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World war III risk with continent bonuses..
Get in here!
>New Egyptian Empire
>United States of America
Only two nations so far.
Will start at minimum 6 nations.
>holy Roman Empire
>Islamic State
>Saudi Arabia
Bump this shit
Also, Get a Tripcode.
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Two more nations and we will start the game!
How do you know if you'v filled in enough to get a continent bonus?
When you control the continent
Light Green
Slick Willy
You want you nation to be called Slick Willy our Australia?
What I mean is, where does Europe stop and Asia start on this map? Where does russia come into this?
Theres no clear line, but im joining anyway :)
If I was called Australia, where would I start?
Kek, call me Slick Willy.
One more guis
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Alright boys we are ready!.
the sloppy red line marks Europe and Asia..
Jump in when u want lurkers! Many nations to claim.

2000 BC!
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Fill Australia spills into South America.
Slick Willy demands it.

Fill in Sicily
Advance to the Middle East.
>start in Mongolia
>"Mongol Khanate"

Expand into china
Fill the rest of Arabia
Girls Generation

Expand to Japan and China
True Aryans
is the old skype group still around? I think I remember you...
Spill into the balkans
I remember someone mentioning a skype group the other day, whats all that about?
I think it is, but I haven't been on for ages so not sure
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1900 BC.
Australia is getting filled up, and are we closing into a war already in the middle east?
>Any color
DESTORY the Islamic state.
Fill Australia spills indonesia
Continue filling South America
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War it is.

Attack Egypt
Expand in Russia
Get a tripcode
Also where are my 11 territories from last roll?
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Fill the balkans and turkey
Frog faced twat
any color
wew lad
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Any Color
can i get in on this

>Dark Red
>start me in alaska
>name is Dindu Gibsmedat
trip added
Calling it now

Australia is going to have a really easy time with the game because it's the easiest bonus to get

OP you should have divided the bonuses north europe south europe etc
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Frog Faced Twat.png
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How can a person look so much like an ugly muppet
t. David Cameron
>signing my death warrant
luv u 2 bb
It can get invaded from two fronts anytime
Hey :) I was in a game with you yday
Give me Latvia in dark red if its still possible to join
thats great but why are you taking 20 mins for simple expansions, considering no one even has a bonus yet
The crowd is chanting...

Coup, coup, coup, coup, coup.
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1800 BC.
Added in the missing IS rolls..
South America not has three nations.
Attack green
Can I play, if i can, Tercera Republica Española
Any color
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Fill Brazil, attack Argentina

Fill Scandinavia. Spills to North Russia
Fill all of the UK and Ireland, if spills then fill iceland
Continue attacking egypt
Defend against Brazil and counter-attack the Mestizo
attack brazil
Abajo Paraguay, viva el imperio hispano-portugues
mongols expand in china/india
Thanks for writing that +8 next to me OP I never could have done it without you.

Fill Indonesia
those look nice
I'm Nige btw :^)>>80993814

Want to form an alliance?
Shame there's no dubs bonus

dude YEAH
yeah, this is the first map i have seen that doesnt give dubs
if you mean yesterday, that was me.

I used to play 4chan risk through a skype group led by Madotsuki. Its been a long time so I only remember names Madotsuki and Swiss Dave. But we had a google drive with an archive of hundreds of risk maps
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Praise Kek. Even though he's been chaotic for me today
> Anyone Wanna Host a new one with a less retarded map? I mean more bonus and pali etc. etc.
expand south along the coast and southeast from my big clump of space

>General Gibsmedats
Wow Obama has quite a big beard in that photo.
I was planning but I saw there was a game going and it's kinda rude to host a game while another one is going and steal OP's players
I can't host due to problems on the computer, but I want to participate
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Continue attacking Green
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Take Scandinavia and North Russia
Well ask OP, if he want?
Into South America
Will you do one after this?
Defend from all attacks and use spill to claim Peru
kill brazil then argentina
praise kek for high roll
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Allah give me strength

Annihilate Egypt
>OP doesn't count dubs
Abandon thread.
Unless this one somehow ends in the next hour, probably not
Fill Ireland, and then fill iceland, if spills claim northern france
Alliance, mano?
Fill Iberia and then head towards France
mongols expand peacefully
Just checked aswell
Wtf OP?
What sort of map denies Keks dubs/trips etc
start one bro
OP, nice start on map, but please fix bonuses and dubs/trips

fill out the rest of canada with my next move, any direction

General Dindu Gibsmedats
I'm nige btw:^)>>80994857
Plox m8, kek is in your side
I'll add dubs etc for next round then
Does this mean my dubs are counted?
thanks, based OP

is this how you trip?
Why not count this rounds dubs??
Dont be a faggot OP
bc me and brazil got dubs last roll
> Woah, Cant catch up a decent match in a couple days

