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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Thread replies: 45
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we are cucked
>help us please
File: romania.jpg (126 KB, 648x415) Image search: [Google]
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why ? i'm sure you have homeless family in France
If you would've helped us secure Iraq instead of hindering our progress with your faggot declarations, then Iraq would probably be a 1st world nation already.

You made your bed, now lie in it.

and tired
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Help yourselves
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How can we help?

we have already oil in our neighbors sandniggers
Another happening?
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You're reaping the fruits of the seeds you've sown.

>Enjoy, this will happen dozens more times, nothing will change
lmao mfw
Metropolitan France?
Vote Le Pen

Sure, he's a Jew loving fuck, but she's all you got left.

Source of the pic?
When is this?
You've made your bed, now die in it.
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help yourself froggo
We don't need the help of any other countries. We can stop the problem alone by closing the salafist mosque, take care of the prisons...
We just have to stop being such cucks, but it's hard in our leftist country
>|#NOTALLMUSLIMS||l “”|””\__,_
it's charlie hebdo (2015) not another attack
ask trump to help us
This. Your leaderships fucked.
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>implying America didn't start this entire middle eastern crisis
Now we just have to wait for government officials to tell us that islam really is a "religion of peace" only to have muslims do some similar action of terrorism a few months later.

Rinse and repeat.

No, you have to uncuck ourselves. If someone else does it then you won't appreciate your gains. See us.
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You've made your bed, now lie in it
uncommon at most
>because muzzies have never in the last 1500 years come rampaging and conquesting out of the middle east. not once. ever

Sure, America is responsible for the true nature of these people.
god bless this great woman but she will not be elected
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>implying Israel didn't cuck us into being their fucktoy for there own agenda
government is fucked.
i would want so much a revolution in this sick country
Learn to stop sucking Merkel cock
it's not me, jut this jewish government
File: CnXT3VuXYAAquYU.jpg (95 KB, 723x944) Image search: [Google]
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Leading the way is the only way for France
we need charles martel
it's a true leader
File: anglo.jpg (85 KB, 680x458) Image search: [Google]
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>Implying it wasn't the anglos.

The eternal anglos are at it again.
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>give up guns
>leftists give away country to brown terrorists

France needs another Day of the Tiles.

This is what generation identity needs to plan.

fuck off Proxy King
Any footage of the attack?
Shut up, Rumsfeld.
It's funny how much I agree with Hitler nowadays.
Who wants to start the Fourth Reich with me?
>The whole concept of your country is that your french and liberal
>get fucked
>plz help

I think it's time to reconsider the concept about France.
Thread replies: 45
Thread images: 13

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