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Should the US give a state to Black people?
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Let them have their own country. We don't need Alabama that badly.
They have a whole continent, why not export the same infrastructure and living conditions there?

That would just be cruel, anon.
We tried this once with Liberia. They seem to prefer rich white society more.
>why not export the same infrastructure and living conditions there?
We tried that in the 19th century, it was called colonialism.
yes. fence it off and let them manage/police themselves.

how long before it goes up in flames?
Damn better than what they have now. Those ungrateful fucks. Shoulda never gave those niggers money!
Give them California and keep them there.
In a few years after it totally colapses and or they and the illegal mexicans kill each other off we can move back in and take it back over.
That shithole state needs a hard reset anyways.
>implying african blacks will accept american niggers anywhere.
Please stop trying to give my state away.
It's not like they would stay once they were finished wrecking the place, anyway.
This ought to be put forth as the only solution. It solves the systematic racism thing and it's reparation. Can't complain.
Give them Florida, then build a wall at the border.
They have Liberia. It seems though that American blacks don't get along too well with the native ones.

Once you go black you never go back. Once you go West, you realise you've seen the best
So long as every black person must live in it. Yes.
We need to get a refund from the Africans slavetraders we bought them from.
They have Detroit.
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Hell no! Give American and European blacks back to Africa, like this anon suggests >>81278732
>Shoulda never gave those niggers money!
That's what the EU(Germoney) said about you and Spain.
because they dont "wanna build another nation" they want to get credit and reparations for what was denied them.

besides could you imagine if Africa managed to have an infrastructure as good throughout the continent. the population would sky rocket and the world would be sucked of its resources 2 times as fast. source: my ass
>implying the population isn't already skyrocketing, even with the lack of infrastructure
There's a reason why we changed from 20% of the population to 8%
>Give them California and keep them there.
Yeah let's give them all of our food!

Fucking retard.
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They were right there too! Socialists are pretty much like niggers and ever since the 74 Revolution they completely got out of hand here. Salazar's regime from 1926 to 1974, notice anything different?

Shoulda never gave us niggers money!
Imagine if the fucking gangbanger niggers actually took some responsibility and actually moved en masse to Africa and established their own militia to take over a portion of land

Imagine how jealous people would be, I bet once all the actual hard work was done they would gtfo and flood the area into overpopulation and starvation

Then they all try to come back once they realize how bad it is and they get denied on the boat and sent the fuck back
Nah it would actually slow down.
See Rwanda post-genocide and their economical rebuild.
They are doing a pretty good job of educating ppl and therefore birth rates have dropped to sustainably levels.

Also why we can't send murican niggers to Africa, they would definitely fuck up every tiny bit of progress Africa makes.
I live in Montgomery and hell no they can fuck off to another state. We have enough already. 3 of my friends have been killed by niggers being niggers in less than 2 years.
Give them Florida, build a wall around it. Very defensible, and remember they can't swim
10 business days

Give them Puerto Rico, Florida is too nice.
We did this with the natives and you see how much they fucked it up
give them the whole of the fucking SOUTH and let them kick out every fucking racist while they're at it

say goodbye to texass wheee
and how many of them are there now?

Nice try California. The South has too many natural resources. There are only 30 million niggers, they could all easily fit inside of Jew York.
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they'll just bankrupt it with welfare handouts.

adopt Liberia
>where American, and freed slaves who went back to Africa settled
It's actually worst because you left and now in Africa they have civil wars and terrorist. They weren't developed enough to sustain a proper government. They will get one back but its gonna take a long time on their own.

Depending on the person, they are more blacks in africa though and once the go over to the US and give them a education they will do something with it.
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the agriculture got papered out
the valley built suburbs.

>Midwest is the "bread basket"
califooornia just land of Fruits and Nuts
>they gay and liberal kind
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