If he's adding dubs now then he has to add mine from the start
haha dope ive never tripped before
Jesus christ you whiny faggot I'll add it next round otherwise everyone else will cry
If OP doesn't count the dubs rolled in this turn abandon thread.
was just confirming your trip correctly bro
yeah i know thanks man
OP is obviously trying to make the map better bro, take it easy on him
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Attack Green
Fill Russia
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Leave no survivors, kill their men, enslave their children, put their women into harems.
kill pink
Fill france
Fill Iberia and then head towards Rome
Calm down brit, the Islamic Republic request you to calm ur pussy
Remove Orange in South America
Push Slick Willy out of South America.
I implore my comrades in South America to aid me in this endeavor


Anti slideshilling /cfg/ post:

Link to current bread:
/cfg/ sleepy edition:

defend against green and attack green
Move into "United States of America's" Territory and take him out if I have enough on my roll

>Dindu Gibsmedats
Hispaniola will be next, infidel
Don't forget to destroy their places of worship.
I'm the true muslim, Al-Andalus will beat ur shitty ass
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Attack Green
Mongols storm the pink fags
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Continue the attack on Egyptian infidels
Continue to attack Green, offer an Alliance to the Cartel. I would like to ask OP if we can split the bonus for SA, 4 each
kill off america and start filling out the rest of canada pls
Fill france, attack Iberians
defend and then attack green
Up to you
If he's willing to accept I agree to it.
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Fill france
Kill green
Didnt see ur roll Ill add it next round
kill argentina
Thank you, Sven
give me the rest of canada and start spreading into the american territories pls
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Continue attacking the egypt
Defend firstly, then counter attack Cartel
any more allowed?
you forgot to cross out america's name too, i killed him
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You cant take over Germany if u want no more colors. Just add it in ur trip.

Kill green
Defend first, then continue to attack the cartel
Keep attacking
kill argentina
Fill france attack Iberia
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Destroy the infidels

Allah give me dubs
give me that island that's still white at the top (not greenland) and just continue my conquest of north america, just fill stuff out, thanks
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IS pushing back Egypt
Cartel getting BTFO
Fill western france, attack Iberia
Move down to attack green in australia
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Continue the offensive
I offered peace, so his fault.
Continue to attack Cartel.
kill argentina
continue expanding as ive been doing
Allah is blessing us with dubs

How much are dubs
I am no goat fucker
What the fuck is that in the middle of the Atlantic?
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Egypt crumbles to ashes as IS expands..
The cartel is on it's knees.
No fucking clue desu
Continue attacking Iberia. If spills occupy iceland
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Fill west into Libya!

Expand the Caliphate!
kill argentina
Brown Finland and Holy Roman Empire is still open
Carry on to Australia from japan
Continue fighting the Cartel
keep expanding thanks
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1000 BC.
Stalemate in SA.
Continue to attack the Cartel
keep expanding. so close to south america...
Spread east into Iran
Take southern Iberia, the use leftovers to occupy Iceland
Take all of Australia
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GIF so far btw
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Another stalemate in South America.
Gibsmedats and Girl Generation both closing in on the bonuses
Offer Alliance to Girl's generation.
Continue attacking the Cartel.
Take territories in mid atlantic
Take rest of Australia
Expand into North Africa

You forgot to add >>80999719
KIll argintina
well lets keep going then shall we?
Wait my mistake
No i didnt just filled yemen etc aswell
Oh boy I wonder if it's the war to end it all
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Didn't see that, carry on op
Wanna jump in Qatar? Plenty of afk nations to choose from.
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Girl Generation gets it's bonus.
Nigel expanding in the Atlantic..
Cartel once again losing ground agains the Aryans.
Forgot ur ill add it dont worry
Try to deal the finishing blow to the Cartel
Fill the mi-atlantic territories. Use what points are left to occupy Greenland
keep expanding for all of north america. I dont know what youre considering for needing the bonus though, do i need cuba? where is the cut off ?
what is your plan? are you expaning northwards or did you want to ally and expand west?
You have ten spills.. Whereto?

You need Cuba and Greenland yes.
Kill the rest of green expand west in asia
I'd be willing to ally and expand west, yes
East I meant, sorry GG
alright use my dubs bonus to take greenland and continue to fill out NA thanks

yeah for sure, ill ally with you guys
if this nigger is using his spills use my dubs to kill any land he takes
i added you to my ally thing
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Finish off the Cartel and use extra to fill out the rest of South America
Split my roll. Half my points take northern canada, the other half attack USA from the atlantic
push back against purple from the north, leading into greenland, but not pursuing into iceland. any left over use to continue the expansion
Also Lurkers feel free to jump in anytime as any afk nation.
Expand south west
Is Islamic State afk?
I'll take it
Is Kaumolaiset afk?
yes. Ill let you and IS roll next mupdate
I'm back

Expand into Turkey
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Take Rome instead is is back

WAR has broken out in North America!
The Aryans has cleansed SA.
The Asian expansion goes unnoticed.
Attack the muslims
Islamic state. Why not to conquer italy??
I'll take brown
Finish off the Brazilians and take the rest of South America.
take back the land purple has taken from me and both fronts. any left over roll use to push into greenland
Expand into the Caucaus
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If Pinkie wants a war, I'll give him a war, I'll destroy him like Egypt

The first one to Trip Kaumolaiset and roll will get it.
The weeaboos are attacking, I will send them to their false gods first
Attack from US territories
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