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Happy Merchant memes/reaction images have to be stopped
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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Thread replies: 35
Thread images: 24
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If /pol/ loves Israel and the Jewish people so much, then why are these filthy depictions of the Jewish people are still being passed around? 8pol moderators has anchored and deleted every single one of "Happy Merchant" sharing memes, its time for this site to do the same.

Remember, the Jews are the most hated by the Muslims. Hating Jews makes you a Muslim/terrorist/rapefugee sympathizer.
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>everything has to be black and white

Both jews and muslims need to be exterminated.
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Oy Vey No More.jpg
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>hating one automatically means you can't hate the other
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Christchan maylayfag go away, no one wants your shit here
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Muslims-Arabs are bio-weapons of war that the Jews use against us.

3rd World immigration = a Jewish bio weapons

this tbqh famalam

World would be a better place if the whole middle east was wiped off the map
Nice merchant threat

Posting merchants
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Jews are evil
for all we care the US or Russia hell even China should glass the fuck out of the middle east, the root cancer of today's society.. fuck off Maraysia cuck ass, curry eating, durian smelling motherfuckers.
thank u greatest ally
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99 Insight.webm
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fucking saved
fuck off
I see Google's Deep DREEEEEams is still being put to good use.
anyone else notice the literal 100-fold increase in happy merchant meme during the times of for example "operation protective edge"?

whenever i see a merchant i consider the possibility that it's a t. achmed with a proxy... 3 bucks a month after all
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Happy merchant is hilarious
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We side with neither, we side with Evropa.
No way
90% of /pol just a jewcucked monkeys with moin kompf education.
Why is this ironic bait so fucking effective? Everytime I see someone pretending to be jewish they get 6 gorillion replies. We should do something like this with muslim sock puppets to reverse redpill normies.
>implying I don't have Forum accounts pretending to be a Turk
>implying I didn't act all normal and cool kid for a couple of months, while discussing normie subjects.
>implying that when Orlando happened I didn't act surprised why all these people cared about gays being killed and tried to explain to people that according to Islam all gays deserve to die
>implying I didn't side with the killer to the horror of every single person on the forum who was convinced I was just a normal secular Turk.

>implying I didn't explain to them that what I'm saying is the normal in Turkey and Muslim countries and that they should execute all their gays themselves, but should thank us Muslims for helping them out.

>implying I don't have a couple of additional accounts, one pretending to be a refugee in Germany and another an African in the UK.

Step it up cucks.
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>JIDF is real

Fugg :DDD
God i love my coutry
jidf pls go
>30 replies in 1.5 hours
>super effective
Not JIDF, just a hobby of mine to crush the multiculti dreams of young liberals across the world.
You can't believe how satisfying this is.

I get them to be in a state of shell shock. Their usual buzzwords are useless, their 'racist!!!' rhetoric cannot be deployed.

They called me a homophobe, I replied with something along the lines
>Don't call me homo anything I don't want to be associated with these vermin.

I laugh every time, plus I get to call them racists when they argue against me :)
Thread replies: 35
Thread images: 24

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