American regiment in WW2 was the 442nd.. Composed almost entirely of Japanese Americans. Pulling off suicide missions and tipping the war in the favor of the US.

Yet they came back to America to nothing and met their relatives whom had been stuck in internment camps.

As a Jap, this pisses me off.
Yeah, that's right Whitey. Stay silent. The more I learn about history, the more I fucking hate you all.
it was common sense to imprison the people from the country that were at war with.

They had relatives still in japan that were fighting the usa. They can communicate to the people and have them sabotage usa war effort. Imprisonment prevented them from receiving that peer pressure, they can say that it was not possible because they were imprisoned. So the imprisonment was a protection of the country, and also a protection of those imprisoned.

But it pisses you off that the country take the measures to protect itself. That is called mixed allegiances and that is why it was done in the first place. Why the fuck should americans be placed in danger because otherwise your feelings are hurt? It is a war and people are being killed, no japanese citizen were executed they were just temporarily imprisoned. I respect that.

That is a problem for you? Such the fucking shit up, you want something to be fucking pissed about? Japan treatment of POW.
>most decorated regiment
>For it's (Short) length of service

There are several other regiments that are more decorated and longer lasted, like the 69th infantry regiment
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>The more I learn about history, the more I fucking hate you all.
The more you learn huh? Okay go and lookup the white person version of unit 731? Where is it? What can't find it? It is us who hate you, little faggot, not you who hate us, little bitch. Keep typing on the computer invented by white people, reading more anti-white propaganda made by useless "intellectuals" who can only live such comfortable, unproductive lives thanks to the modern world made possible only by white people.
Kind of interesting. It's almost like they felt like they had to try really hard to prove themselves so the Americans wouldn't hate them.

European refugees should do that. Ask for arms from Germany then go fight ISIS back home~
It's actually bullshit that they were so heavily decorated, when airborne and ranger units were in extremely bad fighting. There were ranger units that were on the front the whole fucking war, they just sent the jappos in suicide squad missions
The holocaust
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We repayed japan by taking them out and taking control before USSR got their slimy hands on you guys.

If that would of happened, you would of never EVER broke into top 10 world economies and you would just be another shitty commie block nigger tier Asian country like NK.
This isn't a stuff that never happened thread.
Take your filth back sempai, put them on Hokkaido of senkaku, we don't want your nippon trash.

Boo hoo a small portion of our population did something in a war once!

Irish Immigrants made up 1/4 of confederate forces and 1/2 of union forces in the US Civil war.

Step your fucking game up
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Go ahead, sit on your instant-ramen eating ass and keep pretending you had anything to do with them. Keep nursing your butthurt about something that happened to people you don't know. before you were even born. And while we're at it, Corea is still awaiting their Apology Juice.
The gulags
what wrong with you america?
making excuse for something near?
>WAAA! White people were mean to my ancestors!
So fucking what? The oppression line forms to the left, cart your arse to the back of it.
And White people don't do the same exact thing here on /pol/? Living vicariously through their ancestors and boasting their achievements from behind a keyboard? Fuck off roastie.
Ungratefulness is the most American thing ever. Ironically it's exactly what American Jews blame Israelis for.
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I thought it was the 101st airborne
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atleast most of them lived?
I'm not OP my man.
They were lucky they got humane camp treatment and got the oppurtunity to fight on the western front.
We should have trained them up and sent them to fight the Japanese Army instead, the germans treated them as honorable combatants, but Japs would fight mercilessly against them as traitors
They probably figured they had to fight or their relatives would be killed. May the Emperor forgive them.
>I accidentally bought this comic series and know who this is
>surprised when I saw 'her' after seeing the reaction image so much
Small strange world.
Heck yeah, ironic isn't it? The Jews have been the victims of genocide for the last 70 years when in actuality they were the instigators of it along.
Take all the fucking nips here in the US back, or at least OP because he's a faggot.

To OP:
The men in the 442nd did their job, honorably, be proud, but realize they earned it in blood and were a credit to their race.You haven't so you shut the fuck up or go back to nippon
WTF? I hate white people now!
Only pogs care about medals.
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We've got plenty of things to bitch about that are happening right now. Inventing past grievances is for beggar nigger losers.
My grandparents were put in internment camps and had their farmland taken from them. My uncles fought in WW2. Now I'm a STEM major and finishing my education and will be a productive member of society. Thanks faggot.

And refer to my last post:
Hipocrit; White people are such hipocrits.
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now whenever you see a goth chick IRL you'll wonder if you just died. Welcome to the initiated
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At least we can spell.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
it is a domestic issue.
Immigration was a mistake. America was just fine when it was full of Anglos and Scots, it was the continental Europeans with their servile nature who ruined the US. Chinese, Japanese, Hispanics, and blacks didn't help.
The Irish lived primarily in the north, and there were a lot of them. Your point? Judging any group based on a minority of them that fought in a war that hardly anyone's alive to remember doesn't say much about their worth today-that goes for everyone. Look how pathetic the average German is today. You had German children fighting the Soviets in Berlin, now they welcome their own destruction. History is pretty meaningless
Sorry, I didn't major in English or some bullshit liberal arts degree like most White kids/numales/cucks in Uni.
>the most suicide missions
So the mentality is racial, not cultural...
America having concentration camps for japs started to look bad. So they padded the 442nds record for PR proposes.

Same with some famous negro units we've all heard off.
/pol/ loves bitching about the past and taking pride for what their relatives did.
>Hurr fucking Anglos invading Germany in 1939
>Durr I am so proud of being a Swedish American, my ancestors were vikings and had an empire
Blacks basically made your country rich and Chinese built your infrastructure for basically pennies. You think America would have amassed it's wealth without the use of foreign labor?
>Immigration(slavery) was a mistake.

this is everyone in the world think about it but no one can say in publice, if you say that you will be treated as racist
>Ha! Jokes on you! I never learned the national language, cuck!
I didn't think Japs were on chink level.
Just for the record, those faggots are losers too.
Feeling is mutual, nip.
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I love when liberals say this as if the Chinese didn't willfully and consciously move to America for their own self-interest.

>you paid them pennies!
>back when pennies were expensive and everyone was poor!
>and they came here on their own free will because it was LITERALLY the best option for their life!
>and they didn't do any of the design for the railroads!
>and they didn't make the dynamite!
>but they literally built the wawrwoads!
Feel free to go back to Japan.
Intelligence makes silence.

Talking like that makes trouble more.
we can not proud of the past, time is passing and past is nothing
>Japs bringing the premium bantz

OP, stop being butt hurt about things that you, nor nobody currently, alive have no control or influence over. If you really are a STEM major and a productive member of society then internment is hardly the worst thing that could have happened to your grandparents.
Nanking makes american people unity?
yeah, old people were clever than people in the 21st century
Why do you complain and not take pride? These men were absolutely brilliant and were very formidable soldiers. Stop have a fucking sulk.
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